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MrDaff Report 15 May 2009 11:05

Change of plan... one of my sisters has just phoned.... we are off out, three of us, for a coffee and to look at computer desks (for me,lol) and..... dah rah, I have decided to drive Suzee Sunshine over there, although we'll go in H's car!!

I am excited, lolol... now how daft is that?

See you all later


Daff xxxxxx


AnninGlos Report 15 May 2009 12:41

Hope you had a good time Daff. I envy you having your sisters near to go out with. Clouded over now but patches of sun and still warm enough to sit out. Hope Glos is getting some of that rain then. Did you enjoy your drive?


Mazfromnorf Report 15 May 2009 13:58

hello i feel like a drowned rat it is chucking it down here


Taff Report 15 May 2009 19:13

**Watch out shop staff,
Our Daffs About!!**
Blimey Daff, you gave them what for! good on you!!
I dont blame you at all, no wonder the hand towels and sink were clean, could they have been used without a tap working?? Eww! Do they think disabled people dont touch the food!!
But apart from that, its great to see you back on form again, LOL.
Really pleased you got the 'scrips, before the were old enough to become another bible!
Well, I guess I'll have to take the blame for every cold in Wales now, 'cos I aint arguing with you! Thats for sure,LOL
~~~ to Mamiddau!!!
So you,ve been out galavanting again today then? You go girl!! ( much better than swearing around the house all day!!).
Love as always.


Jenxx Report 16 May 2009 08:52

Page 4 thats where I found this tut tut
Good Morning Daff
dark old morning here though it did start off sunny
have a good day see you soon


Harpstrings Report 16 May 2009 09:04

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello Daff~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Glad to see you are feeling much better. Dont know what its like where you are, but it bloomin blowing a gale here and cold, so wrap up warm!

Have a good day

love and hugs
Tina xxxx


Mazfromnorf Report 16 May 2009 10:20

morning it is bright and breezy here but a good storm during the night


MrDaff Report 16 May 2009 10:25

Morning all... Harpy, it is blowing a gale here across the channel, too!! I was going to go an play in the garden, but don't want my hair to get all mussed up, lolololol ;¬)) I have a new gardeners multi tool thingy and I want to play with it!! It is on the lines of a Swiss knife.... got it half price cos it is a discontinued line. It has the secateurs, and they fold over in half, then it has a budding/grafting knife, a weeding blade, a mini saw, and a sharp knife.... and it comes in a little pouch that you can attach to your belt.... really neat!!

~~~~~~~ waves to Jen.

Maz, I do hope you have dried out now?

Lol Ann... there are a couple of feuds going on at the moment... you wouldn't envy me if you could hear how silly they are being..... I want to bash their blinking heads together!! *Huge Sigh* Ended up being myself and H... she isn't arguing with anyone, lol.... so we had a fabulous time. Went for lunch, spent time in Dunelms, The Range, Homebase, PC World and Staples... I didn't find a desk I wanted though. But we had a couple of coffee stops... and I loved driving Suzee again!!

Taff, I promise not to blame you for my cold, lol!!

Well, I must go and find some more things not to do, wmsl........ the sun is making a brave attempt to show it's face.... but it is surrounded by sullen black clouds, so I don't think it will hang around long once it gets a look at that lot.... overwhelming!!

Have a lovely day everyone


Daff xxxxx


Susan10146857 Report 16 May 2009 11:02

Morning ~~~~


Mauatthecoast Report 16 May 2009 11:07

Good morning Daff and All............I appear to be stalking you Susan lol

It's a bright sunny day here and the garden looks so fresh and lovely after yesterday's rain. The birds are singing in their bath :O)

Mau XX


MrDaff Report 16 May 2009 12:29

~~~~~~~~~Hiya Susan!!

Hiya Mau... we have had a real mixed bag, weather wise, lol.... the sun tried to come out earlier, but was battered into submission by the wind and dark clouds... then we had a real downpour... and now we have a gentle breeze, which has encouraged the sun to stick his head back over the parapet... I have been daring and hung out some towels, so hope it stays nice long enough to dry them, lol!!

I am going over to my sisters to collect some more paviers (paving bricks) later, as she still has loads... the landscaper used them to define the back borders, and there are enough now for the next phase.... plus there will be just about enough for the very front bit, when I get the cash together to do that!! Continuity and re-cycling, lolol!!

~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone!!


Daff xxxx


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 16 May 2009 12:47

Morning Daff & Mr Daff:o))

So its your fault we have just had a heavy downfall!! mind you its saved me a job......Vic is dong the shopping to save 2 of us getting soaked, so l'm doing "dirty word" instead, been using some of those furniture, glass etc wipes, lovely smell to them, one more unit to do then upstairs:o)) or should it be :o((

You do sound better Daff, hope it continues, but don't get wet or you'll catch a chill....ok???

l did me stint at the charity shop on Tues/ Fri...Tues was fine but Fri was horrid....l as good as cought possibly 3 people stealing, they were so on the blinky ball with their distractions, l realised too late what was going on and then went to the part of the shop where they were and tried looking in their bags...grrrrrr...could'nt see in:o((( called the manager but it was too late. THEN about 15 mins later another lady came up to me with a jacket she'd found hanging on the wrong rail, (right where l went to look in their bags), she said "l found this on the linen rail, do you think someone was trying to take it"....yes l said probably, and started to tell about the other 2 ladies....she then said shall l go and tell the manager in the next shop (and even gave me her name), ooo yes please says me!!!!! and gave her a disription of the other 2!!......well l kept waking up in the night thinking about this lady and thought l ought to phone the other shop this morning....guess what "she did'nt go in and tell her", so l'm assuming she was part of the scam!!!!....l had a bad time with the manager couple of times(my fault not hers), lost confidence completely and ended up in tears, got home and bashed me head on the garage door and made it bleed (only a wee bit though).
Got me winge over ....sorry.

Feel better today :o))

Take care Daff and Mr Daff:o))

jude xxxx


AnninGlos Report 16 May 2009 14:00

Oh Jude, don't lose your confidence over silly little things. Not your fault you didn't catch them, it beggars belief that people will steal from charity shops doesn't it? But you are not to blame and you tried to catch them. Just be aware if they come in again. At least you know it was your fault you had a problem with the manager and no doubt admitted it. I am sure that normally you are fine.

Daff, breezy and heavy cloud cover here but not cold at all, been for a longish walk and stopped on the way back up the hill to recover with beer and pate and bread. The wireless here is very tempermental so if I am not on it is probably that.

Just heard from my sister that Emma (Ajay's Mum) is expecting another boy in September, my sister has only just found out as Emma is having trouble getting her head around it. Emma's sister is expecting a girl any day so sister will have two great grandchildren in one year!!!!



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 16 May 2009 14:09

Sorry Ann l mislead you there........l had bad time with manager over something else. but l'll get over it l'm a big girl now:o))

jude xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 17 May 2009 01:54

Hi Daff, I hope you are going to apply to be part of the Open Gardens scheme for charity when you have all the work finished lol I can just picture you wandering round showing people where all the plants come from etc and dispensing tea and cakes lol
I am getting very excited, we are to have a Dunelm store in Norwich, I never got round to visiting it when in Wales and so wanted to go there, so now will have one within a couple of miles. How sad am I? I just love those sort of stores tho lol

Hope the weather stays fine so you can enjoy pottering, didn't get round to sorting out the plants, what a surprise! but will try and do them soon, can't see me handing them over in person sadly but one day I will get down your way and see them in situ perhaps.


Jude, would be awful if I worked in a charity shop - I would be wanting to buy all the stock lol Hope your next shift goes better, and you know what to look out for with the thieves now.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2009 08:13

purple that would be a brill idea we could have a meet a daffs lol
we have had such a lot of rain over the last few days all my green stuff has grown not dry enough to work outside though


Taff Report 17 May 2009 10:14

Morning Daff, from the "four seasons"!
Blimey, we had Gales, rain, sunshine, hail,yesterday. And it was raining so hard in the early hours it woke me up! I should have stood outside with my shower gel, but there are horses in the field, and I must'nt frighten them! LOL.
Well, the colds all gone now, has yours and Mr Daffs?

If your alone at work, dont ever try to approach shop lifters! If they are desperate enough to steal from a charity shop, who knows what else they are capable of?!Scum as they are!!

Love as always.


MrDaff Report 17 May 2009 12:45

Morning all.... well, we've had an odd couple of days weather wise, lol!!

I slept late today... up watching Eurovision, lol... how sad!!

Jude, when my mum worked in the Oxfam shop local to her, one day they had just one customer, all day!! Well dressed, and sometimes attended the same chapel as mum... they chatted, my the lady browsed, and then asked mum for something in the jewellery case... mum had to crouch down to open it... by the time she got up, woman had left the shop..... and seconds later mum realised that a beautiful vase had disappeared along with her!! Mum was devastated.... and still sees this lady... It happens to all of us who have worked with the public at some stage. I hope things are sorted with the manager.... mwah!! and (((((hugs)))))) to keep you going!

Taff..... noooooooooooo!! Please don't.... it isn't warm enough by far for an out door shower yet!!! R's cold seems to have done an about turn.... he is coughing and snuffling worse than when he had man flu... but I think it sounds different... and I want him to take antihistamine today just to see if it helps... he gets this regularly, and I reckon it's hayfever. I have a cough and my voice is still husky.... but otherwise feel brilliant. I take the last antibiotic today, and am off to see Top Doctor Man tomorrow, lol!

Liz, don't worry about the plants!! Anytime... my garden isn't going anywhere, lolol... I am really excited.... he'll be starting this coming Tuesday!! By this time next week the view from my kitchen window will be totally different!!

Maz, that is a brilliant idea!!

~~~~~~~~~~ madly to Ann.... your geranium are flowering in their new and permanent home!! They are looking wonderful... oh, and the one from your parent's is thriving... no flowers yet... but I can't wait for you to see it! I am going to take a couple of cuttings this winter and have some in the new bit of garden as well... I love the shape of it. Can't wait for it to flower. I love this gardening lark!! I have a stunning plant... R grew it from seed, but I can't remember what it's called, but it is doing well again this year.... shape is sort of like a geranium... it carries lovely flowers a sort of crushed raspberry colour.... the bees love it! Quite delicate looking. If you like it when you see it, I'll dig some up for you.

Well...... lets go and see what has been happening on the boards... and then go and give R a hand... if the rain comes down too heavily we are popping off to the garden centre.... I just love it there!!

Loads of love

Daff xxxxx


Huia Report 17 May 2009 22:27

Daff, If R starts going 'oink oink' you know what to do!


MrDaff Report 17 May 2009 23:06

Wmsl Huia....... poor man... I've still made him work in the garden, lolol

Well, g'night all.... am off to bed... I have had a double helping of NCIS and Jethro Gibbs... so I am extremely happy, lolol!!


Daff xxxx