Marriages & Divorces

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What can I find in the Marriage & Divorce records?

Within the marriage records you can find essential information such as the date and location of your ancestor's marriage or divorce. The marriage records contain the name of the spouse, maiden name of the bride and in some cases the names of the bride and grooms father's too.

5 easy steps to use the Marriage records

  • Enter first and last name
  • Change the event type to 'other' and enter the year of marriage
  • Too many results? Add a location or spouse name to 'Optional keywords'
  • Not enough results? Tick the 'name variants' box in case the name has been recorded under a different spelling and remove any optional keywords
  • View your search results for free

Success Story

Using the marriage records I was able to find my great grandmother's maiden name. She had quite a unusual surname and I discovered that she had 4 illegitimate children whilst her husband was away fighting in the Boer War! Lesley - A Genes Reunited member