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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 6 Sep 2009 17:23

Well done Mo on the bingo wins, a game I have never played, likewise darts!! Lol, is something missing in my life? I have tried in the past to throw darts and just could not do it, as I went to throw, my hands seemed to seize up, really weird.
Just cooked the few baby beetroots I grew in my window box tub. Not a great success but enough for a jar full in spiced vinegar in the fridge. I think the most successful in tubs were french beans and baby carrots, spring onions were quite good too and lettuce. Courgette, well we had one large one that was really nice, then nothing! Will try again next year though.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Sep 2009 17:36

Mmmm I love fresh cooked beetroot Ann,but without the vinegar added.
You should try bingo Ann,it can be fun,but only when you are winning.
I stopped going about two years ago,because I was going through a phase of not winning a thing. Otherwise,it can become very expensive.
My OH went through a phase,that is known as dart- itus. He could not let go of his darts no matter how hard he tried. Apparantly,this happens to quite a few people,even the experts who play in big tournaments.
Try again next year with your veggies,I am sure you will succeed,especially as you were lucky with some of them this year.


AnninGlos Report 6 Sep 2009 17:39

That is exactly how I was with darts, a really strange feeling. Yes I will try again, I think the beetroot were too close together but as theyw ere a free packet no financial loss.


Sallie Report 6 Sep 2009 18:20

Hello All,

Here I am again, just having a bit of a break from scrapping. It's coming along, slowly but surely, I hope.

Mo, that was nice having another win on bingo. You and your daughter will have to go again, having won twice, there might be a third time. Third time lucky, or so the saying goes. So, what are you going to treat yourself to? I agree with Marilyn, you should treat yourself to something, after putting up with your unwelcome visitor for over a week.

Marilyn, at the moment we have only one problem on Alun's side, that's trying to find out what happened what to one of his gggrandfathers after the 1881 census. But that's a long story, all we know is that Alun's grandmother would never talk about that side of the family. It's the Herefordshire side of his family.
I hope you enjoyed your lunch out. We haven't been out for Sunday lunch for ages. Most Sunday's we have someone come here for lunch. Today Jennie and Michael have been here. I don't mind though!

Ann, hope you and OH are both okay. Like you, I have never played bingo and I can't throw a dart. When I throw a dart it ends up anywhere but on the board. I have tried many times in the past, always with the same result.

Thinking of everyone else and hoping you are all alright.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 6 Sep 2009 21:49

Hi all. I had a vague feeling that sempervirens was the second part of a plant name so I have just looked up my plant 'bible' and found SEMPERVIVUM, a member of the Crassulaceae family, House Leek. Hmm, I wont be growing any. It sounds like a bit of a weed to me. 'Rosettes die after flowering but leave numerous offsets'. That is the sort of plant that we dont want getting into the native bush nearby. But I am sure it looks great in your gardens, girls.



Huia Report 7 Sep 2009 05:19

Well, to all of you who are scratching your heads wondering why I am talking about Sempervivum on this thread, I could have sworn I was putting it on the thread where others were discussing it, but now it looks as if it should be on Daffs thread. All this lawnmowing must have got me really befuddled.


Zack Report 7 Sep 2009 05:41

Hi Everyone, I have read your posts, you all sound busy, pleased to hear the rat has gone MOkent
Regarding your grandfather Mo , would he have been a refugee or did he migrate to England
Does England have passenger lists or Refugee lists?there must be some Paper work on in coming passengers.
Sallie , Marilyn,you sound very busy. Ann I hope you have a great holiday it is you who is off to Corfu ???
Huia you sound a lot better I am pleased, Love to you and Phil.
Mo do you have his Death cert.another thought in Aust .you have to be registered to vote and what about the Census records of course you my have all that information,and are just looking for information on his life in Belgium.

I must close love to you all Marie from oz


JustJean Report 7 Sep 2009 08:03

Good Morning Campers, Hi,De,Hi, we have what promises a week of warm weather with some sunshine, according to the forecast.... so kids are back at school which is a shame, I am sure mums would have loved it when they were off, but for the oldies like me , it works out for the better, places and shops quieter......we are off to the Lowry Centre tomorrow, daughters treat, and J and I are looking for a couple of days out.... life is sweet.....

Mo, I was a bit gutted I cant print your photo off, D says its the wrong format for me...Have you any already developed that you could post to me....
I am also upset as the rest of my G.R. photos with the exception of Anns and a couple of others ,are all darker than I would have liked...they all looked good on my laptop, but not when printed so we will have to see,,,,

Huia, you seem to be getting carried away with the domestic stuff, get yourself a glass of wine and plonk yourself down.... have you seen Phil? how is he getting on? we are all thinking of you both....

Marie , You sound as though you are very good at this genealogy stuff I am hopeless if it wasnt for my cousins I wouldnt hav a tree at all . started to late in life... but worth it for all the lovely friends I have on here...
just think we could have gone through life not knowing each other, and that would have been such a shame.... so its worth the subscriptions to me. take care my love....

Mo, I am in tears here at the small wins for you, I had my eye on a lovely bungalow, as I felt sure you would have treated me to a share... you really must try pleased the thing has gone I was having dreams about it !!! hope your lovely O.H. is o.k. big hugs for him and you of course...

Hi, to Mariyln, Sallie,Debbie Sue and everyone else have a nice week...

Love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 7 Sep 2009 08:28

Hi everyone, I must set to and balance the household accounts this morning, a job I hate. Huia, thank you Sempervivens, my spelling error putting an R in instead of a V. They are mostly very small plants, mainly used in rockeries and although they send out offshoots they are not really invasive.



AnninGlos Report 7 Sep 2009 08:29

I meant to say Jean, what photo programme do you have on your computer? It may be possible to make the photos brighter.


Huia Report 7 Sep 2009 10:57

Ann, you would be surprised the things that are invasive here in New Zealand. Probably our superior climate!
Agapanthus is a no-no these days, and buddleia, cotoneaster, all sorts of things that you would happily grow in your gardens. I am even beginning to feel a bit doubtful about my much loved hydrangeas, some of them seem to have seeded down! Since we have native bush just over the road we dont want any of these exotics getting into it.

Off to bed now. See you all tomorrow.



GRMarilyn Report 7 Sep 2009 11:45

Hi All,

lets have Aluns problem on his Gt grt grandfathers side after the 1881
in Herefordshire ...!!

See what I can the weather is grim ,might as well sit at lappy and do something..

Marilyn x


Sallie Report 7 Sep 2009 18:37

Hi Everyone,

Marilyn, only just seen your message. Are you sure you want to try and look for information on Alun's grt grt grandfather. I'll PM you all that we have on him, later on after we've had our dinner.

Huia, you sound a lot better! I'm not into knowing the names of plants, apart from the ones with the more common names. Hope you found Phil well when you visited him. I'm thinking about you both.

Jean, when does J have his next hospital appointment? I hope that all will go well for him. Where and what is the Lowry you are going to with your daughter? Hope you will have a good day there.

Ann, as you know I'm managing to get some scrappages done, Do you have any suggestions please, on what kind of colours to put with sepia photos?
I've tried different colours and shades, but are not happy with most of them.

Marie glad to hear from you. It looks as though you are good at searching for information on ancestors. It looks as though some of our ancestors disappeared into thin air, especially one of Alun's grt grt grandfather.
Hope all is well with you and your family.

Mo, did you go and treat yourself to something today? Hope both you and Roly are alright. Have you heard anymore about your granddaughter. I'm sure she would have had the results by now. I know she doesn't want any fuss, but at least she should let her mum know.

Sending special thoughts to Debbie, Sue, Liz and Grace.

Take care everyone.

Bset wishes.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 7 Sep 2009 19:04

Sallie J goes on Friday to see the consultant next one is about Oct just before we go away,The Lowry is in Manchester, its a large complex with shopping out let and also cinema and theatre it is named after Lowrey the painter, matchstick me and women....

love Jean x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Sep 2009 19:08

Hello my friends.
My grandfather came to the u.k,before the war. He was on the cencus forms,prior to marrying my nan. And I have his death certificate,but my mum registered his death,and there are no other names on the cert.
So,I am really confused,as I am not really any good at research. But never mind.
The Lowry Centre,is that anything to do with the artist T.S Lowry,at least I think thats his name,I'm not really up to the names of artists.
I will get a photo done for you,and send it on to you. Please remind me,if I forget.
Don't worry my love,if I had won that much at bingo,a bungalow would have been on my shopping list for you. That's after I had bought my own.
I hope you got your accounts sorted out. What else have you been up to today?.
Hows you been lately. Are you getting more sleep now. How is Phil.?
Have they done his assessment yet?
I have not treated myself yet. It's always the same isn't it,when youv'e got the money,you don't see anything you want,and when you haven't any,you see several things.
Still no news on my grandaughter. She is on holiday in Turkey for two weeks. If she's not worried,I sometimes feel I shouldn't be,but it's not in my nature.
Good to see you have booked your holiday. Enjoy yourself.
Wheres Debbie got to,she must be busy with the children being back at school.
Hi Sue and Grace and our Marilyn.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 7 Sep 2009 21:11

Well I got the accounts sorted then walked to the local shops to get the papers. When I came back there was a correspondence magazine waiting for me. In case you don't know, this is a selection of letters all put together in a folder which circulates round, each person answers all the letters in the folder within one letter. This particular one has been going for over 20 years, just six of us in it, some I have met some i haven't but they are all good friends now. that had to be answered, then I sat and made four cards. Then this evening I have been watching the soaps.

Sallie, I tend to think that shades of brown, orange, pale pink, maybe peach and light green go with sepia.


Sallie Report 7 Sep 2009 22:01

Thanks for that Ann! I've tried pink but I think it was the wrong shade of pink, so I'll look for different shades. Glad you managed to get your accounts done-- Alun does the accounts in this house, thank goodness.
Although I do look at them and go through them with him.

Jean, I thought it might have something to do with Lowrey the artist, but wasn't sure. It sounds a good place to go to.

Mo, I know what you mean when you say you don't know what you want--it's always the same, when you haven't got the money you see so much that you would like to buy--when you have got it, you see nothing.

Love, Sallie.xx


Zack Report 8 Sep 2009 11:42

MOkent, I have e-mailed you re Grandfather
Love Marie

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Sep 2009 20:11

My goodness,it's so quiet on here again. Where is everybody. It's not winter yet,so folks can't be in hibernation. sp.
It has been really hot here again today.
Finished doing the pruning in the garden,thank goodness thats done ready for winter.
I want to buy some winter bedding plants,but I am unsure as to what I want yet. I love my winter pansies,so I will get some of them.
I hope you are all well. Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 8 Sep 2009 20:38

Hi, Mo, if peeps are like me they will be asleep...the Lowry outlet was so tiring I dont know why I go, they are all on a par with each other, seen one seen them all...I think J would wander around them all day , it wasnt busy, but maybe its the lights or warmth, that puts me out, I was so tired , I have come to the decision, I am not a shopper at all... but the traffic in Manchester was awful, road works every were, and so many people, years ago when I had my shop we used to go to the warehouses, and now they have all gone ,there are hundreds of apartment blocks, some very posh, some naff, but the heart seems to have gone out of the city. I did manage to go to Craftworld in the Lowry and had a little buy...or at least thats what I told went to a Toby carvery for lunch £5 a head very good, so no cooking tonight,

Huia, how are you and Phil getting on... is he settling at all, how are you too?

hope everyone is fighting fit and having a ball.... btw the kitchen people are coming tomorrow to see what is needed and how much, hope we can afford it... going to have an early night still weary, God bless...

love Jean xx