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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 1 Sep 2009 22:12

Hi All,

Debbie, your boys are certainly enjoying the fishing trips. When do they start back to school? You are all going to miss the freshly caught fish when they start back.

Mo, I hope that the rat catcher will be able to do something to get rid of it your unwelcome visitor tomorrow. Surely they will be able to find out where the thing is during the daytime. Apart from your TV/Video cabinet.
Alun and I can't understand why the poison hasn't killed it.
I hope both you and Roly are okay otherwise.

Liz, after reading a few threads on here, Broadstairs sounds nice, we have never been there, but it sounds the kind of place that both Alun and I would like. Do you think your OH would like it there?

Ann, read your thread about your granddaughter, it really gave me have a good chuckle. Good job Grannie had a sense of humour. Little ones are so innocent, bless them.

Huia, hope you enjoyed choir practice , sorry I keep getting the times mixed up. Hope you find Phil well when you visit him next.

I'm having a bit of a problem with this message, not sure if it's my computer or GR playing up again. Thought I had lost a part finished message to you all, but found that it had been submitted twice without me touching anything.

Thinking of Marilyn, Marie, Jean, Grace and Sue.

Speak soon. Take everyone!

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 2 Sep 2009 14:07

Hello Everyone,

Just looking in to see if there was any news of Mo's unwelcome

Hope you are all alright. Speak later!

Take care!

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Sep 2009 14:37

The ratman,has been again girls. He has put more bait down,he had a good look round and cannot see where it is coming from.
The funny thing about it was,last night,Roly trapped it in the video cabinet,and we could hear it in there. He blocked of the cable hole,so that it could not escape.
Today,both Roly and the ratman,carried it out into the garden,except that,Roly fell down the back step,the unit went flying across the garden,and the rat was nowhere to be seen.
We are not sure wether it ran back into the house or not.
So,on the ratmans recommendation,we have bought big rat traps,and peanut butter as bait. I dread to think what I will do,if one of the traps goes of,while I am on my own in the house. Knowing me,I will probably
run for the front door,and get out.
Be back later to speak to you all. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 2 Sep 2009 15:44

ooer Mo, just hope this rat likes peanut butter!!!! Good luck. Hope Roly is OK after his fall.

Just seen Daff off on her journey home with R. Had a lovely day and a really nice lunch, thanks Daff. Haven't stopped talking, bet she is exhausted 'cos I am Lol!!!!


JustJean Report 2 Sep 2009 17:27

At Last Mo, something more positive for you, hope and pray this does the trick, is Roly o.k. we have had something digging in the large tub outside, the Camelia that Daff got me, we have put bark chippings on it , so now I have put some bits of flag round it too, we have cats next door wonder if its felix....

Ann, glad you and the Daff people have had a nice day , we went out for lunch, best fish and chips ever... we were going to have a stroll in the park but the heavens opened so came back.... sooooooo fed up with all this rain...

Hi, to Sallie Debbie , and everyone else....

Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 2 Sep 2009 18:13

Hi All,

Oh Mo, I'd be just like you with those rat traps down. I hope Roly is alright after his fall down the step. Let's hope that the extra bait along with the traps will do the trick this time. Alun suggested that if you knew someone that's got a terrier, you could borrow, so that it could find the rat and kill it.
Not sure if he's right about that.

Ann, glad that both you and Daff had a lovely day together. It doesn't take much for us girls to enjoy ourselves, a nice lunch and a good natter, and we are happy.

Jean, it looks as though you had a nice lunch out. You can't beat the good old British fish and chips, especially when they are well cooked. It depends on where you go for them. We have a couple of places around that are very good. Although Alun prefers to go to the same one, which he thinks is the best.

Well, we have a leaking dishwasher, it started on Saturday before Richard and Christie arrived. We had quite a lot of water over the kitchen floor, it took us a while to mop up. We've got wooden flooring down, so are worried that it will get ruined. Michael is going to have a look at the dishwasher for us on Saturday.

Hope everyone else is alright, thinking of you all.

Best wishes.

Love, Sallie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Sep 2009 18:48

Sorry girls,I forgot to say,Roly grazed his elbow,and his shoulder hurts a little. But I think his pride was hurt most of all. He said he felt a proper nana,falling in front of the ratman.
He doesn't fall at my feet any longer. lol
Sallie,I hope there is nothing drastically wrong with your diahwasher. I would be lost without mine.
Also I hope your flooring will be o.k. We have put quarry tiles in our kitchen,just in case we have a flood,ie from the washing machine etc.
It's good to hear you had a nice time with Daff,Ann. I hope she is still improving.
If you lived nearer Huia,I would definately borrow your cat. Mine is as soft
as putty,and would run a mile if she saw the rat.
Have you made your mind up,where to go for your holiday yet Liz.
If you did come this way,we could all meet up somewhere.
Sue,how is your son's arm now? is he back at school next week?.
Hi Debbie. I bet it's all go in your house,preparing for school as well.
How's the boys fishing been going. Have they caught much lately..
A BIG BIG XXXXX to Jean. How are you both now. Have your legs settled
down a bit? I can taste the fish and chips,that you both had,yummy.
We have a lovely fish shop,not to far away from us. And as I am not a great lover of thick batter,you can have grilled fish,or they will give it a light
battering. [ not literally you understand ]
I wonder if Marie is o.k,as we have not heard from her in while.
Also Grace.
That's all from me for now. Love and best wishes. Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 2 Sep 2009 18:56

Just a quick hello, looks as tho it will be Corfu!!!!!
Got some good deals at apartments around N./N.W. Corfu from our local airport ten mins away by car so going to book tomorrow, all of them under £350 each so cheaper than an apartment in cold rainly England lol

The thought of snoozing on a warm sandy beach is so enticing.....

and the best bit, most of the apartments are at least one bedroomed, some two so might still get my own bedroom there.

Catch you all later, have spent so long on here looking at reviews for the apartments.....



Huia Report 2 Sep 2009 20:20

Just popping in to let you know I am still alive and kicking.
Cor, Liz. You are a jet setter. Sorry, forgot to add fu.
I had fish and potato cakes for dinner before I went to choir practice on Tues evening. Very well cooked, only trouble is that it had too much salt added for my taste.
I dropped in on our genealogy group meeting (they were waiting for supper) after choir. Chatted to some people but didnt stop for a cuppa as it was so slow.
I think I will visit Phil evey 3rd day instead of every other as it is rather tiring both physically and emotionally. I have to be careful what I say to him in case it stirs him up, wanting to come home. I have trouble understanding what he is saying as the meds seem to make his speech slurred and he gets annoyed when I cant understand.
I hope to catch up with a lot of tidying up today.



AnninGlos Report 2 Sep 2009 20:35

Huia, I am sure that it will do no harm to visit Phil every 3rd day, it will be better for you and give him time to adjust more to you not being there. If he is on medication then he probably wont realise the gap is longer.


Sallie Report 2 Sep 2009 20:51

Mo, pleased that Roly didn't hurt himself too much. I can imagine that his pride was hurt, I know mine would have been.

Mo, I hope that we can sort the dishwasher out, we are having to wash-up by hand at the moment. We certainly missed it at the weekend, with having all the family here for meals. We couldn't have quarry tiles in our kitchen when we had it done, because all the floors downstairs except for the extention are wooden floorboards. So we couldn't put quarry tiles on top of those. The wooden flooring that we put down looks lovely, but when with this leak, it's not very practical. Our washer is in the utility room, so we don't have that to worry about, thank goodness.

As you say Mo, it's a while since we've heard from Marie and Grace. Hope they are both okay.

Speak to you soon.

Love, Sallie.xx


GRMarilyn Report 2 Sep 2009 21:03

Hi Everyone,

Gosh I'm all behind with all your news......I don't meant to, I have been helping someone with their tree and am about to dig it up ..!!

The more I research the deeper I get and the more I get confused, I always thought it was a joy to research , but beginning to wonder why I started .

I do pop on Friendly every day as Mo will tell you, but do think your a lovely bunch of Girls on here !!

Although I don't write long messages , I like reading all yours.

Liz I hope you have a lovely time in Corfu now you watch them Greek men, I mean their hands they are very touchy men ........ LOL

Huia, Glad you are more settled with with Phil I'm sure he is OK and being looked after, I know what you are going through I have first hand experience with my father in law. As long as he has food and is being kept warm with comfort . he will settle.

Mo have you still got that RAT ?????
about time someone did the deeds.... !

Well going to watch Dragons den .

Hi JEAN ..~~~~~~~~~~
Marilyn xxxx to you all.


Deborah Report 3 Sep 2009 11:57

Morning Girls, glad to see that you are all ok. Mo I hope Roly has recovered from his trip on the step. Have you managed to catch the rat yet?

All well here. Very quiet today as the children went back to school. All 4 of them up and having breakfast quite early, but I'm sure that won't last. Only 2 days then the weekend. We have an Athletics Club Championship on Saturday over here so I will be busy there. Daniel has his first football match of the season tonight and all 4 of them started football training this week on various days. Just to keep me on my toes. Seems as though we never had any time off.

The 2 big boys and their cousins of the same age all cooked Mackerel for me and my sister yesterday. They had caught 20 the day before and had filletted them all. They wanted to experiment, so we let them loose in the Kitchen and they came up with some very strange concoctions. Some were rather nice, but others were totally unedible. The joy of being able to "waste" the food is rather naughty, but most of it got eaten. I think everyone turned their noses up at Mackerel in Honey and nobody even dared try the one cooked in drinking chocolate!!!!

Oh well, they all had fun doing it and we all lived to tell the tale.

Got to get on with sorting the house out now. I tend to only do the bare minimum when the children are at home, so that we can spend time together. I am rather beginning to regret that now, having looked at the pit that doubles up as a Childrens' bedroom.

Have a lovely day.


JustJean Report 3 Sep 2009 12:19

Hello, people, still wet and cold here I feel we have lost summer now ,so jumpers and fleeces , and of course raincoats to pack for the hols....ugh.....

Debbie what a great mum you are, you have such fun with your kids, the fish sounds lovely I adore fish, did you try them all... they had a whale of a time...sorry about the pun....

Mo, my love, google www, There is a pest shield on...have a read... I am thinking of getting one, I buy a lot off JMl. they also are on shopping channels t.v.
see what you think...

~~~~~~ to Marilyn and Huia and everyone else ~~~~~~

love and hugs, Jean xx


Zack Report 3 Sep 2009 13:16

Hello Everyone, Just a quick visit before i jump into bed , I have been so busy this last week i don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha.i managed to open the puter to read the posts you all sound well and doing lots ,we have had some sunny days but with very cold winds I don't like the winds as I get wind burn ,I woke up to rain this morning I was going to prune the last 14 bush roses I did about 13 on wednesday, its a big Job as they needed all the old growth taken out.
Well Mo, Ann, Deborah,Jean,Sallie, Marilyn, and Huia , I hope you all have a lovely day Love to you all Marie from OZ.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Sep 2009 13:58

Hello everyone.
Shhhh don't say to much,and not to loudly. But when we got up this morning,there were no droppings. No rats caught in the traps either,after we went and bought them yesterday.
So,either it has died somewhere here,or it escaped testerday when the
unit went flying up the garden.
Either way,I feel happier. If it's in the house we will soon smell it no doubt.
Roly went out last night,so I spent the whole night,in my bedroom,with a rolled up blanket at the door,to make sure it did not come in and get
Corfu has got to be better than here at the moment Liz. The sun is still shining,but it is blowing a gale,and I dread to think what it would be like down on the coast.
You could be correct in not going to visit so often Huia. It's not that you don't want to see Phil,but it is so distressing for you both. More so you,
having to walk away and leave Phil there.
It sounds like it is the medication,that they are giving Phil,thats making him a bit incoherant. I suppose they are trying to settle him down,bless him.
Just you get out there girl,and enjoy yourself,as much as you can.
How's the floor looking now Sallie. Has it dried out o.k?
It's so annoying isn't it,especially as it costs so much to lay.
Can you claim on your household insurance,if it warps.?
Hey Marilyn,give your brain a rest babe. All this doing look ups,for others is
allright,but you need to go away from it for a while,and do something else
and go back refreshed.
When are you going to see the new baby?
Back in the old routine then Debbie. Your children have gone back early,
compared to here. My grandchildren,don't go back till next week.
Have you found that the holidays have gone rather quickly.
I know when mine got a little older,that the holidays used to fly by. Mind you
I enjoyed having them home. They grow up to quickly,and these fun times
will soon be gone.
It looks like you have got the future,Jamie Olivers living in your house.All this advenurous cooking.
It's good to hear from you Marie. I hope you are well.
It sounds like you have been busy in the garden again. Thats the trouble
at this time of year,everything has to pruned back,in readiness for next year. But I know you enjoy doing it.
How's the family keeping now? I hope the grandchildren are better now.
Hello my lovely Jean. Thank you for the recommendation,I will take a look .
Like you,when we go away,it's pack all different types of clothes,to cover
whatever weather we may have.
It's o.k packing it,but it's the washing and ironing,when we get back that I loathe.
As you know Blackpool,is nice when it's nice,but when it's awful,it's blooming horrid. And as we will be going up for the lights,and we like to
walk through them,we need to be wrapped up well.
Hello Sue and Grace,hope you are well.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 3 Sep 2009 18:54

Well girls, it’s windy, wet and cold here today, so haven’t been out today.
I was going up to town and have a look around the market,
but decided against it when I seen the weather.

Mo, so glad you didn’t get any rat droppings to clean up today. Let’s hope
that the rat escaped when the unit was dropped, a blessing in disguise—better that,
than finding the dead rat in the house.
How are Roly’s elbow and shoulder today? I hope they are not too sore and painful.
Mo, our kitchen floor seems to be alright, I think, because we noticed the water and
mopped it up pretty quickly, we might have stopped too much damage to the wood.
We’re hoping Michael can sort it out for us on Saturday, otherwise it will mean a new
dishwasher. Besides having to do the washing-up by hand, which I hate doing, I miss having
the kitchen, looking tidy, straight away after eating. Of course it had to go on Saturday, when
I had all of them for meals. Never mind, we managed okay. I don’t know what we did before we
had the dishwasher.

Debbie, sounds as though the boys and their cousins enjoyed their day cooking all the fish. I don’t
think that the fish cooked in drinking would appeal to me either. Hope Daniel’s team will win tonight.
I hope they all had a good first day back at school—I bet you missed them—I know I did when our two use
to go back after the holidays. I always liked having them around me—I still do, even though they are grown
up and leading their own lives. Debbie, I hope your Mum and Dad are alright. Has your Dad the result of hi tests

Marilyn, it’s nice to hear from you. You sound as though you have been really busy helping your friend to research their
tree. Have you finished your research on your ancestors. I’ve hit a brick wall at the moment, trying to find information on
my father’s side of the family. We hope we will be able to find something, when we go to N. Wales the week after next.
Hope you enjoyed your sister’s visit—it’s nice having family to stay.

Marie, you have been busy pruning the roses, hope you get some better weather so that you can get the rest
of them done. How are your granddaughter’s? I hope all the family are alright .

Liz, have you booked your holiday yet? Sorry, not sure if have. I don’t blame you for going to Corfu, the weather should be
better there than here in the UK.

Huia, I think it’s a good idea going to see Phil every third day. It will give him more time to settle down, and less time for you
getting upset, having to leave him at the hospital. It’s all for the best, for both of you. You know he is safe there, and I’m sure he
is well cared for, so need to worry anymore. Are you enjoying your choir practices? It’s nice that you are able to something that
you really enjoy doing. Good luck!

Jean, how are you and J keeping? I hope your legs are feeling a bit better, and able to go out and about. Have you managed to
get anymore scrapping done? I’ve done some, but it seems to be taking me forever and a day. I think I need to put my brain
in gear, don’t know that it will make much difference though. Hope your daughter is okay, haven’t heard anything about her for a

Ann, I hope both you and Daff have recovered from all that talking, yesterday. Hope you are both not suffering from sore throats
today. It is nice having someone to talk to that you know is there for you. Although there are lovely people on this thread that
are always ready to listen and are there for us. To think that I never bothered to reply to any thread until the beginning of this year,
I must have been mad. It’s lovely to have some good cyber friends.

Thinking about Grace, and hoping all is well with her and her family.

Speak to you all soon.
Best wishes to everyone.
Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Sep 2009 19:01

Oooooh I say Sallie,looking back on the thread,our two last posts look like we are writing a book between us. lol
We are proper gas bags girls,but never mind we enjoy ourselves,all talking to each other like this. Love Mo


JustJean Report 3 Sep 2009 19:32

Sallie P.M. sent

Jean x


Sallie Report 3 Sep 2009 19:38

Mo, that is the second message I've written on this thread today. Just as I got to the end of the first message, it just disappeared--didn't touch anything, it just went. If the second had done the same I would have just given up. I think the computer must have given up on all that I was writing.
No wonder Jennie says that I write an essay to you all--Marilyn thinks that we are all authors. I think they are trying to tell us something.

Love, Sallie.xx