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Just Jean

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Deborah Report 22 Aug 2009 13:26

Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Mo, the prawns were rather small so more like shrimps, but the are translucent when caught and you have to boil them for a few minutes in hot water and then they turn pink. Though the boys experimented yesterday and fried them whole in butter and seasoning. They tasted ok that way as well with a dribble of lemon on them.

Not sure what we will end up with today as the 2 big ones have gone with O.H. on the boat. They hope to catch something and bring it home for me to cook. We usually try to cook everything that they bring home, then we can taste different fish. They won't be back til later thisafternoon. I have just returned from taking the younger 2 to the pier at the harbour where we managed to lose some hooks and not catch a thing. But the weather is glorious and it was a very pleasant way to spend the mornng.

Have to go to hospital at 3pm today. My dad was taken in yesterday for tests, and we are all rather worried. He had a stroke in January and since then his blood levels have dropped through the floor. He had 2 transfusions whilst originally in hosp and has had 3 more since. They were due to give him another one last night and a follow up one today. His blood readings should be between 11 & 17 and his is only 5. They can't find out what is causing it as there is no sign of any blood loss either internally or externally. Yesterday the Haematologist took some Bone Marrow to test, not sure what for, I wonder if that always means suspected Leukaemia or if other things can be looked for at the same time (?). Hopefully I shall find out more once I have been to see him.

Enough for now. Got to get lunch sorted. Have a lovely day everyone.



AnninGlos Report 22 Aug 2009 14:02

Deborah, hope your Dad is OK when you see him.

Liz, I guess there will always be noise during the daytime, people don't realise that you are sleeping. Can you not train yourself to sleep at normal times? You might stand a chance of getting a full nights sleep then.

Ann x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Aug 2009 15:18

Debbie,I do hope that your dad will be o.k. Are they doing tests for anaemia,as well.
We are all here for you love,if you need an ear to bash,I am sure we will all lend you ours.
Thank you for explaining about the shrimps come prawns.
I hope the boys are successful on their fishing trip. They will enjoy it wether they catch anything or not.
How old is your son Liz?. I bet he had a whale of a time last year at the festival.
It's shows they are growing up,when they are prepared to pay people back
for things they have had done for them.
And you must have bought him up well,for him to be doing that.
I think it sounds like you need a bedroom of your own. Roly and I have seperate rooms,as he snores like a steam train. And I am such a light sleeper,I could hear a pin drop in the room.
I think we can all be saddled with inconsiderate neighbours. I know we are. They cannot shut a door without slamming it. And their car is only a four door car,but it sounds like it has at least ten,when they get into it.
Huia I hope when you visit Phil,he is in good health,and is pleased to see you,as I am sure you will be to see him.
It sounds like your calender,is going to be a great success. Well done you clever thing you.
A big hello to Jeanxxx Marie,Sue,Ann and Grace if you are looking in.
Best wishes to you all. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 22 Aug 2009 21:02

Hi Everyone,

We've been out this afternoon, we were only going to Jennie's to start with, and the four of us ended up going to East Midlands Designer outlet, just one junction up the M1. So I had to go in the Paper Mill just to see what they had, and ended up spending more than I intended on craft stuff.

Debbie, hope your Dad is alright, and that they have been able to find out what the problem is. Did your OH and the boys manage to catch anything today? Do you have to clean the fish or will your OH do it. I wouldn't be able to clean it, if I did it would put me off eating it.

Liz, my son and some of his friends use to go to the Reading Festival--he loved going to it--although he hasn't been for a few years now. They also went to a music festival at Camber Sands, but that was ten years ago.
I know how you feel though, I always worried about him until he was home. Hope you have managed to get some sleep now Liz.

Huia, I hope that Phil was alright when you visited him. I'm sure he must have been pleased to see you as you were to see him. Hope you are feeling better.

Mo, how are you and Roly? Hope you are both okay. I also hope that your daughter is a lot better now.

Jean and Ann, now I've bought all this paper and some more embellishments today, I'm having a problem on what to use for a couple of my scrap pages. My trouble is I can never decide what to buy so I usually end up buying all the ones I like, and the ones I think that I might need.

Jean, I hope you are feeling a lot better today. Hope both J and your daughter are alright.

Thinking of Sue, Marie, Grace and Marilyn.

Speak to you all soon.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx


AnninGlos Report 22 Aug 2009 21:22

Talking about fish reminded me of a story from my past.

I used to live in Lydney on the edge of the Forest of Dean and near the River Severn. You probably know that Salmon were/are caught in the Severn (I am talking the 70s now), sometimes legally sometimes not. I used to have a part time job in the WRVS office and we had a lovely van driver, a real Forester. We used to chat about things when he came in and I must have mentioned that we liked Salmon.
One evening we went over to Bristol to dinner with colleagues connected to OH's work, it was in the days when you dressed for dinner in smart places and I had a long dress on.

We got home about midnight full of the joys, as you used to pre drink drive laws. Opened the door and went in and there on the kitchen work top where daughter had laid it was a whole salmon, and no it was not gutted/cleaned. Fortunately a few weeks before on holiday in Cornwall a friend had demonstrated how to gut and clean a fish. Husband denied all knowledge so there I am at 12.30am in a long dress gutting and cleaning this huge salmon which had been left on the doorstep (no questions asked) and cutting it up to put in the freezer.
Lovely it was too.


Huia Report 22 Aug 2009 22:01

~~~~~~ to all.

Our son is coming up from Rotorua (3 hours drive) to visit his dad (another 40-50 mins). I might go with him and his 'wife'. I wasnt going to go today but I might give tomorrow a miss instead.

Better get dished washed and get properly dressed. Son might be able to take a better photo of me with my calendar than the 10 that were taken by a neighbour yesterday. It is for our local paper which is doing an article! Of couse I dont know if son will be any better at turning mutton into lamb. But he can try, cant he.

Huia (baaaah)(that is the mutton talking)

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 Aug 2009 04:16

Hi all,

Had a longer sleep on Saturday so felt a bit better, got up and o.h. had gone out, I do remember him bringing me a cuppa and touching me on the shoulder, but it didn't disturb me too badly. He told me later that yet another truck came in the close, a low loader to take away a friend's brother's Jag that had been living in her garage for a while. I don't recall hearing it and the Muppets next door either cleaned their cars very quietly or I was dead to the world and heard nothing. I had closed the window more than this past week as it has become a lot cooler during the nights now.
Ann, I just cannot sleep next to o.h. any more. He snores so much and is so restless, talks in his sleep or shouts out that it is a nightmare for me, and because I have lots of worries, if I can't get to sleep or back to sleep and can't read to take my mind off things, I lay there and worry and fret and get upset which is why I have developed this pattern of sleeping. Next week I will go up when he gets up for work at 5am and then I can sleep while he is at work, so long as there isn't too much noise outside. Hope the new neighbour has all his building supplies now.
By the time I go up tonight (well this morning) I am tired enough to go off to sleep more or less straightaway unless o.h. wakes and starts talking to me! There is no spare bed for me to use unfortunately, only one of his son's cabin bed in the tiny room next door to the main bedroom and it's a child's short one, and covered with o.h.'s clothes as he uses it as a dressingroom so he doesn't disturb me when he gets up for work etc
That's why I insist on seperate rooms on holiday lol so I can read myself to sleep and not get disturbed by the snoring, with no computer when I am away there is nothing else to do at night but sleep, so if I can do that at normal times, I can get up earlier and enjoy a full day of light

Debbie, hope your Dad will soon find out why he is so poorly and the doctors can help him feel lots better.

My son is 27 and is going with a large crowd of friends to Reading. Some of you might remember last year, when he didn't have a ticket and thought he could get one when he got there, it turned out to be not the case, they were extortionate prices and it was cheaper for him to come back on the train, £48 return ticket, and get one on the internet from a girl locally, altho even then the original pick up arrangement went pearshaped when she had to work so he had to take another train to Cromer to pick it up and then use his return ticket back to Reading to attend the concert. He also found his friend who should have taken his tent for him in the car, had forgotten it and it was locked up in his house so son had to buy another tent quickly to take with him. He now has three tents as he found one left by some people at the end of last year's festival so he is well equipped and has already made a list of what he needs this year, the ticket he and his mate got includes coach travel there so he will carry everything with him, and not trust his friend to take things in the car, in which a lot of his friends are travelling in. It will be his only holiday this year so I hope he has a good time. Last year he had a week in Newquay camping with friends too, but this year he hasn't been able to afford two holidays. You can't help but worry tho can you? When he was in Newquay I kept ringing on different pretexts, what was the weather like, did he know where I could buy such and such, just to be sure he was ok, of course he cottoned on and said I had to stop worrying cos he was grown up now lol

Huia, hope your son arrived safely and worked his magic with the camera, altho that pic you sent looked fine to me. Hope you found Phil doing ok and not breaking any more glass and that you enjoyed spending time with your son and his partner.

take care all,
I keep hopping up and down to see if my hedgehogs are back, two came together to eat earlier before I had put out much food and altho I put out more later, I don't think any of them have been back for seconds.



Huia Report 23 Aug 2009 08:35

Hi all.

Liz I cant remember what I said in my email to you but mutton is still mutton :((( but we had a lovely visit to Phil.

With sons wife chatting to Phil I grabbed a chance to talk to the charge nurse. D.i.l's mother has alzheimers much worse so D.i.l. knows what it is all about. She has been a rock.

The hospital found Phils false teeth which had been missing for 4 days. They were in one of his socks in the drawer in his room. He is now complaining that the top plate wont stay in place. No more broken windows though as far as I know.



Sallie Report 23 Aug 2009 11:42

So glad that your visit to Phil went well. It must be lovely having your daughter-in-law for support. You made me smile when you said that they had found Phil's false teeth in one of his socks in a drawer.
Hope he has settled in, and not fretting to go home. It makes it so much easier fo you when you leave him at the hospital.

I hope you are feeling better Huia, and caught up on your sleep.

Jennie and Michael are coming for dinner today, so I'd better go and start cooking it or it won't be ready for when they arrive.

Speak to you all later. Hope everyone is alright!

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 23 Aug 2009 16:05

Phil still wanted to come home with us, but much easier with 3 of us saying not yet.

My sleep pattern is very disrupted. I wake just after midnight each night and cant get back to sleep. It is now just after 3 am and I have just taken half a sleeping tab and will see if I can get another 4 or 5 hours sleep. Night night (from me).



Sallie Report 23 Aug 2009 17:17

Hi Everyone,
Liz, like you I have times when I can't get to sleep at night, although it has nothing to do with my OH. My trouble is that when I switch the light off, it's as though someone has switched my mind on on, and then I lie there thinking and worrying about everything. So I end up coming downstairs making a hot drink and look to see what's happening on the boards.
I hope your son will have a good time at the Reading Festival He is the same age as my son--who was 27 in March.

Huia, I hope you managed to get some sleep. Your sleep pattern's been disrupted for so long, that it's going to take a while to get back into it again.
I thought that Phil might have wanted to go home with you, it was good that you had your son and daughter-in-law there for support.

Mo, sorry I keep forgetting to tell you that we are going over to N. Wales the middle of September when Alun has a week off work. We hope to be able to do some research on my father's family.
I'm not sure yet, when we will be able to go down to S. Wales. Hope it won't be too long before we do.

Debbie, how is your Dad today? I hope they have some idea of what is causing the problem and can soon be sorted out. Hope you and the rest of the family are all alright. Take care!

Jean, hope you are alright today, and that your legs are less painful.

Thinking about Sue, Grace, Marie and Marilyn.

I'm off to make a cuppa now, speak to you all soon.

Best wishes to you all.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Aug 2009 17:48

Hello all.
Every thing will come right in the end Huia. Just get your rest when you can.
Sallie,thank you for answering my question. We will miss you when you go. Or are you going to log on sometime whilst you are away,in an internet cafe .
No news yet from Debbie. I do hope everything is o.k with her dad.
Marilyn is of on her travels for a couple of days,I hope she is enjoying herself.
Jean,how are your painful legs now. I do hope the painkillers are working for you,and not zonking you out to much.
You cant win can you love.
A big hello to Marie in OZ. We have not heard from you in a while,I hope you are well.
Big ~~~~~~to Liz,Sue and Grace.
Take care. best wishes to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 23 Aug 2009 17:58

I haven't seen Jean today, have I missed her? Hope she is OK.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Aug 2009 18:03

Oh Ann sorry I forgot to mention you.
I hope Jean is o.k. But she doesn't always look in every day. Maybe they have gone out for the day.
I hope you are o.k love.


sue Report 23 Aug 2009 18:04

Hi All

Just catching up again on all your news
I was going to post tonight, but my eldest had a accident to day at his first football match in his new team.
I was a work and got a call that he has broken his wrist again. So i am home early.
As the match was away he isnt in our local hospital. I am at home with my youngest and his dad is with him.
He has had a operation and will have to stay over night as they have had to wire it.
I hate not being with him but as I dont drive I havent got much choice.
Plus it wouldnt be fair to keep youngest up the hospital all day.

I will post soon and let you know how he is.



JustJean Report 23 Aug 2009 18:25

Hello, my friends, Mo, I have been very tired the last few days dont know if its the pills or just old I have been busy getting rid of all sorts of stuff, hoping to get a new kitchen in the near future, my washer and tumble dryer are downstairs, and its getting very hard lugging washing down stairs and the taking it back up.... we have a large bathroom so the plan is to move them up there, hope we can get it done it will be a huge help...legs are still painful although I can sleep better at night.
Sallie wherabouts are you going in N Wales, we go to that area often...
We are praying for Debbies dad and hope there is good news...
Huia, as Sallie said it will take a while for your body to readjust, you know we are all rooting for you and Phil. its a big change to your lives, but you are strong lady and when you are not we all can be stong for you...

big ~~~~~~~~~~~~ and hugs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone else

love Jean xxx

Sue, sorry to hear about your boy hope he isnt too handicapped

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Aug 2009 18:41

I am sorry to hear your bad news,about your son. I hope he will be home soon.
As you say,you can't expect the youngest one to sit and wait in a hospital.
What a shame for it to have happened in his first match for the new team.
Keep your chin up love. And when he is fit for his next match,cover him in
foam rubber,and he will bounce back up of the ground,if he should fall down.
I always thought that rugby was the sport,that had most injuries. But having seen my grandson,who is 16,suffer the same as your son,I am not so sure any more.
Oh our Jean. It is probably the tablets that are making you feel drowsy.
When you say you are going to put the washing machine,and tumble dryer
upstairs,do you mean that they are in your kitchen now,or in a cellar.
Sorry to seem a bit dim.
Love to you and J. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 23 Aug 2009 19:21

Hi again everyone, I can't keep away today.

Sue I'm sorry to hear about your son, bless him! It's bad enough when they have an injury when they play at home, but to be away can't be very nice at all. Where was he playing Sue? Hope it isn't too far away from you.

Jean, we are going to Ruabon which is near Wrexham. My paternal grandparents were born and brought up in that area. Although we are going to stay with family in Holywell, Flintshire. One of my ggrandfathers was born in Bala, Merionethshire and his wife my ggrandmother was born in Chester. We are hoping that we can find some information on them all.
As soon as I finish this message Jean, Alun is going to send you the photo. Put the flags out!

Mo, I didn't realise that Marilyn had gone away again. Let's hope she has good weather and that she will enjoy herself.
As you say, we haven't from Marie for a while, hope everything is okay with her. We haven't anything from Grace for a while either, I hope all is well with her too.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 23 Aug 2009 19:44

In the Kitchen Mo....we have quite steep narrow stairs so hope they will go up....was looking to get a stair lift eventually, but stairs are not good for one,
old big terrace house,
good man Alun, I will let you know when it comes, I have family in Wrexham and Oswestry , my mother was Welsh , came from Newtown...

Flippin eck its raining again, were is our sunshine??????

Love Jean xx


Huia Report 23 Aug 2009 20:27

Sallie, you and I have a wicked imp in our heads and when our heads hit the pillow the imp hits that switch to turn our brains back on and put into high gear. At least I am not usually doing any worrying, just thinking about the lovely people on genes and what they have said, or a song pops into my head and I cant get it out again. Sometimes I try humming, just one note, in my head, to try to wash all else away but it doesnt always work. But at least with nobody to care for I know that I can care for me if I am too tired to do anything in the morning (unless it is the last day to pay rates and I dont want a penalty added!). I probably had only 4 hours sleep last night so might lie down again soon after breakfast, my trip to town can wait until after lunch.

~~~~~ to all my good friends on GR ~~~~~~~
