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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 23 Aug 2009 20:33

Yes Huia I think you are right about a wicked imp in our heads. I only wish he would go away when we need to sleep. Ha, Ha.

Jean Alun has sent the photo at long last. Hope you receive it okay.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 23 Aug 2009 20:51

Sallie its a beautiful photo, you look lovely, what a lovely setting, Jennie is beautiful.....thank you very much Alun for sending it......

Love Jean xx


Huia Report 23 Aug 2009 23:53

Jean, I think I sent you some photos but dont know at the moment how many or which, with all the other things that have been going on in my life. Please let me know if you want more and I will send them when I get my life sorted out a bit better.



Huia Report 24 Aug 2009 05:31

That rotten miserable choir that I dropped out of at the end of last year is now doing a piece (about 40 mins, 7 songs in it) that I tried several times some years ago to persuade them to do. We had done a couple of the songs in it but I wanted to do the whole thing. Guess who will be dropping in on them tomorrow night if she isnt too tired? I might stay only an hour. At least I know the music so can probably just go as and when I feel like it until nearer the concert. You cant keep an old crow from singing! I wish I could put a tag on here that somebody did for me, a crow singing into a mike and she had put my name underneath. She did a few others but that is my favourite.

Huia, the old crow.


JustJean Report 24 Aug 2009 07:02

Huia, dont worry about the photos, I have some from you already, they are not as important as getting your life sorted now, the choir sounds great, at least you will be able to come and go as you please, I always loved singing and was in choirs, but had to stop , always had trouble with my breathing, due to chest problems, but was very happy when I could sing.... mother was welsh and she was a lovely singer sang with the doyle carte opera company
on a couple of must have rubbed off on me.....let us know how the singing goes.....

love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 24 Aug 2009 08:18

Huia I am sure that it would do you good to go and have a good sing with them, while singing you can forget your worries and you will probably sleep well afterwards.


Deborah Report 24 Aug 2009 09:12

Morning All, where did the weekend go to?

All well here. My Dad is still in hosp, he had 3 units of blood on Sat, 1 on Sun and is due to have 1 today. They haves sent blood and bone marrow off to hosp in London to try and find out exactly what is wrong. He was being treated for anaemia, but Iron Tablets and various other potions were having no effect at all. He is very tired and gets cold easily. But that is to be expected if he hasn't got "proper" blood pumping around his body. Not sure if he will come home today or tomorrow, but he is in the best place he possibly can be, and the Docs are doing all they can to try and find a solution to the problem.

I just hope he is ok for the weekend as it is Mum & Dads Golden Wedding on Saturday. We are planning a family meal at a local Hotel on Sunday Lunchtime. No relations are travelling here from the UK, so just the 19 (!) of us who are here. We can send photos to everyone else. Unfortunately, they are all of the genaration where things start to wear out, and none of Mum or Dads Brothers & Sisters are well enough to travel at the moment.

We had a great weekend. The sun shone continuously, so the fishing trip on Saturday turned up a good catch. I'm all "fished out" now, so whatever hasn't been cooked has gone in the freezer to use as bait on a later trip. May as well recycle.

Our huge tides of the weekend proved fantastic for the Pier Jumpers in the family, and the really low tides gave us all a chance to go scavenging amongst the rocks. We found some very good fishing gear at one place, which had obviously been lost over the end of a breakwater many moons ago. The boys strip it all down, recondition it and then use it. There were a lot of people doing the same thing yesterday. All good fun, and a good excuse to get out in the sun.

Duller today, and I have to get on with the mundane things in life. The children are on holiday til 3rd Sept, then have a day off on 10th for the Internation Air Dsiplay here. Oh those Red Arrows & B52's for all you Plane Lovers out there!.

Have a good day.


Huia Report 24 Aug 2009 09:32

Deborah, I wish your dad the best.

My OH and I had our 50th anniversary last March. Our son came but that was all. OH didnt know what day it was anyway. I had the previous year thought of having just a few people our sisters and children and grandchildren and my flower girl (now a grandmother several times over) but it just did not seem worth it and I was too tired from constantly watching OH.

Off to bed soon, even though it is only 8.32pm.



Huia Report 24 Aug 2009 09:35

I forgot to say, Jean, I have sent 2 photos of me as Katisha, and before anybody says 'bless you' it is not a sneeze. She was the Mikado's daughter-in-law elect. I thought I looked quite good, in fact backstage one of our choir members looked blankly at me and when I spoke she suddenly recognised me. I do have a rather distinctive speaking voice.



AnninGlos Report 24 Aug 2009 09:55

Deborah, I should probably know but, realising you are not in UK where are you exactly?



Deborah Report 24 Aug 2009 10:37

Hi Ann, I'm actually sort of in the UK. We live in Jersey in the Channel Islands. So even though we are essentially English, there is a very expensive stretch of water separating us from mainland England. In fact it used to be said that the 12 miles between here and France were the most expensive 12 miles of water in Europe, if not most of the rest of the world.

Huia, thanks for wishes about my Dad. Like with all people who have family that aren't well, we know he is in the best place, and being well looked after. At least we don't have to drive too far to see him. The hospital is just 5 minutes down the road from me.



AnninGlos Report 24 Aug 2009 11:28

Deborah, thank you, oh I envy you I love Jersey, been three times, once before marriage in 1958, once in 1960 on honeymoon and then in 2000 to celebrate our Ruby wedding.

Eldest Grandson was born in St Helier, he was 6 weeks early and Mum and Dad were on holiday!!



JustJean Report 24 Aug 2009 11:30

Huia, many thanks for the photos, You are made up very well if you hadnt have told me I wouldnt have know it was you, love the nails....
enjoy your singing.....

love Jean xx


Zack Report 24 Aug 2009 12:49

Hello all , I have just finished reading the Posts , Deborah sorry to hear about your Father I hope they get his results soon so they can start treating the cause of his illness. Jean and Huia we only need another singer and we can have a quartet I am a Soprano , what parts do you both sing ?.
Now about this sleeping we all suffer from the waking bug it happens as soon as we start change of life all my girl friends suffer with the same thing as soon as the head hits the pillow on goes the brain,like you Huia it was always music since i retired from the choir and the quartet its many other things, before i went on the happy pill ( the anti depression tabs) I also had very bad stress dreams,thank goodness that has stopped, so girls its a fact of life as you get old it happens.
June I am sorry you are having so much pain with your legs is it the restless leg syndrome that you suffer from? I must close need to lay the head down Love to you all. Marie from OZ

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Aug 2009 17:32

Well girls,I will try and post again,I am fed up of posts not sending.
I can't believe it,you have heard of the three tenors,well we have got the GR
trio now,with Jean,Marie and Huia.
Can I be your agent please. And we will share the royalties from your C.D
between the lot of us. lol
Now now you Ann,Debbie,Sallie,Liz,Sue,Grace,have you got good singing voices,if so you can join our singing group.
I sound like a cats choir,so I will be your conductor.
When Marilyn comes back,we will ask her as well.
I hope your Dad is o.k Debbie. Have then said when he should get his results back?
Sue is your son home yet? I hope he is coping,with his arm in plaster.
I hope you are all well. I hope to be able to speak to you all again soon.
Love and best wishes Mo xxx


Sallie Report 24 Aug 2009 19:51

Hello Girls,

Debbie, I hope that your Dad will be well enough to go out with you all on Sunday, for the celebration meal with all his family.

Huia, it would be nice for you to join the choir again. I think it would do you a lot of good, because you would be doing something that you really enjoy and love--and as Ann pointed out it would help to forget your worries and might help you get to sleep afterwards.

Jean, they say the welsh can sing, unlike your Mother I'm not very good at singing-- I think I was at the back of the queue when they were giving out voices. I hope your legs are better today.

Sue, how is your son today? I hope he is home from hospital and that he is alright. He must be so disappointed not being able to play football for his new team for a while.

Mo, how are you? I'm having the same problem as you and all the others posting messages. At first, I thought that it was my computer until I read a couple of threads saying that they too were having problems. It's a bit tiring having to write some posts out a couple of times.
I hope all will go well for Roly at the hospital tomorrow. I'll be thinking about him. Please give him my best wishes.

Marie, I envy you a nice singing voice. I was in a girls choir years and years ago, I couldn't have been too bad or I wouldn't have got in in the first place. Don't know what happened to my voice since, probably old age. I can't sing to save my life now!

Ann I hope all is well with you and your family. How are you getting on with your scrappages? I've done a couple of pages, but it's a bit slow going.

Thinking about Liz, Grace and Marilyn.

Best wishes to everyone.

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 24 Aug 2009 19:56

Sorry, that was me deleting, it posted twice.


Huia Report 24 Aug 2009 20:27

Marie, I sing second sop, but only because most of the other sops refuse to sing it, they prefer to read the top line. I must admit I cant always get the top B, but other times when sops are not divided I can get the top A better than some. They tend to be a little flat. Having said I cant get top B, I can get it and even higher, but it is more of a squeak, not really a quality note.

I used to sing with the tenors, down to the C below middle C, but trying to sing above middle C while staying in a tenor voice I ruined my voice and was coughing a lot. I went to a singing teacher who was also singing tenor in her church choir so she knew what I was doing and told me to stop it or else. She gave me 4 lessons (she wanted to give up teaching) and it improved my breathing enormously, and strengthened my sop notes. I had never had a singing lesson before apart from what our conductors had told us. I was disappointed to give up singing tenor. I loved the booming feeling in my chest and I enjoy a challenge, and the few male tenors we had were
disappointed as they knew they could rely on me to have the right notes and timing, as I did my homework and a lot of them didnt read music.

I sang in the choir for the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Auckland in 1990. I was singing tenor then, but sometimes I would help the basses when tenors werent singing, and also sops. We were all given a bronze medal so I told people I got it for gymnastics. With my siver hair people would look at me disbelievingly until I added vocal gymnastics singing in the choir. I must see if I can scan the medal some time. Or I could photograph it.

I did set up a special website for Friends Photos in the hopes that we could all see each others photos. If anybody wants to join it (it is free) just send a pm and I will send the invitation. I have sent one to about 4 people but nobody has joined yet, I am not sure if there is a problem.



AnninGlos Report 24 Aug 2009 21:11

Well, many years ago I sang in the church choir but haven't sung for years. My parents both had good voices, Mum was still singing solos at church when she was in her 70s.

Sallie, have you been on the scrapbooking thread lately? I didn't think i had seen you. what pages have you been doing?


Sallie Report 25 Aug 2009 15:08

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick look in to see if there was any news of Roly. I hope all went well at the hospital for him.

Ann, I'm still doing the family history scrapbook. No, I haven't been on your scrapbooking thread lately, having so much trouble posting messages that I haven't got round to look in. Sorry Ann!

It took me a while to get on this thread today, the first couple of times GR told me that I had signed out, so I had to sign in again. Then instead of getting this thread, I got the FR Dating page. They must think that I'm desperate.

Hope all is well with everyone. I'll look in again later, as I'm going to do some scrappages now.

Love, Sallie.