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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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Brenda Report 26 Sep 2007 02:40

tried to get here this morning but ,had other things that needed doing.Son on here again tonight .Had a nap this afternoon and therefore not tired at minute,so came on for ten minutes to do a short message.
weather still a bit damp but held of long enougth for John to have a game of golf.I managed to put a casserole together for tea,without too much trouble ,will try doing some ironing in the morning .
Felt hungry this afternoon,first time in ages ,so that must be a good sign that i am on the way to recovery,! But what to have is a problem as i am not allowed a lot of things til the operation is done.
Still i will not starve and it will not do me any harm.


syljo Report 26 Sep 2007 10:33

Lovely to hear from you Brenda. May you progress as you are doing.
Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 26 Sep 2007 14:32

hi brenda glad to hear you are feeling a little better but don't over tax yourself. we are having a nice cool day to-day as new records were set yesterday it was 33 in the shade. last night I went over to help lindy as all three children had different activities and andrew is in the eastern provinces flying from place to place, anyway the last one home was bryan who came into the kitchen in full cadet uniform and promptly saluted me, he is very excited about being in the army cadets and they will be marching as a unit in the remberance parade in november, he looked so grownup he is only 12 but a tall lad he looked about 16. of course the younger brother has now decided when he is 9 he will join the sea cadets I am waiting to see what their sister comes up with bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 27 Sep 2007 00:28

Hello all.well I had a busy day today compared with how i have been,managed a little hoovering in the liiving room,then had a visitor ,then lunch,tried some ironing for a while after I had made a spaggetti bologenese for tea i sat and finished a book i have been reading in dribs and drabs,Dorothy you would have been ashamed at my little amount of reading. I was shatterd after tea and fell asleep again ,so again i am wide awke,will have to be cafefull or i will be a night owl again.At the docs again tomorrow to see what she has to say ,i will let you all know .


badger Report 27 Sep 2007 15:48

Hi peeps,back at last and rarin to go,[after i caught up on a few messages].
I read with interest about the Lincoln in a museum,and the haunting,i must admit i have never heard of that one ,but it isn't suprising as i have only visited about three quarters of the raf museums.
I have seen the lancaster at East Kirkby Bill,and that one is supposedly haunted as well,by bomber aircrews that died while stationed at that airfield during the war.
There ar at least six airfields in Lincs ,that are ,were, haunted by dead aircrew ,but i thankfully never saw any of them ,but i admit to being nervous many a night on guard duty around aircraft ,hearing quite a few unusual noises at various times.
There are also stories about a Lancaster that appears in fog around an airfield which guides lost aircraft to the airfield threshold before dissapearing again.
Glad to see you back Brenda,now ,you live up to your promise to take it easy and get your strength back before the op,most important that.
The van is on site till the back end of october ,so i will in and out of genes ,but never far away.
Take care all,and have a good weekend,Fred is off for a while now ,to set his new puter up.,and put this one into storage for emergencies lol.Fred.


Brenda Report 27 Sep 2007 16:11

Afternoon all,well its back to work on Monday,i must adnit i will be glad in a way as i have totally lost any routine I had.
Was feeling good today until I very stupidly had a half slice of toast and a couple of forkfuls of Johns scrambled egg,at breakfast ,boy did i know i should not have had it !!!
So I am not going to stray from my very low fat diet<(no dairy,no red meat,no bread,etc0 until this operation is done.
Been sorting out some of my old work suits for my sister in law and the charity shops.Also put in some old cardigans so have three bags to deliver . It's cold grey and miserable here today,think the winter duvet will be coming out soon.
Going for a cuppa now ,Take care Brenda


syljo Report 27 Sep 2007 17:08

Just a quickie as still have lots to do before we go off tomorrow. Do what the doctor tells you Brenda and then you should be ok. See you when I get back on 6th October.
Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 28 Sep 2007 00:24

hi brends do stay on a fat free diet I had my gallbladder out when I was 20 so that disproves the fair, fat and 40 theory that is sometimes linked to gall bladder problems but the pain was much worse than the pain I had with the heart attack, you will be glad to know tha t ann's daughter has finally been able to move into her house last week-end and is busy getting settled anne sends you her regards and she enjoyed out tea to-gether very much, sylvia have a good time onyour trip, fred glad to see you back on line, to-day I had a visitor for the day my gentleman friend he brought me a nice bunch of flowers he has just had his 69th birthday so was feeling a little old but does not really look it I had not seen him for a couple of months before I went away as he had been under the weather but is feeling good now he is playing golf to-morrow. another friend is taking a bus trip up the the casino about an hours drive from here it is on the indian reserve quite a big one and they get many top notch entertainers tom jones etc, so I may drive up and meet her for lunch and have a little flutter not much of a gambler I spend about 10 pounds on the slots and thats it. anyway the new tv season has started over here and to-night it is the return of greys anatomy I enjoy that show don't always watch the medical shows after being in that world for so long, but could write a book about the goings on back then but i probably would get sued ah well that is it for me to-night bye for now dorothy

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 28 Sep 2007 01:04

Hello to everyone out on this topic I am having trouble in knowing where you all are posting From without having to Read all the previous postings! I have read lots When next youpost could you tell me where you all are
After having been on genes Reunited for some time now I finally found these message boards
It was Bills message that he was in NZ that caught my eye browsing one day Little did I know that he was then staying 50 miles down the Road from me
My husband and I are retired and will in a couple of weeks be celebrating 50 years ! golden Wedding

regards to all margaret


Dorothy Report 28 Sep 2007 14:09

hello margaret this is dorothy I now live in barrie ontario canada I have lived in canada since the age of 15 not always in this area I moved here 7yrs ago to be closer to my sona nd his family when I took early retirement from nursing, I lived in walshaw bury lancs till the age of 15 hope that helps you to place me on the world map regards dorothy

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 28 Sep 2007 20:50

Thanks Dorothy !Nice to know A nice spring morning here in SI New Zealand


Brenda Report 28 Sep 2007 21:52

evening ladies.(just watch Bill and Fred put their tuppence worth in now).
Hi Margaret ,I am in Manchester in Northern England,have been lucky enougth to visit friends in Oz, Mornington near Melbourne and thats where Bill was at one time,we did have a "date"for 2009 when I plan to go again ,but he had to get back to NZ and couldn't wait.
I managed to meet Dorothy a few weeks ago when she was over here on a visit,I have meet some others on Genes at a few of the meets.
I am a part time library assistant ,which is not bad after being a full time office manager for 32 years in my previous job.I am divirced ,I have one son aged 32 still at home/i live with my partner of 26 years John.
Glad Annes daughter has managed the move Dorothy,will look out for her when i am next in Bury.Which will be at least two weeks.
I don't mind the low fat diet ,really as I can't eat as much as i used to as my stomach doesn't likw it.!!!! I will be in all my Thin clothes for the holidays ,that as long as I get the op in time to recover.!!!
Take care Brenda


badger Report 29 Sep 2007 09:38

Morning all including our Brenda who has insulted Fred with her Fred and his two peenorth worth [huh] not being a cheapskate i go for a shillings worth any time lol.
Glad to see you are somewhat better anyway Brenda,keep on that diet until the op,after which you should be able to eat sensibly again.
Nice to see new members on here from all over the globe,even if the likes of new zealand and oz are getting warmer weather than us brit's again[hiiiiiss] boooo,sucks ,and the rest hee hee.
My garden as regards flowers is now going to sleep,and my veggies ,apart from the winter veg' are about finished.
The new puter is doing well ,and i'm slowly getting used to vista as opposed to xp pro which was on my backup puter which is in the loft,sorted out and clean of bugs.
Liz and i will be back up the van tomorrow afternoon for a few more days watching the ever changing seas,i love it up there ,near enough to home and far enough away to forget all the problems,like the rest of the family,who are still searching for a new home.
Still,they are at Martins house for a little over two weeks ,looking after it whilst Martin and Chris are in oz [nearly anyway] hee hee.
I dropped them both off at the airport yesterday at two pm for their flight at 4-15pm,so they will be well on their way by now,getting to Sidney at 8 am Sunday morning flying klm all the way.
I did tell him to go with emerates airline which is far better but ,as usualthe kids never take any notice of dad who has flown thousands of miles by various airlines and knows the best to use ,but there you go lol.
I'm trying to catch up with everything ,so i must go and visit other threads now,but i will be back in the morning ,if not sooner.
Take care all,and enjoy the weekend.Fred.


Dorothy Report 29 Sep 2007 14:17

goodmorning everyone it is a lovely saturday here in barrie I can see way into the distance as it is so clear the leaves are truning and beautiful nothing much planned this week-end I have been freezing some vegatables for the winter, tomatoes and leeks fresh fall veg are very plentiful in the market gardens and a good price, 4 off my family went to toronto to watch a blue jay baseball game last night and the son and heir flew back from the east he was on a plane every day last week sometimes twice a day seeing all the people who work for him, lot of air miles accumalating . he was picking up his dad and bringing him up for the week-end to see the grandchildren, my former husband lives in toronto and is now 73 and does not drive any more. andrew and lindy are going toa surprise 40th birthday party this evening so he is looking after the three children with me on call if he can't cope, he is good with the boys but luara leads him a dance he is not used to little girls ah well. brenda keep up with the fat free diet it will help bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 29 Sep 2007 15:56

Afternoon all,Sorry Fred didn't mean you was a cheapskate ,just you wouldn't like me saying hello just to the ladies.,Glad you have your pc sorted and are still enjoying the van,hope you get a few more visits in.
Dorothy,I can now envisage your views after seeing your photos ,,I must do some of where i live and email them to you,so you can at least see it .
John has nearly finised the hall and will start the living room next week.David is at the Manchester city match and it seems they have won.
Dorothy did you get that united shirt for your granson?
Have a date for my scan Oct 12th,will know more after that .
Going to get a drink and take away the horrible taste I keep getting in my mouth.


badger Report 29 Sep 2007 18:07

Hi Brenda,lol,thats one reason why i love your thread ,and the canadian thread so much,you can do a bit of ribbing without anyone taking umbrage heehee.
I have just had an email off my son saying they are about to embark ,on thier waqy to Singapore ,and from there ontoSydney,so they are doing okay,lucky blighters lol.
Thats it for today ,all the work done for now ,the missus fed along with the other cats hee hee,oooooer ,better close quick before she sees what i said lol,see ya tomorrow peeps.
take care all.Fred

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 29 Sep 2007 22:14

Morning all What goes around comes around Seasons that is ! we are Hoping for a nice growing season Gardening is a passion of ours Both vegetable and flowers Fuchsias in particular like (200 )On an ordinary town section we pack 2 glasshouses shade tunnell House and garden beds
Age means we need to cut down but how! there always seems to be room to fit something else in


Dorothy Report 30 Sep 2007 00:27

hi brenda no I did not get the united shirt but I bought three england soccer shirts one was a goalie shirt the oldest boy had requested that, and then I also bought three england jackets there was a big sale a JB's near anne and along with all that I bought two england dress shirts and the lot only cost me about 45 pounds, I also bought at bury market tow posters one od david beckham and one of christofe ronaldo (not sure of that spelling). they were laminated so survived the rip back quite well. the only thing I could not find was blackpool rock without going to blackpool non of the shops in bury had any or ramsbottom, but i cheated and bought 5 sticks at the english shop over here when I returned. the lady in the shop laughed about it, anyway the family are pleased and non the wiser. glad to here the date for your scan not to long to wait, yes I would enjoy some photo's from around your area. the sunset to-night was unbelieveable it is now dark but in the distance there is still a red glow , well no distress calss from the former husband so the grandchildren must be behaving I hoope lindy and andrew have a great night out they do not do this very often bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 30 Sep 2007 18:24

Afternoon everyone,we have had a really pleasant day today,weather was nice and sunny,so i got some washing dry,John did most of the woodwork,bannisters, skirtings,door frames etc in the hall. Then David and I tried to tidy the garden,but as the garden rubbish bin is nearly full we didn't do as much as we had hoped.The bin will be emptied a week tomorrow so will be putting stuff in bags to put in the bin when its emptied.they will not take extra bags.
Having a lazy afternoon and evening just on here a while then watching TV for the night and then an early night and back to work tomorrow.
Fred make the most of the van looks like its going to get colder very soon.Margaret ,I would love more time to do things in the garden,but John says we have a loosing battle with weeds coming from next door and slugs and stuff devouring everything he has put in this year,so much so that he wants to flag over the two flower beds we have left and just use the tubs and pots etc.
Will do the photos asap and let you see my little corner of the world Dorothy ,like the story about the rock,do you want some next time I go and see Johns mother in Clevelys?
Sylvia should be back from he visit soon.hope it was good for her.


Dorothy Report 1 Oct 2007 13:37

hi brenda it sounds like you had a good day yesterday but I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy!!!! don't worry about the rock the little english shop has a good supply I always get them some at xmas even the son has to have some, this coming week-end is the last long week-end of the year (bank holiday) it is thanksgiving turkey dinner etc. not sure yet what the family is doing the stores are full of turkeys of all sizes. your right sylvia should be back soon hope she and hubby had a great trip. to-day I am going to clean the windows on the balcony and the living room they do get dusty living so high up, did the plants yesterday and cleaned up the balcony it does look rather bare except for the chairs have not brough them in as yet as they say we are in for some nice weather take care hope your day at work goes well bye for now dorothy