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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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syljo Report 6 Sep 2007 17:18

Hello all,
Well went out on my scootmobile today and into a shop a bit like Woolworths. Well this shop have now moved into new premises and I could scoot around in there with my scootmobile no problem. However, today they have now decided to move racks of goods on all corners, so what did I do, yes of course I did. I knocked a whole rack flying. Upset, me, no of course not. I told them they shouldn't have so many goods on show and I should have room to look around. The manageress said I should ask for things, but that is not the same as going looking for things oneself. They will be watching our for me next time I suppose.
Haven't done too much today apart from changing the beds and washing the duvets etc. This still leaves the ironing though.
How are you Brenda? And how is Fred and his computer?
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 7 Sep 2007 18:21

Afternoon all,Hope you get your windows sorted Fred.just think of your poor elbow,oing all that in and out stuff,don;t want you to develope tennis elbow do we.LOL seriously hope you get sorted soon.
Sylvia I have trouble pushing the trolley round when they move things round in the supermarket never mind if I wason a scootmobile,!!!
weathet has been great again today went to my friends and sat in her garden ,cup of tea and sunshine hreat.Walked a bit further today but as i got a bit of shopping on the way back felt a bit weary but was ok when I got home
See you tomorrow Take care ,Brenda.


Brenda Report 8 Sep 2007 07:30

up early due to someone being noisy in the street and not being able to get back to sleep again.!!!!!!
So i have been surfing the net as they say looking at different sites fo various things.
Feeling cold now so will see if I can get another hour before the others get up and see if they will make bacon sandwiches for a change !! see you later.Brenda


Brenda Report 8 Sep 2007 16:27

Just giving us a nudge so we don't get too far down the pages.Turned out to be a nice day here,should have got the washer on before I went shopping !!!


Brenda Report 9 Sep 2007 19:01

nudging again,hope you are all ok.


syljo Report 9 Sep 2007 22:43

Hi all,
Sorry Brenda that you have been forced to "hold the fort" so to speak, but I am here now. No excuses, just busy.
Lovely day again today and my daughter and her partner came to discuss the final plans for our week away. We travel to Eindhoven and sleep the night at my daughters - 28th September and the following day 29th September Henk will drive us all to Calais and then we get the boat at 14.00 hours. We will be in Dover at 14.30 as you are an hour behind us!
My help in the house will be sick for a while I think as her balance is not good. I have now another girl coming in on Wednesday who has been before.I couldn't face another week of doing my own work. Call me lazy if you will, but been doing housework now more than 50 years!
I made some lovely mince pies yesterday. Have been watching Ready, Steady, Cook and picked up some hints and finally made pastry the way I like it. Must buy some extra mincemeat when I am in England!
Now have a nice evening. It is here almost midnight and I have been writing letters all evening. Must do that now and again or I won't receive any letters!
Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 10 Sep 2007 20:00

Hi all,
Well we were a long way back again. Where on earth is everybody? Fred, Brenda, and all those who have not contributed for a long while, help.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 11 Sep 2007 01:00

hello Everyone,I have been out today meeting Dorothy from Canada,managed to have a nice hour or so over a cups of tea and coffee in Bury ,where she is staying with her friend to see some great photos of her family,It was great putting a face to a name.
Did some shopping afterwards ,just a few bits and pieces in the sales.(fpr my holiday)
Hope you have a good journey when the time arrives Sylvia,Don't blame you at all for having a cleaner,would have one too if I could .
Think Fred is either still having pc trouble or away agin.


Brenda Report 11 Sep 2007 15:27

After such a good day yesterday,today has not been so good,my cousin phoned to say that my auntie is very poorly and not expected to be with us very long a week or two at most.She said we could visit but stressed my aunt has changed visible in the past few weeks that we would not reconise her.
I let my other cousins know and my dad and they have decided not to go ,wanting to remember her how she was.I am torn in wanting to see her but not wanting to go and get up set and so upset her as I did when she told me last year she was ill
i will keep you posted.
will be going up to my sisters tomorrow so will not be on til evening .Take care brenda.


syljo Report 11 Sep 2007 18:20

Well had a telephone call from the hospital to say that the surgeon who was going to operate on my hand has broken his ankle and will be off work until January 2008. They offered me another surgeon, but I was wary because I have been operated on twice before and it hasn't worked. I phoned the person in Personnel, who happens to be a friend of mine as we used to work together at Philips. She is like a daughter for me. She said that she too had heard the story of the doctor breaking his ankle so made me feel better and that i wasn't being pushed over.
Anyway the op is now tomorrow so you won't see me on this Board for a while. I really must rest my hand this time and not use it too quickly after the op.
Sorry to hear about your aunt Brenda. Life is sometimes difficult isnt it?
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 12 Sep 2007 10:01

Just a few lines before i go out to see my sister,hope all goes really well for you Sylvia and do as you are told,and i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a success operation and a good result so it does not have to be repeated,
love Brenda


Brenda Report 13 Sep 2007 14:59

Afternoon all,hope Sylvia is doing ok in the hospital,I know dorothy is back home as she has a thread on general,asking where to find us.Fred must either be away or still having problems with his "windows".
Just had luch and before that did thw weekly shop.
Going to the doctors tomorrow hoping to be back in work on Monday.
Speak to you all soon.


syljo Report 13 Sep 2007 18:32

Well Brenda back sooner than I thought. Went to the hospital yesterday and watched one after the other go into the op room. I then decided enough was enough and asked when it was my turn. Apparently I wasn't on the list. Couldn't produce any evidence as made the appointment by telephone. Anyway nice surgeon said he had some spare time, so he would do it there and then. Whoopee. Hey, not so fast, I'm not that lucky. When I told him about the two operations I had had on the hand then this was a "different kettle of fish" and more work was required on the hand. May even entail staying a night in hospital. Well tomorrow have to have an EEG and Monday a talk with the anaesthetist and the op is now planned for tomorrow week, but now I am going to ask them to put it off for two weeks because of me going to England.
Still have too much pain but don't fancy an open wound going to England.
I spent the whole day today in the kitchen baking and cooking, making a.o. lots of mince pies - well it will soon be Xmas.
Glad to hear you are on the mend Brenda. I wonder where our Fred is?
What about Dorothy and all the others?
Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 14 Sep 2007 00:15

hi one and all well here I am back in canada after having a wonderful visit, did have a lovely afternoon with brenda it was good to see her in person, and glad to see she was feeling much better, have read over some of the messages after I finally figured out this new format. sylvia Ihope that they get you fixed up soon and fred here is hoping that you get your computor problems fixed upp. I am still trying to get used to the time differance so will be hving an early night be in touch again soon bye dorothy


Kathleen Report 14 Sep 2007 03:47

Hello all, it's been a while - don't always get to use the computer so much these days as two sons keep beating me to it. The new set up takes time to get used to and I was getting a headache and blurry eyes before I could find this thread.
Have read back a bit, sorry you haven't been too well Brenda and pleased to hear you are feeling better now. Good to hear that Dorothy enjoyed her visit and that you two were able to meet.
Sorry this is only a short message but I do find this a bit hard on the eyes.
Hopefully will get used to it before too long, meantime hope everyone stays well and happy.



Brenda Report 14 Sep 2007 20:02

Hello all.hope you are sorted out soon sylvia,must be a nusience waiting to see what they will do.
Dorothy hope you are not too jet lagged and your cats etc still knew you.
Kathleen great to see you,leave a message however small whenever you can.
see you all to morrow.brenda


BillinOz Report 15 Sep 2007 08:31

Hi Brenda, sorry to see the Best thread on the board so low. It happened a few times to my threads, It will pick up again.
Kathleen great to see you again. Havnt seen you on your AOL Messenger for a while. I have been sitting there for a few weeks, but no Kath****. so we couldnt have our secret chats.
Fred will be still down the beach, recovering from his crash (computer that is). Hope you and Liz have a nice time. and come home to an on-line computer.
Dorothy, hope you had a great holiday, and are home safe and sound.
Take care you lot. see you soon.
Bill in NZ.


syljo Report 15 Sep 2007 15:43

Hi all,
Nice to see you back again Dorothy and also Bill. You must have lots to tell us now.
I've been making more Xmas cards, as far as I can with my hands, but I cannot sit still.
Tomorrow have a birthday to go to. One of Johan's sisters who lives near the German border, so is quite a drive for us. Anyway he used to have 7 sisters but now has only 3 so feel we should make the effort while we can. His only brother isn't with us any more either. The weather is quite nice so should be a nice drive.
Have a nice evening everybody.
Sylvia xxx


badger Report 15 Sep 2007 19:27

Hi all ,including kiwitraveller ,i hope i have a few minutes before being booted off again ,this isp [virgin ] is driving me crazy ,and on top of that i have puter problems which means i have to do a complete windows restore ,or load everything up from the beginning ,all due to a virus which was so smart it evaded my two firewalls and got into my programmes through my son and his perishing music grrrrrr ,lol.
If i don't get back before monday ,then ,sorry peeps ,i will be up sandy bay on holiday[again] lol.
Take care all .Fred.


Dorothy Report 15 Sep 2007 21:27

hi one and all fred I do hope that you get your computor to behave it is such a pest when they go funny, yesterday (fri) I had dinner with the family the children liked all the soccer gear I bought them, and lindy was happy with the cake decorating stuff I bought for her. the weather here has changed a little a bit on the cool side not the cold side just a wee bit cool, I am getting used to driving again and going over this site to learn how to move around it. I am still going over all the stuff I brought back with me and I have two large parcels coming in the post as I think I told brenda that cost me 100 pounds in postage I did try to do my bit for the british economy. again is was so great to meet brenda and she was such a dear she paid for the afternoon tea I hope I did say thankyou . I think I did anne enjoyed meeting her as well maybe they will meet up on bury market in the future why not. well I am going to go and do a bit of house work the cats are finally friends with me again the lady who looked after them did a wonderful job bye for now dorothy