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Depression / Anxiety

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Feb 2008 14:40

Thanks for the tip Ann.

Irene, keep posting, and opening up, we are all here for you.
Kerry, good luck with the interview.

Ruby, well done for doing the lawn, bet you felt like cock of the walk on the rideon! Glad you are mobile with the car, and hope your hubby will soon be back with you to keep you in order. Maybe the hospital will help you find out about getting a bit of help for both of you, and you can enjoy having him home again without him doing too much while he recovers.
love and hugs to you all,

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Feb 2008 14:43

JoyceP, thanks for your kind words, I am glad you enjoy my ramblings lol
Can you imagine how big my phone bills used to be before I got internet and email lol
take care


AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 14:47

tell them also that no one was given a book on how to bring up children, it was a case of learning on the job for most of us - we all made mistakes and I feel awful about some of the things I did and should not have done, and I feel so guilty about those things, but all in all I have a well grounded son whom I love to bits - and he ain't been trouble free either, but he's my son and I am so proud of him, and he would never ever hurt me, of that I am so sure.


Julie Report 6 Feb 2008 16:21

Caz....Just read your post.

You have my eyes leaking too now...I'm so sorry you have been thro so much n still people put you thro more. If you look in then please take comfort from us all n know we're here for you as you have been for us.

Love n hugs to you.



AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 17:55



Deanna Report 6 Feb 2008 18:01

Just been reading this thread.... well... not all of it.
We are never alone in our pain are we?

There is always someone to identify with.
I may just come on here again, and share.
Bless you all.

Deanna X


maxiMary Report 6 Feb 2008 18:24

Dear Caz, my heart breaks for you.
We all say things in anger which we later regret, but to choose such a time to unload a pile of negativity is just plain cruel.
You need surrounded by positive thoughts, love and for some of us, prayers. We are here to provide that for you.
I too feel like I have new friends to whom I can confide, a safe place to let off steam. Please feel free to share, we are here to listen, not judge. Just jump in where you are.
Lots of love and hugs,


Julie Report 6 Feb 2008 18:30

Deanna....Nice to see you. This thread has been a life line to alot of us...n I for one have taken alot from everyone on here n finally done something about my issues. It's a lovely thread, one you feel unthreatened n unjudged by anything you write because, as you say, we can all relate to something someone else is going thro on here.

I remember you from a few years ago n know you have had some hard times too..(unless I'm mistaking you for someone else)....would be lovely to see you join in....alot could learn from you too.

Hi Colleen...hope you're doing ok..??



maxiMary Report 6 Feb 2008 18:48

Thanks, I am doing fine, a bit achy but winter weather is not my fav. We are under a winter storm warning today, have freezing rain, have to leave for work in an hour, and we are supposed to receive ice pellets plus approx a foot of snow by midnight. Not fun.
I've got this amazing lilac tree beside my house, it's standing at approx 120 degrees to one side. Has a long board propping it up. Several neighbours have asked that we NOT cut it down, it's apparently been here for many years and seems to "belong" to the neighbourhood!! When the board falls out in a wind, several people appear to prop it up again. It's a 'curiosity'.
I haven't finished my papers, but was thrown off when GR couldn't find my money order and I lapsed. I was in withdrawal the last 2 days!!
Sending positive thoughts across the pond,


AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 18:53

you're always welcome on this thread Deanna - everyone is - it's a warm friendly place to unload all your troubles and burdens - usually someone around to give a helping hand, a kind word, a bit of advice. Everyone helps everyone else on here, we don't judge or tear people off a strip, we all listen and do our best to understand, even when we find it difficult.
This thread has been running quite a while now and hopefully will continue to run and run and to date there has not been one harsh word on her, or criticism of any poster. I feel it's a great achievement for us all and we should all be very proud of this thread which is the work of so many of us, most of whom we have never met. It's a nice feeling - for me anyway.

Love Ann XX


Julie Report 6 Feb 2008 19:10

Weather with you sounds scary Mary....hope it doesn't get too bad. xx


Julie Report 6 Feb 2008 19:13

A little poem of mine I think fits well you all from me.... :o)xxxx

Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life,
unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are,
perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,
we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Feb 2008 19:26

Jules, that's a lovely verse. I can't imagine what the noise would be like if we all met in one place, some would feel shy and not say much perhaps, but people like me would make up for it and would be talking for England lol


AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 19:33

I love that poem - brilliant. Am off out now and will be back later this evening - see if you can manage without me!!!! ha ha


Kerry Report 6 Feb 2008 20:32

Thanks all for the good luck's for job interview for tomorrow...Im feeling nervous already and its not tomorrow yet lol..Thank goodness for Rescue remedy.!


AnninGlos Report 6 Feb 2008 20:44

kerry, just remember, just before you go into the interview, think of us all cheering you on and sending you cyber hugs.

Jules, lovely poem.



maxiMary Report 6 Feb 2008 22:00

Night all, it's 5pm here (9 pm with you I think).
I'm at work another 2 hours, then brave the freezing blasts outside. The roads were icy in spots when I came in, now it's snowing on top of the ice. I have 1/2 hour drive home on country roads,on a good day.Good luck with the interview tomorrow Kerry, think positive.
Sleep well, all,


Carole Report 6 Feb 2008 22:58

Hello Caz, I have been thinking of you all day and what I want to say to you.
Firstly I'm so sorry to hear how upset you are at the moment. I don't think
your kids really wanted to do that. Your DIL is trying to get you all to make up
and you know you should. I know you are upset but life is too short. I have
experience of this as my OH's mum had breast cancer. Her OH was very cruel
calling her, saying she looked like a boy after her op to remove both breasts.
One evening cos she didn't feel like going out he said "I don't know what’s up
you have only had your tits off". Of course my OH and his three sisters were
very upset at how their mother was treated. After MIL died my OH fell out with his
dad. All stupid stuff. But his dad eventually lived with a lovely lady who tried to bring
them back together. We all visited with the kids (who he had never asked to see
during the couple of years of the fall out) and made polite conversation. Anita (his
lady friend ) tried so hard to make all a big happy family and I feel that is what your
DIL is trying to do. FIL then got cancer, and Anita nursed him with great love and care.
We still see her, and she is now dying of cancer. On chemo, to give her longer.

So what I want you to do is try to remember we don’t have a book to follow as parents,
we all make mistakes we would change if we had another go. We don’t.

Also I want you to try to stay interested in our thread. It needs you. You might not
realize how important you are on there, but you are. Please try to post every couple
of days. I know it’s hard for you. But you can do it. People want to know you will be there
sometimes. And I’m sure you need us now.

Cyber love to you and your OH during this difficult time. Carole xx


Irene Report 6 Feb 2008 23:34

just popped in now popping out got tooo much work on today OH breathing down my neck to get it dun


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2008 00:14

Hi guys and gals - am back from a lovely night out so you can all rest easy again!!!! Do come back on Caz when you can - as you can see, we are all worried about you and hope you are feeling better than you did when you posted. Love Ann XXX