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It is so unfair!

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InspectorGreenPen Report 26 Jun 2016 18:00

Those over 45 had a majority for out.

Those under 45 had a majority for in.

It is ironic that the latter have to live with a decision that they don't agree with by people who are unlikely to see through the consequences.


Maddie Report 26 Jun 2016 18:04

i guess you call that wisdom versus inexperiece.
Who knows what he future will bring.
Oh by the way i never did find out what the reformed EU the stay ins were on about. Or did i miss it.


Susan10146857 Report 26 Jun 2016 18:07

Wow!.....are you telling me that I listened to liars before I voted out?....Sheesh! And here was me thinking that I had put a great deal of thought into my decision and also did much research before voting.....but again, Wow! Perhaps I should now believe that I didn't know what I was doing because those who are mad about losing say so.........Nah!.....I voted out and still say out! amount of wordy posts will make me change my mind any more than Boris or Nigel etc made me want choice! I now think we should get on with it, unite and stop knocking our country and it's ability to rule itself.......( it is this that is damaging us at the moment )....Let the EU do that, we have work to do!


kandj Report 26 Jun 2016 18:08

Why is nothing ever straightforward any more? We all had a choice and made
our X...... and now just have to be patient and await the consequences.


Joeva Report 26 Jun 2016 18:31

I voted IN, I am not under 45 far from it ..... I have a postal vote and I cast my vote and returned it in the post the day I received it. I didn't wait to listen to all the rhetoric in so called debates or the scaremongering from both sides. I voted to remain in the EU just as I voted yes to join in the first place. We the British people didn't know then just what to really expect , neither do we know now what the consequences of our leaving will be in the future.......... all we can do is hope foe the best.


RolloTheRed Report 26 Jun 2016 18:42

You will never get simple straight forward politics in a democracy. Running a successful democratic (small d ) government means balancing a lot of conflicting interests without allowing the most powerful or numerous to ride roughshod over the others. Government by plebiscite is not democracy.

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…" W.S.Churchill

Although I was not a great fan of her politics Margaret Thatcher was very good at this chopping overgrown trees down to size and allowing others to thrive in newfound sunlight. As a man of the left it pains me that most on the left will never admit the many things she did for ordinary people and small businesses. Neither will the Tories 'cos she made too many enemies of vested interests and they took her down.

In particular she pretty well invented the single market in the EU and it is that market which allowed hundreds of UK firms to grow and expand in a way which would never have happened otherwise. The other side of the coin, which she accepted, was more foreigners working (not shirking) in the UK and the membership of E Europe.

Now all that risks coming undone to the great detriment of both the UK and the EU.


SuffolkVera Report 26 Jun 2016 19:08

I am finding the attitude of some " remainers" both on the boards and in general quite unpleasant. I read as much as I could, researched what I could and thought very hard about my decision, and I chose to vote In. It would be very arrogant of me to think that someone voting Out thought any less about their decision than I did.

I am disappointed with the result but we all wanted the best for the country so let's stop moaning and pull together a bit more.

Fwiw I am a crinkly-wrinkly - even my children are over 45!


Susan10146857 Report 26 Jun 2016 19:11

Now that the deed is done and everyone has had their moments of bemoaning the fact that the leaves have it, perhaps the uk knocking can be done with. It doesn't help our Country for us to be seen to slag it and a democratic process off......doesn't look good.

I, for one, never believe or trust anything a politician says, so they didn't influence my vote....It is annoying to hear people keep harping on that my age group should not have been allowed to vote.....Hasn't everyone gone on for years about getting out there and using your vote.....Well I and millions of others did..... and the result Is leave.....maybe those with the words and so called more intelligence could put that to use and come up with some more positive solutions than all this doom and gloom. Which now has no point to it.



Denburybob Report 26 Jun 2016 19:17

Old Chinese saying..."may you live in interesting times".


Sharron Report 26 Jun 2016 19:28

Beware of what you wish for lest your wish should come true.


RolloTheRed Report 26 Jun 2016 19:37

After General Elections, however heavy the defeat, the losers always accept the result, oppose as best they can and wait for next time. Experience says the wheel will come around.

A referendum such as last week's does not allow of any future change the losing side is stuck with it. That is one reason why this is a very poor way of resolving such issues.

This time there is a potent opposition.

1. The economic and financial disaster looming has already started. This was airily dismissed by Leave.
2. The margin for Leave was small, around 4%
3. The Leave campaign was remarkable for its mendacity and viciousness.
4. The electorate was rigged. 16-18 at least should have been considered.
5. Wales, Scotland and N.I. should all have had a veto. As it is the Scots are heading out.
6. The Remain side was way more than 50% if you take out the pensioner vote. Many of the Remainers are the very people who are earning significant money for the UK balance of payments. Financing a country from a housing bubble is never going to fly long term.

The opposition will not lie down, accept the result and pull together. Ideally there should be a general election ( there probably will be ) but as the Labour Party is on self destruct it would not really resolve the mess. So we are left with a second referendum but hardly a replica of the first one. I doubt this would happen.

So the brightest and the best will do what they have always done when UK Govt fails its people. They will leave with their families, businesses, employees and know how benefiting other countries both in and outside of the EU. Ireland is a current hot choice. The left behind and disgruntled in St Austell, Margate and Middlesborough will be trapped inside a government of the far right which sees flat out neo liberalism as the solution to everything. Osbourne's "austerity" will be remembered as the good old days. There will be no EU or Labour party to defend the disadvantaged.


supercrutch Report 26 Jun 2016 19:39

I agree with Susan, word for word so I just feel that ALL politicians are making a mockery of their privilege and are so busy point scoring that they are creating a crisis within politics.

Whichever way the vote went I certainly wouldn't have lined up the opposing side and insulted them which seems to be the favoured game this weekend.


Rambling Report 26 Jun 2016 19:49

fwiw I think the remainers would be saying less, if those who led the campaign to leave were saying more.


Susan10146857 Report 26 Jun 2016 19:51

Tsk!.....doom and gloom .....words and more words .....Its too late Rollo.....the referendum has been and gone. All this doom and gloom can only have a negative effect on our Country. Let's be more positive, use your powers of speech and literacy to help the country, not belittle it's voters because they don't agree.


LaGooner Report 26 Jun 2016 19:54

Hear hear Susan. Very well said

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 26 Jun 2016 20:03

An interesting article


Rambling Report 26 Jun 2016 20:10

It's 2 days... if someone annoys you over something trivial you may well "get over it" in two days? ( Some of you don' neither)

But If someone else takes an action that you believe will adversely affect you and yours, for years to come do you shrug and say 'oh well it'll all come good in the end'? Like hell you do, I know most of you well enough to have seen that you don't, even when it's a topic on here that doesn't affect you 'personally'.( Edit: you keep battling on don't you?!)

Don't silence the remainers please, we have more right to be fearful than those who voted out who presumably found something that reassured them it was the right thing to do. I saw nothing that tells me it was a good idea, and the seeming lack of any plan for what happens after the referendum is not helping.


♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 26 Jun 2016 20:20

Rose, it would have been the same for us leave voters if it had gone the other way.

We would have had to continue being a part of something we did not believe was working.

Time will tell whether a stand alone Britain can be great again.


To anyone with spare bricks, I hear Nicola Sturgeon needs them to repair a wall.


Caroline Report 26 Jun 2016 20:23

To say the vote was rigged because 16-18 couldn't vote is pushing it, you might as well say anyone over 7 can vote as give me the child until they're 7......

Both parties told lies both parties told truths nothing unusual there.

The highest no shows was in the younger age bracket so I'm sorry you didn't vote don't moan.

I know people young that voted out and people old that voted in, like I know Scots that voted out that's the way it goes.

Democracy doesn't mean you can sulk when you don't win, it means who honestly knows what tomorrow will bring but it will be hard work and yes maybe some "suffering" short term but if everyone tries to do their bit it might just might work out.........


KittytheLearnerCook Report 26 Jun 2016 20:26

The leave campainers are not part of an elected government though Rose........I voted leave for many reasons, immigration was not one of them, I have no issues with that at all.

I have had a weekend of ear-bashing from a very stroppy 17 year old daughter and her friends who are all fired up......they would have voted remain, mainly because their teachers were all for it.

I don't want to silence the remainers, just stop being labelled uneducated, anti-europe, selfish, uncaring, ignorant etc etc..........not by my daughter and her friends.....we have had a weekend of listening to each other.

We have agreed to disagree and move on......nothing should split family and friends.

It is what it is.