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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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moonbi Report 7 Jan 2012 22:58

Sending my best wishes to everyone this week.
Its been very hot last few days. Today its wet and drizzly. I haven't been doing very much in this weather until later in the evening. watering my plants until the mosquitoes get too annoying.

G'son has been with me 3 days this week and goes home tomorrow.
I have paid for his swim lessons which start on Monday afternoon, so next week will be going to the pool each day.

Navy son is still here and returns to base in 7 days, for the big push to graduation from recruit school on 27th Jan. He has been keeping up with aerobic exercises and does his 25 minutes run around the village most evenings when it is cooler.

I cooked a nice batch of biscuits for New Year and Iced them with the new writing icing tubes. looked very nice. and the new biscuit recipe tasted good too. it didnt take long and the lads polished the off.

Best wishes to all
and condolences to Sylvia and her oh on the passing of a cousin. Very sad to hear of that; being unexpected ? do hope his travels go well in the winter weather.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jan 2012 01:37

Hi Ann

Thank you for your condolences

it's warmish and wet here :-D

Thank you, Annette

Cousin's death was not unexpected ............... but we did not expect it so soon. She deteriorated very rapidly over the last 10 days to 2 weeks.



AnninGlos Report 9 Jan 2012 18:00

Not cold here either, very strange for January, still quite dull most of the time though.

Annette, you will miss your son when he goes back. You will have to get stuck into your quilting again.

Sylvia, even if not unexpected, still sad isn't it, one more link gone? <3


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2012 04:18

Hi Ann

yes indeed, one very important link gone.

OH and his sister only had 2 cousins .................. and the one who has died was the only biological one.

Her parents couldn't conceive, so decided to adopt a boy ........ M was then born 11 months later. A not uncommon story!



AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2012 17:56

The trouble with getting older Sylvia. I only have two cousins left older than me (several younger), One is 81 and the other will be 90 in April.


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2012 09:34

Just nudging this up in the light of Julia's thread. We seem to have been left with just a few regular posters on here so I am wondering where the others went? did they leave GR or just get fed up with the threads I wonder?


Julie Report 14 Jan 2012 00:08

Well I am certainly hoping the heart hasnt gone out of them Ann I'm just starting to use them now



moonbi Report 14 Jan 2012 00:20

Not Sure where others are Ann.
I guess things on the boards arent as they seem anymore. I notice one or 2 threads that really are school yard type speak, and Im not interested in doing that.

I know people have pain, either physical or emotional, but that is no reason to take it out on others.

I find its really easy to get into a mess of words on the internet, and its virtually impossible to retract once its been said. Although some folk seem to thrive on adrenaline rushes and conflict. That's not me. Although my children liked to put me through that often enough as they were growing up !

A positive view, would be not to write anything, that one would not say to anyone's face. then again, some dont care what they say to others anymore.
I guess it all boils don to what one grew up with.
And I was taught to be civil to those one cant get along with any better than that.

Now that's not happening on this thread, for which we all are thankful I'm sure.

There, thats my piece for the day

Ive had a whole week of afternoon swim lessons for Gson, and soon we are off to the cinema to see ChipMunks Shipwrecked.

Tues. he goes to his other Gparents for a week. they have a beach house near Melbourne. So he should have a great visit.

NAvy son leaves to return to base tomorrow. We went out to see Sherlock - game of Shadows. Which we really enjoyed, then had a late lunch at the cafe.

Best wishes always
from a warm day cool night NSW


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Jan 2012 00:28

Hi Ann

oh dear,

I saw your comment re Julia's thread on here, and went to see what that was about

and you know what I posted on that thread!

but then I forgot to come back here.

Old age is definitely setting in methinks!! :-D

Lovely to see you, Annette ..... you'll miss your son when his leave finishes. But how well he is doing!

Have heard from OH .... he emailed me just after 9 pm UK time, to say he had arrived safely. And that he had had a bowl of soup, then he and cousin's husband had gone out to the pub managed by cousin's daughter!

Why was I not surprised to hear that? :-D :-D

It's becoming cold here ............ around and below 0C, and that dreaded word "sxxx" is in the forecast for tonight, and possibly through the weekend. let's hope it's just a sprinkling!

Take care



AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2012 11:20

Julie I think things have improved slightly since I started this thread.

Moonbi, I always try and read through what I have written before I press the send button. Actuslly I think it is better since they gave us smilies :-)

I hope your son has enjoyed his leave and that he has returned refreshed.

Back later, have to go out. :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Jan 2012 20:34

pity, Julia's thread has deteriorated to the point that nothing sensible is being suggested for the present day.

May be lovely to reminisce about past events ....... but not when most people have no idea what you're talking about, and you have takne over someone else's thread!

We had snow last night, began about 11 pm and had ended by 7am this morning, which is when I looked outside!

We only had 1-2 cms here at the house, and most of that has already gone. Other areas of Vancouver got more.

Take care



AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2012 22:19

Yep they lost me too.


moonbi Report 21 Jan 2012 10:09

Hi all,
A very hot day here today, and just on evening I heard thunder. hoping it was to rain. But no it didnt. So Ive just been out to water my veges.
Navy son rang this morning to say he had a very hectic week. They are pushing hard, and being very tough, The whole division was taken out of camoflage uniform and put into shorts and tee shirts, because they were not ship shape for the commanders rounds. However, this morning all was restored again after another rounds inspection. On Monday they get their new patches, and do lots of drill getting ready for Friday's Graduation March Out.

We will travel down to Cerberus the night before. Which happens to be Australia Day. A big public Holiday for the whole Nation.

Maine had its first snow also the other night, and its been very cold O degrees Fahrenheit; which for me is -16 C.
Hope you all are well


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 22 Jan 2012 10:44

Morning everyone
I am back from a lovely holiday in St Lucia . We had a fabulous time. Sunny, with a cooling breeze so we didn't get too hot, and only rained in the evening , overnight or early morning. So I have a pretty good tan from lounging around reading. I got through 4 books and started a 5th. So really relaxing. We had a tour round the island with a guide and a luxury car so we saw lots too. St Lucia is very green and has a rain forest. It has one big town some smaller towns and a lot of fishing villages. There is a lot of agriculture too. Next to tourism it is their biggest earner. They export bananas and maybe other friuts too. To make the rum they have to import sugar now. Too much food and a fair few cocktails were consumed. A wonderful holiday and we really enjoyed ourselves just doing nothing for the first time in ages.
Now back to reality.
I hope everyone that reads this thread are OK.
Those in Australia and New Zealand are enjoying your summer. And those in the Americas(including Canada) are not too cold, as having met some in St Lucia it has been warmer then usual, like England, but they were expecting to get much colder.

Will try to add more often.

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


moonbi Report 12 Feb 2012 22:21

Hello, its been a while since I last wrote. and looks like most are also very busy.

I have a question which I would like your thoughts on.

I am to renew my GR STANDARD subs in March. and received an email from accounts dept saying they will renew me for 12 months for $79.95 on MArch the 6th.

Last time I think I paid $37. On another thread I see uk people subs are not that high.
Yes I see on the subs offers that 12 month for Aus $ works out at about $38 this year. I have unchecked continuous, just in case.

Had a look on "contact us" and I cant work out who to send my query to.

I am sending a message to accounts to ask if that is the best they can offer me; and see what happens.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2012 22:44


it should NOT be $79.95 for 12 months standard!

I do not think the AU/UK exchange rate is that high!

You are not the only one to be charged a very high amount ... there seems to be some problem at Accounts.

Do please contact Accounts ............ and if you do not get a satisfactory response from them by Tuesday UK time, do not wait any longer, but send another email to

[email protected]

and put Attention: Estelle in the subject line

She was very good last year when I had problems with my sub.

I've been fiddling along, doing bits on my tree, and helping on the boards.

OH got back safely ...... it was good for both him and cousin's husband for him to have gone over for the funeral.

I was not best pleased with the present he brought back for me ........... a nasty cold!

We have been very busy since then.

take care everyone



moonbi Report 12 Feb 2012 23:34

THanks Sylvia, have sent my query just now.

Hope both of you are over that headcold.
Is it freezing there this week?


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Feb 2012 00:23



it's warm and wet here!

we've had the most peculiar winter ................ much warmer than usual, very dry in January, and then wetter than usual since then.

The grass will need cutting soon :-)


Cath2010 Report 13 Feb 2012 07:29

Morning folks,
a long time since I popped in. Have read back a few pages and promptly forgotten most of what I read but I hope everyone is well. Annette your son sounds as though he's doing great, I wish him all the best.
I have been updating my tree for a month or so, adding sources etc. I didn't realise what a monumental task it would turn out to be. Still, it has passed a few long winter nights and beats doing nothing at all. I am definitely looking forward to spring and some warmer weather.
Take care,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 13 Feb 2012 08:33

Good morning, good to see the thread woken up again.

Moonbi, I hope that you can get that subs sorted. That is a heck of a lot (or sounds it, what is that in GBP?) I'm sure that your subs should not have doubled. Makes me think that the e mail alert is an auto one, maybe it is the amount for new people joining.

Good to see you on here Cath, has your winter been as cold as ours these last couple of weeks?

Hi Sylvia, I have spoken to you elsewhere. strange that all our weather is so different this year isn't it? Not that I'd have minded if ours had stayed mild but at least last week it seemed more normal. Today we are back to the grey, damp and milder weather. :-)