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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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AnninGlos Report 30 Jul 2011 09:43

Welcome back Sylvia, hope the soreness wears off soon.


moonbi Report 31 Jul 2011 02:48

hi sylvia
hope your cabin holiday was fun.

sorry to hear you have back ache and soreness.All better soon I hope.


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Jul 2011 05:16

Hi all

We got back on Wednesday. Then spent the day with himself unpacking the cases, and doing the washing! My back was very painful ........... I'd managed without too much trouble for most of the trip, but there was some quite dreadful rocking on the train on Tuesday which I think was the final straw. Plus the fact that I could't do one of my exercises, which was actually one of the most important ones (or so the physio told me on Thursday!).

We had a wonderful time

One week with J, M and MJ. MJ has really grown, is on the verge of walking and has 2 or 3 words. He takes his time to accept people ..... although I did get a smile on our first morning. It was another 3 days before he would sit on my knee! However, we went back to the house on the Thursday evening before leaving on the train, having been away since the Sunday (so, 4 days) .......... J stopped at the day care to pick up M ................. and he broke into a broad smile when he saw us in the car!

5 days at the conference, which turned out to be much more interesting that I had feared. Several of our good friends from across the country were there, so it was great to meet up with them.

There was one rather worrying time .................... one of our friends, a woman of around 50, was "not right", and got worse as the week progressed. She was hesitant, then gradually became more and more disoriented .............. by Wednesday, about 6 of us were very worried about her. She is in the middle of moving to a new job hundreds of miles away from where she currently lives, so we thought fatigue, dehydration, even medication not working properly.

Anyway, she eventually got home on Thursday, but slept in all day on Friday ............. her husband took her to emergency on Friday evening. Within an hour she had been transferred to a larger hospital in a nearby town. She was operated on on Sunday morning ......... the cause of the problem was a large tumour on the left side of her brain. The operation went well, but she is still in Intensive Care, and we are waiting anxiously to hear how she will be.

It seems that we in Halifax were the first to see any symptoms although the surgeons think the tumour had been growing for quite some time. So the whole episode from showing symptoms to operation was 7 days!

Her husband thinks chemo and radiation will be in the cards ...... as well as rehabilitation etc.

Then we had the 6 days on the train ................ it was much busier than when we do it in the winter, but, as usual, we found a congenial group of people, and spent most of our time in one of the dome cars talking and laughing!

I have been to physio on Thursday, and he tried to work out the kinks in my back.

Friday was the biopsy day. I had to lie on my side pinned into a mammogram machine. They had to find the site (or sites) of the calcifications, then get a sort of tiny knife in there through a tiny incision, and take very thin slices. They took about 5, then went away and examined them under ultra high power magnification. Luckily, everyhting went fast, and was only pinned there for about 30 minutes.

I am now bruised and sore!

I have already made an appointment with my Family Doctor for August 10, and hopefully, the results and specialist's recommendation(s) will be there by then.

Although the radiologist did say that she might be recommending that another biopsy be done by a surgeon ................ just to make absolutely certain that whatever is there is benign.

One very interesting thing ....... we met up with our old friends from university days while we were in Halifax .

They were in Christchurch when the NZ earthquake hit last September.

They were staying in a small hotel in the cente of Christchurch, which was next door to a tall hotel (the Grand Chancellor) that started to collapse, but ended up leaning on the smaller building beside it.

Their belongings, including passports and money, are still in that room as no-one is allowed in until the Grand Chancellor is stabilised.

They decided to continue with their holiday to Australia and New Caledomia .............. even though they only had the clothes they stood up in, his wallet, and a small amount of money that she had taken with her (she'd left most of it in the hotel room).

He didn't buy himself any more clothes ........ he said he had a shirt that dried in an hour, he could wash out his underwear, and he washed his socks then attached them to the end of a hairdryer, turned it on and so dried them quickly!



AnninGlos Report 31 Jul 2011 09:21

Pleased to hear that you had a good time with the family. MJ is just at the age when he realises he doesn't 'know' people. We had the same with our two youngest grandchildren who we didn't see as often as the older ones when babies.

Sorry to hear about your friend, I guess chemo/radiotherapy will rely on whether the tumour is malignant or benign. I wonder how long she has had symptoms that she hasn't said anything about. I hope that she recovers well.

Regarding your friends on holiday in N Zealand, it just shows that you can have a holiday with few clothes. I assume they were able to get copy passports. I hope they eventually get their money back. Glad it didn't spoil their holiday anyway.

Here is hoping for good results from the biopsy and hope the soreness is wearing off for you.


AnninGlos Report 6 Aug 2011 21:56

Ooh almost a week since anyone visited this poor thread. Hope you are all OK.


moonbi Report 7 Aug 2011 04:01

Hi Ann
Been busy, and had a headcold so took a few days easy.
hope to write more news in a few days


AnninGlos Report 7 Aug 2011 09:21

Hi Moonbi, Hope your cold is getting better now, horrid things aren't they?


Robin7 Report 8 Aug 2011 09:23


Sorry not been on my memebership ran out went to renew it and it failed which was odd checked the bank and they had paid someone twice.

the bank say its nothing to do with them and the company who took it twice say its not in their system even thought the bank have shown me it went to them.

Anyway had to wait till i had some money lol which is today :-D

mind you kept myself busy with family tree stuff it still amazes me the things that can be found just by a google search.



AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2011 10:00

Robin, hi, I would quert that. How can it not be the bank's fault if they paid somebody twice? They should surely claw it back from whoever took it. And I wouldn't let it rest with the company either if you have proof of it being paid out. Was it a large amount?


Robin7 Report 8 Aug 2011 10:23

Yeah we went to see them they say its not in their system so im going to write to their bosses and the same with the bank i will write to the area manager.

It was close to £200 which is alot to me



AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2011 11:33

It is a lot to anybody. But don't give up Robin and let us know how you get on.


moonbi Report 9 Aug 2011 02:53

yes 200 pound is a lot in any bodies kit.
Close to $260 Aus.
I can buy a weeks food for that, and feed 3 people.
so hope you can recover the money.


AnninGlos Report 31 Aug 2011 11:34

ooh have we forgotten this one? So long since anyone posted on here, where is everyone? On holiday? Like I will be tomorrow. However I should, all being well, be able to get on line.


Merlin Report 31 Aug 2011 13:56

You want to have a look at the Auntie Motie thread, its quite fun.( unless Auntie gets into a strop) :-S.but its a gas really.**M** :-D.enjoy your holiday.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 31 Aug 2011 15:25

Hope you got your money sorted, Robin. If not, have you tried citizens advice, or even the banking ombudsman


moonbi Report 1 Sep 2011 02:00

Have a great holiday Ann.

First day of spring here. Sky is blue, air is cool, but warm sitting in the sun. The fire went out last night, but it didnt matter too much, as I got up late, and the sun was warming the room.

Daffodils are almost finished flowering, and the purple magnolia flowers have begun to open.
Roses have been pruned the last fortnight, and I see shoots today.

hope everyone is well and enjoying the last of your summer in the north.

take care all

Deb Vancouver (18665)

Deb Vancouver (18665) Report 1 Sep 2011 03:45

Yes. I was a regular poster during your night.
I only pop in here abou once a month now.
Too many good members were forced off,
I don't think that the old feel of the board will ever be the same.



SylviaInCanada Report 1 Sep 2011 04:33


love your avatar, Deb!

soon be hockey season again!

sylvia (in Vancouver)


lavender Report 3 Sep 2011 17:53

I don't belong to any of the social websites but I was writing daily for about five years on a specific mental health forum. At times the nastiness could be so frightening and if targetted at oneself could make one feel almost suicidal with anxiety and fear. I still read there, more out of curiousity, to see how others are but do not write. They never really felt like friends although I was wanting them to, everybody had so many of their own issues that normal relationships proved to be impossible. Some of them were exchanging emails but with so many disputes it was too scary to become involved. It feels lovely and normal here to me! Normal folk. That's wonderful in my eyes. L


AnninGlos Report 3 Sep 2011 18:28

Lavender, feel free to write on here without fear. Deb it has been good recently to see you posting again. Yes a lot of people left but a lot of good people also remain and others have joined.
Moonbi, nice to be looking forward to summer rather than back at it as in our case. However we are enjoying a boost of warm sunshine here in North Tenerife.