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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 30 May 2011 07:52

Hi Robin
No real plans just yet. Waiting for hubby to decide if he will leave working a little early or keep going for another 18 months.

I hope to sort my Family History research and follow up some of the names I jotted down on my way through, getting rid of little notes as I go. Maybe get hubby to take me to Chichester and Winchester Records Offices. I've only been to Winchester once and found so much, but never returned. Hubby doesn't have a great interest.

Otherwise mainly handicrafts, reading more, gardening and decorating. Should keep me busy til he decides.

I need to declutter, as they say and get rid of a lot of equipment and toys. But I have only had one little goirl 3 days a week for the last 2 years so a slow lead in I guess

Enjoy the Bank Holiday everyone

Linda :-) <3


cane Report 30 May 2011 09:12

this is a really lovley thread,i want to read it all right now (housework beckons) so ime saving it for tonight...
chris.....i remember that oven cleaning thread,cant remember if i took part,as i was in floods of tears of histerical laughter....didnt arf have a toned tummy after that! :D


Robin7 Report 30 May 2011 10:09

Lol well its raining here on a bank holiday monday what a shock ;-).

Im not very good at gardening Linda but i think i would do alot of reading in the garden :D.


AnninGlos Report 30 May 2011 10:20

Certainly not a gardening day here. I do feel sorry for all the people who have put a lot of effort into organising events for the bank holiday.


Robin7 Report 30 May 2011 10:38

Yes me to Ann mind you where there is a will there is a way.

The wind seems to of died down here but as i said before now its very wet.


moonbi Report 30 May 2011 11:25

hi everyone
hello Cane, I cant see anything funny about cleaning the oven. But then I really should try to imagine heh?

today I had my dr. appt and it went smoothly. I didnt have to wait very long either.

when I got home I printed off my etickets for my Adelaide trip.
so Im flying Albury to Sydney (east coast) then back west to Adelaide.

Seems like extra distance, however, thats the way it connects for the best times. I would have thought going through Melbourne was cheaper and in the right direction, but no.
all so weird.

G'son is back with me tonight, for 3 days. Tomorrow is school photos, so I have orders to get him to school in the correct uniform and tidy hair. as if I didnt know!

So sorry to hear you peeps are not having good spring weather.
Its sunny and 16C here today, tomorrow the same.
Clear nights are when we get the big frosts, puss doesnt like being out for long and scampers back in quickly after her little walk on the grass.

She has been busy lately during the day, and has left me little grey presents on the back step. I said to her " I like you very much, you're a great cat, but please no more mouse heads."

well it's late, and I have to get boy to school looking good, and another appt in the morning.

Goodnight all from AUS


AnninGlos Report 30 May 2011 12:29

Although it is raining, it is very welcome soft rain which is doing the garden a lot of good. We really needed it, just not on a bank holiday.


Cath2010 Report 30 May 2011 20:09

Hi Folks,
well the sun has just decided to come out. Thats 2 days in a row its waited till late evening :P What good is that?
Hello Cane welcome to our thread, hope you enjoy it. :D
Moonbi glad your appointment went well and now you have your trip booked it's something to look forward to.
Couldn't get any blinds to fit so am going to have a look on ebay.
Hope you are all well,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 31 May 2011 12:41

Good afternoon all, a better day today so maybe we can get back out in the garden, it looks a lot fresher for the rain though.


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 31 May 2011 13:10

Hi Ann
It was nice early here went for a walk round the lake with my son's cocker spaniel.
But then we had a sudden down pour which turned into hail, quite unexpected.

Now the sun is back out, but as I have just put some curtains in the wash not sure how long it will stay out !!

Need to do some more in the garden, but the rain is doing more good than I can. Must water the pots in the front porch though.

Be back later

Linda :-) <-3


Cath2010 Report 31 May 2011 20:57

Good evening all,
just looking in to make sure everyone is ok.
Been a nice day here, typical as I went back to work this morning. :-(
Spent the afternoon changing filters and cleaning cooker hood and extractor fan :-P I must be a glutton for punishment.
Time to walk the dog before supper and an early night. Got to be up at 5.30.

Cath xx


Robin7 Report 3 Jun 2011 19:11

Well a very nice hot week had the nursery children out most mornings this week but way to hot for the afternoons just kept them in.

Its birthday's time for us in June in my family my lovley Wifes tomorow my sisters Sunday and mine Monday :-D

and my dads at the end of the month. taking the twins to the museum tomorrow and the wife is taking the older two to the ciniema.

hope everyone has a good weekend :-D


Cath2010 Report 3 Jun 2011 20:16

Hi all,
Robin, June is a busy month for me as well. Grandson will be 3 next Wednesday then we have our wedding anniversary on 19th and also Fathers Day, eldest daughters birthday on 20th, my brothers birthday on 21st, a very good friends birthday on 23rd, middle granddaughters birthday on 26th and also the anniversaries of my fathers death on 28thand my father in laws death on 23rd. So a month of mixed emotions for me. Can be an expensive month as well.
Hope everyone is well and enjoys the weekend :-D

Cath xx


SylviaInCanada Report 3 Jun 2011 20:29

Hi all

Welcome cane

we're finally seeing some sun here, and warmer temperatures!

I believe it will be clear and sunny, and reach 20 / 25C tomorrow ..... hat's quite a change from the rain, drizzle and 13'14C of the last little while!

Wednesday last week to Wednesday this week was Graduation Week at the university ............. 23 ceremonies during which some 5,000-6,000 students crossed the stage to shake hands with the Chancellor.

OH loves the ceremonial aspect ............ he's the Student Marshall, and attended every ceremony.

It rained for about half the ceremonies .............. so they had to take diversion when processing from the building where everyone gets "robed" to the theatre where the ceremonies take place!

Now we can start getting ready for summer!

I had my annual squish yesterday .................... they were using a brand new fully digitised machine, only been in use 2 weeks.

take care everyone



AnninGlos Report 3 Jun 2011 22:19

Robin, happy birthday to your wife, hope you spoiled her today. And I hope you have a good day on Monday in case I forget. That is 4 people I know who have a birthday Monday.

Sylvia, yout OH will be feeling flat now the excitement is all over. We have had a very hot day today and more is forecast for tomorrow but then, typically for UK, we are promised the weather is getting cooler again and showery. :-) :-) :-)


moonbi Report 4 Jun 2011 04:37

to you all who are having warmer weather in the north.

after a few sunny days on the border, it began to rain overnight.
I woke to hear the gentle rain, on the camellia tree outside my window, and its turned cold again. 10C today, and so glad I got my washing dry yesterday.

The wood man brought a trailer load, so I have dry wood for my fire too.!
I had to go back to the dentist, as the filling didnt take and the nerve died. I was in pain and face a little swollen. He had to pull the tooth out, and I have antibiotics for today.
Feeling better this morning, but took panamax to help.

Daughter has taken g'son to Bendigo to visit her new man this weekend. I hope he has a good time, but he said he has to be careful to behave well, or the man may stop talking to mummy.
I told him, that even if he was a really naughty boy that would not stop the man from talking to mummy.
funny how kids think its all about them.

I have requested research and sent a bank draft to Northamtonshire records office, asking them to search for me about my John Lyon born c1695
It seems that they take about a month to do overseas inquiries.
First I sent an email with details asking them if they thought it was worthwhile looking.
I guess that was a silly question, as they said it was worthwhile, giving their reasons for saying that.
This is my last avenue of pursuit for his parentage, until the second parish register for Kettering comes online. and who know when that will be.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and happy birthday to all who are celebrating in Robin's family.
By the way, when my g'son was about 4 he went to family day care and it was called Robin's Nest. the care lady was called Robin.
She was very nice to the little ones.

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2011 04:55

It looks as though we will be making our first trip up to the cabin between the 16th and 20th June

we're wondering if we will have had any more visits from the bear!



Robin7 Report 4 Jun 2011 08:19

Thanks for all the messages.

Cath your month looks really busy.

Moonbi tooth ache is real horried. lol when i was a kid i always got called robin red breast and asked where batman was.

have a good weekend everyone. :-D


AnninGlos Report 4 Jun 2011 17:01

Sylvia you will be heading for the cabin while we are away on holiday. It is more than likely I shan't have internet access on holiday, or only a short time when I pay for it. So, in case I forget, have a great time at the cabin.

Robin, hope you enjoy all the birthday celebrations this weekend

Moonbi, hope you ahve recovered from the tooth extraction. I have one which is loose so will probably come out when I next go in July. It doesn't hurt but is a nuisance if I catch it. One of the penalties of getting old. Still if that is all i suffer I shan't worry.


Persephone Report 9 Jun 2011 10:43

I am not sure whether you people are aware but Sylvia cannot post on the boards ... she is having problems over her membership.

From Sylvia:
I have been a member of GR since 2004. I have always paid in £ sterling. Last week GR charged my credit card in US dollars. I live in Canada, we have our own currency! I wanted to pay in £ sterling so that I knew exactly how much GR was charging me

After some discussion by email, complicated by great difficulty getting through to GR, they came to a compromise ..............

They changed my country of residence to UK, that allows me to be charged in £ sterling, and are taking on board a suggestion that anyone be allowed the option of paying in the currency of their country(or that of the nearest country) OR in £ sterling.

They refunded my credit card with the $14.45 US that had been charged to it. And told me to renew in £ sterling

HOWEVER, in doing that, they have reduced me to a Free Member.

I went to renew my subscription and found that they now want to charge me £20 for one year. I think it is no secret that "old" members still pay the £9.95 for 12 months that was the fee before 2007.

£20 is also much more than the $14.45 US that they charged me last week.

Colour me annoyed!

All I know is that I am now counted a Free member, so cannot post on GR unless I pay the £20, when the offer they gave me 3 weeks ago was much less than that!

Of course, I didn't open the email telling me this until after 4:00 pm UK time, which means the GR office is closed, and nothing will be done until at least 8:00 am tomorrow morning.

It really is getting beyond belief!

She goes on to say:

I'm not sure that they MEANT to change my status so drastically. The email this morning told me to go ahead and re-do the sub in £ ............. but the effective result has had the unfortunate effect of making me in effect a new member!

Sylvia, like myself participates on quite a few threads but I know she posts here regularly so thought I would let you all know.
