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Sallie Report 26 Sep 2009 17:17

Hello Girls,

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, but we have had a few family problems, everything seems to be alright now, so we are hoping it will stay that way.

Marie, I hope things are getting back to normal after the terrible dust storm some of you have had in Oz. Sorry to hear about your dog, the trouble is we get so attached to them because they become part of the family and miss them when they are gone. I hope he didn't suffer too much. You did the kindest thing for him. I hope you and your family are all alright otherwise.

Mo, thank you for being concerned about me, it's nice to feel missed.
I'm sorry that you have had to cancel your trip to Blackpool, but as you say with the cost of other things, it can't be helped. Never mind, you'll have a lovely new kitchen instead, worth the sacrifice.

Jean, I'm sorry I missed you before you went on holiday. It's many years since we've been to Ludlow, it's very nice there, at least it was when I went there.
Hope you and J will have a good week there. Also hope you are feeling better.

Huia, I hope you are feeling better. Did your son manage to get the grass cut for you. Was Phil alright when he went to visit him?
I'm not sure what you are doing with your photos, I'll have to read the messages again.

Ann, hope your shoulder is getting better. Have you finished doing your Christmas cards yet? I haven't been able to do any of the Scrapbook this week with all the family problems--but hoping I will be able to a bit of it later on.

Marilyn, not sure if you are away or not. Hope all is well with you and your family. We found out quite a bit on Mary Hughes' family, I will PM you what we have found.

I hope Debbie, Sue and Grace are all alright.

Speak to you all soon. Take care !


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Sep 2009 19:02

Hi girls.
Good to hear from you Sallie. Marilyn appears on the friendly thread,quite a lot. But I know she has been very busy,with constant visitors. It must be open house down where she lives,so I think we should take a holiday down there sometime. We can pay her a surprise visit,all of us.
Ann dont they do cushion floor at Ca*p*t R*g*t,thats if the ones round your way are still open. I know that they had it at our local store,as we bought some for our bathroom.
It's a nuisance not being able to say the stores name,but hopefully you will get the drift of what I am saying.
Sallie,family problems are more important,than this place is.
I hope you have managed to sort out your difficulties.
When I read your post,I misunderstood what you were saying to Ann. I thought you said,christmas shopping,instead of christmas cards. I will have to get my eyes tested again.
See you later girls. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 26 Sep 2009 20:13

Mo, I will be part of the surprise visit if you pay my airfare over there and back - not to mention the cost of a new passport since mine expired 9 yrs ago.

Our son visited Phil, says he is still a bit confused. I just with he would 'accept his fate' so they could take him off all the drugs. I am hoping I might be well enough tomorrow to visit him but will have to wait and see. I am slowing improving.

Love to all, Huia.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Sep 2009 20:26

Huia love,when I win the lottery,I will send you the money for the trip,and your passport.
I am glad you are feeling a bit better today. But just take it one day at a time.
Have they tried cutting Phil's medication down yet?
May god give you the strength,to get through the next few months.
Did Phil recognise your son,when he went to see him. If he did,then it proves that he still has a lot of his faculties in tact. Bless him.
Take care of yourself. Love Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Sep 2009 17:52

Hello Hello.
Where is everyone again.
Huia,I was reading the carers thread,and on it you said that you were hoping to go and see Phil today.
Did you manage to get there.? and how was he.?
It was good to hear that you are feeling better.
I hope things are o.k at your end Sallie.
Ann,how is your shoulder now.? When do have the stitches out.?
Debbie,long time since we spoke to you love. How are you and the children.
Marie in oz. Hows you keeping.? Are the grandchildren any better.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 28 Sep 2009 20:12

MO, it is today I am going to visit. I decided yesterday that the weather was too foul so went shopping in the morning then when it turned fine after lunch the odd job man came to mow my lawns so I helped him by disposing of the grass clippings. The weather this morning (it is now 8.10am) looks good, although I think there are showers and thunderstorms forecast for the day. Better get moving and get everything sorted out as I hope to stay in town for choir practice tonight.



Huia Report 29 Sep 2009 09:57

Yes, the forecast for thunder was right. During choir practice there was an absolutely enormous clap and our special lights went out. They take a while to warm up again (not sure what they are - not the eco friendly ones). I found trying to sing the high notes got my cough going again so I decided to come home early. Lots of lightning on the way home but it was almost over by the time I got here, otherwise I would have been sitting in the car until it stopped.

It doesnt look much as if Phil is going to be going into the rest home that I prefer. It will probably be a secure hospital elsewhere :((( I just hope his condition deteriorates rapidly as it is no life for him.

Off to bed soon.



AnninGlos Report 29 Sep 2009 10:01

Hi all, Lovely day here today so far.

Mo, I had the stitches out just over a week ago, the site is still slightly swollen and sore if pressed so i tend to wear a bra with the strap on that side tucked down (bit lop sided but who looks at me???)

Huia, sorry that Phil can't go into the home you prefer, does that mean he will be further away for visiting?

Ann xx


Huia Report 29 Sep 2009 19:18

Ann, the other home for Phil is probably only 10 or 15 mins extra driving, unless the traffic is bad, I am told the place looks grotty on the outside but is not so bad inside. It is also in a built up area. Still, as my dad used to say, cheggars cant be boosers.

I might make my visits every 4 days instead of 3, he doesnt seem to miss me too much, and it would give me an extra day to do the million things that I need to do here. Often when I visit he dozes off, so I wonder what the point is of visiting, but then I have to, dont I. I cant abandon him completely. But I do need to do other things and have a bit of a life myself.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Sep 2009 19:44

Hello girls.
Huia,I know the home for Phil is not where you would like it to be,but if he is going to get the type of care that he needs,then thats all that matters.
If it's a secure unit,will they still be taking him out for his walks.
I do hope so,as that is his greatest pleasure,isn't it.
Good evening Ann,hows you tonight.
I did not realise you had already had your stitches out. Have you had the results of the biopsy on the rodent ulcer yet.
Take care my friends. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 29 Sep 2009 20:05

No Mo, not had the result of the biopsy which, as it is almost three weeks I hope is good news.

Huia, I am sure it would be fine for you to visit Phil every 4 days instead of three, as he doesn't really realise that you are there you are really visiting him for you rather than him, if you see what I mean.

Yes, it would be good if he was still being taken for walks, would keep him fit physically too.


Sallie Report 29 Sep 2009 23:23

Hi All,

Sorry I've not been on for a couple of days, but I'm still trying to get over the problems of last week.

Where is Debbie and Sue? We haven't heard from them for a while--I hope everything is alright with them and their families.

Ann, I'm sure that you would have heard something by now, if there was anything on the biopsy that wasn't right. I hope your shoulder will feel more comfortable very soon.

Huia, I hope you are feeling better. I'm sure that visiting Phil every four days will be fine. It's a shame that you can't get him in the home nearest to you, but at least you'll know that he'll be safe, so that will give you peace of mind.

Mo, how are you and Roly doing? I hope all is well with you both.
When are they coming to do your kitchen? It will be lovely when it's done.

I hope Jean and J are enjoying their holiday in Ludlow.At least we have had some dry weather this week.

Also hope that Marilyn and OH are enjoying their week staying with her brother and his family.

Speak to you all soon.



Huia Report 29 Sep 2009 23:46

You women are so good, replying to everybody and commenting on people who are missing. Im afraid I cant remember everybody who has been on the thread.

I just wish that Phil was being taken for walks. The garden he walks around can be circumnavigated in only 1 or at most 2 mins. Nowhere near enough for somebody who used to go for 3 - 6 hour hikes and was away over 5 hours the day he went 'missing'. Now with the drugs he is on he is a bit shaky in the legs and they want to persuade him to wear hip protectors in case he has a fall.

I am thinking that later I might even stretch visits to even longer apart. Not that I dont want to see him but it leaves me feeling so miserable next day as it is not the real Phil.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Sep 2009 14:01

Hello my friends,how are we all today then.
Sallie my love.
Please keep your chin up,we are all here for you. And if you need to shout at someone,shout as loud as you like,we have all got broad shoulders,and can take it.
I know that the base units,are being delivered to my son this week. But we
have to wait for the doors to be made,as they are not the normal run of the mill sizes.
So hopefully,it should be fitted within the next couple of weeks.
We are both o.k,thank you.
I hope you and Alun are both keeping well,apart from your recent troubles.
Hello Huia.
I also do not always remember our cyber friends names,but they are in our thoughts anyway,just as you are.
If Phil is unaware of your visits,then there seems no point in going to see
him so often.
Especially if it upsets you so much love.
You have to be able to get on with your life as well,and enjoy whatever takes your fancy to do.
Phil would want you to carry on with your life.
Hello to Ann, I hope you are o.k.
Love to all our friends,past and present. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 30 Sep 2009 15:41

Hello Girls,

At the moment I'm having trouble sleeping again, with one thing and another.

Huia, I think you you should visit Phil when you want to. As you say he doesn't always know you are there when you visit him. It's awful for you to see him as he is--as you say in some ways, he isn't the Phil you knew.
My auntie had the same problem with her hubby, she use to get so upset going to see him that she started going once a week. Sometimes, my mum and I would go with her to see him, he wasn't the uncle that I knew.
Like Phil, he had to stay in a secure home for his own safety. Like my auntie, you have to start making a life for yourself ( I don't mean that in any bad way) but you need to fill your life with things to do. I wish you all the very best. You have your friends on here that are always here for you.

Mo, glad to hear that everything is alright with both you and Roly. Alun and I are fine, thank you. I have to go and see the CBT a week on Friday, so that they can determine if therapy will help me at this time. Don't know what I'll do if they tell me that it won't. We'll just have to wait and see!

Ann, hope your shoulder is feeling a little better today. You are doing well with your Christmas cards. I haven't done any scrapping since last week, I haven't been able to get my mind around it.

I'm wondering if Debbie's dad is okay, he hadn't had the results of the tests he had while in hospital. So I hope everything is alright with him.

Thinking about everyone, and hoping that all is well with you all.

Best wishes.



Sallie Report 30 Sep 2009 16:32

Hi Grace,
Nice to hear from you! Mo lives in Kent, but I can't remember where in Kent. Put it down to my age.
That cost a lot to have two letters redirected to your new address. What are the PO playing at, as we say 'money for old rope'.
Hope you like your new house and that you and OH will be very happy there.
Anyway, Grace I'll speak to you later, we are off to do the weekly shop, a job I hate.

Best wishes.

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Sep 2009 16:36

Welcome back Grace,we have missed you love.
So you are now living just down the road from me,well I never. I say just down the road,it's about forty minutes from me by car.
Sounds to me like you may be the leader of our revolution. It's such a nuisance when you move trying to find a new doctor,isn't it.
When my son lived in Canterbury,his doctor was in Sturry. He was on the outskirts of Canterbury. But he now lives up this way again. We are not far from Sittingbourne.
Sallie,I am going to sound really thick,yet again. But what is the CBT.
Have you got some sleeping tablets ,to help your brain switch off,at this trying time for you. Not that I am saying you need them full time,just temporarily till the crisis point is over.
I will look back later. Take care. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 1 Oct 2009 06:48

Where is everybody?


Sallie Report 1 Oct 2009 10:00

Hi Huia,

How are you today? I hope you are okay. It's been very quiet on here for a few days.

We haven't heard anything from Debbie and Sue for a while, I hope everything is alright with both of them and their families.

Jean, Marilyn and Liz are still away--hope they are all having a good time.
It will be nice to hear their news when they get back.

I thought that I had sent Mo a PM earlier on, but it didn't go through, so I lost the message completely--I'llhave to send her another one later on.
Goodness knows what I did or didn't do to lose it. Just typical of me.

I'm wondering if Ann has had the result of her biopsy yet--I hope the result will be good.

All seemed to be well with Marie and her family when heard from her several days ago.

Lovely to hear from Grace again. I hope that both her and her hubby have started to settle down in their new home, and will have many happy years there together. She's now living not too far away from Mo.

When do you visit Phil again? I hope he will be well, and that you will not be too upset when you leave. How is your cough Huia? Hope it isn't stopping you from going to choir. Take care of yourself!

Speak to you all later on.

Best wishes to everyone. Have a good day.



AnninGlos Report 1 Oct 2009 10:14

Good morning everyone, lovely sunny day here today. I have just filled the bird feeders and OH is tidying the garden for autumn, we have two boxes of pansies to go in, and some grasses.

Sallie, you write such a lovely long post you put me to shame. My shoulder is not too bad now as long as I don't wear any straps to press down on it for long periods. I haven't heard anything re the biopsy, my guess is, if all runs to the normal for the hospital admin, I wont hear anything until I get called for a check up in three months. When I go then I have a small place on my leg that I want him to look at, I will be full of holes soon!!

I always make about 100 cards for christmas and find doing a few a dy gets them done, they are not usually complicated ones though. I enjoy making them once I am in the swing of it but really would like to find time to do a scrap book page as well. Daff is overtaking us all now!!!

Grace, pleased to hear that your move went OK. I expect the delayed post was due in part to the postal strikes.

Huia, hope all is well with you today.

Better get on, have a good day everyone.

Glos xx