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Just Jean

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Huia Report 14 Sep 2009 20:21

Marilyn, what does this 3 week cruise involve? You cant see much of NZ in 3 weeks, let alone Australia which is much larger. I presume you will just visit a few of the main ports and possibly do one or two bus trips from there. No chance of meeting up with me.



GRMarilyn Report 14 Sep 2009 20:40

Hi Huia,

Although I have been to NZ before and been to North & South Islands
This time:-
We are a week in Perth Australia, staying with my niece.
Then 3weeks cruising around NZ... Dunedin,Christchurch Wellington & Milford Sound Doubtful Sound & Dusky Sound then back to Australia Bunbury, Albany, Adelaide, Melbourne Hobart Sidney.
Well you did ask me !! LOL

So where are you ?


AnninGlos Report 14 Sep 2009 21:08

Weather here in Dorset has been lovely, mostly sunny a couple of cloudy patches but a chilly wind. Out of the wind and in the sun though it was very warm.


GRMarilyn Report 14 Sep 2009 21:28

Hi Ann,

Where about are you in Dorset ?

My hubby side of the family came from Sturminster Newton .

Dorset is one place that I would choose to live in...

Are you on holiday there ??


Huia Report 15 Sep 2009 11:47

Hi Marilyn.

Just home from a day and evening out a little while ago.

At present I living in Franklin District, but the Government is going to make us (or most of us) live in Auckland City, and we dont even have to move! I cant swear they are putting me into Auckland. It might be Waikato or Coromandel or even Timbucktoo for all the info I can find in the papers. Whatever, it will probably mean less service and higher rates.

I am about a 40 min drive (in good conditions, otherwise much longer) from the Auckland wharves. Of course I could drive in to Papakura (25 mins) and get a train to Auckland (maybe an hour, but free and no parking hassles). I dont often go into the big smoke.



Huia Report 15 Sep 2009 11:48

I think I will head to bed now. Night night all.



GRMarilyn Report 15 Sep 2009 11:54

OH, Huia

Your way up north ..!!

Dont think we will be anywhere near you, pity that.

Never mind.

Hope things have settled down for you, you seem happier.

Night Marilyn x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Sep 2009 18:26

Hello peeps,how are we today.
I have got web feet,from all the rain we have had today. It has been pouring it down,all day.
When do you have your stitches out Ann. I am glad that your shoulder is
healing well.
It's not long now till your break is it. I hope the weather will hold for you.
But as we say,the sun is a bonus,the holiday is in the enjoyment of it.
So Marilyn,you are of to America again are you.You lucky devil.
I wonder if Jean is alright,we have not heard from her,for a couple of days.
When are they starting your kitchen Jean?is it this thursday or next. Oh no
the brains gone again. I know you said you would be away,when they do it,
and that your daughter will be in charge.
My son has been round,and given us our quote,for doing the kitchen.
Hopefully,it won't be to long before it's done.
Love to you all Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Sep 2009 20:20

Just to let you all know girls.
Our Jean,is not feeling to bright,she has got the horrid Vertigo back again.
So please join me in wishing her well,and sending her our love.
Thank you all. Love Mo xxx


Zack Report 16 Sep 2009 12:33

Hi Everyone, Well I was in stitches at your description of the rain and you two trying to cover the Lounges I am pleased you managed to not get it soaked.
we are having lovely weather I am rather tired girls sick again.
I have to tell you we had the Grand Finals of the Aussie Rules football last weekend and our Club won in all four grades this is the 2nd time our club has managed this 1st time in 2004 & now 2009 Everyone was thrilled at our success.
Poor Jean does she take pills for the Vertigo?Liz pleased to hear your shoulder is much better I hope you all have a great time on your holidays Mo I hope you get your renovations done soon.
Jean Have a lovely rest while you are away and I hope your kitchen is completed when you arrive Home.
.Love to you all Marie from OZ

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Sep 2009 14:38

Hello Marie.
Yes Jean has to keep tablets handy,for when she suffers her bad bouts of
her Vertigo. Bless her,she has been through so much this year. I suppose her resistance must be quite low.
I am sorry to hear that the children are not to good again. Lots of cuddles is what is called for.
Well done to your football team,on their winning.
Our rain has cleared today,its dry,but very windy. Lucky you with having good weather again Marie. Lets hope it doesn't get to hot for you,as it has in the past.
See you all later. Love to you all. Mo xxx BIG HUGS FOR JEAN xxxxx


Deborah Report 17 Sep 2009 14:35

Hello Ladies, thought I would drop in before I go back for the children at school. How are you all? Jean, I'm sorry you aren't too good at the moment, hope you soon perk up. A break is just what you need, so hope you are well enought to enjoy it.

Sorry girls, lovely weather here. We had rain overnight the other night but nothing during the day for weeks. The windy is blowing a force 7 from the North East, so quite cold, but at least it is dry. I started my walking course again thismorning. A lovely 2½ Hour cliff path with a guide. We are supposed to be learning about all things Historical, but it usually ends up being all things HYSTERICAL. At least I have managed to get back on the group this term, I had to have a year out cos of it being fully booked. I go with a girlfriend and we are the youngest by years. It is such a great morning out, but I may not be saying that in the middle of winter.

Thank you for those who have asked about my Dad. He still hasn't had all the test results back from London, and had to give more blood this week., He has been on a course of mild steroids and they seem to have given him a bit more life, but there is nothing yet to say exactly what is wrong with him.

The hospital still say it is an antibody which is eating away at his blood cells and they aren't reproducing as quickly as they are being taken away. His blood levels were dangersously low at around 5, but have now gone up to 8, which is brilliant. They should be between 13 & 17, but at least they are heading in the right direction.

Anyway, gotta go. Can't keep the little darlings waiting at the school gates for too long. Will pop back again soon.

Take Care Everyone. DEBBIE

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Sep 2009 16:39

Oh my goodness girls,beware of our streak of lightening going through.
Debbie is back on her walking course.
I wish I was as fit as you Debbie,you put myself and probably half of our cyber friends to shame.
I do believe,you are one of the youngest,on this thread as well as on your
walking course. Lucky lucky girl. Oh to be young again.
I can't believe they have not got dads results back yet,that is really bad.
I do hope they have not done,what they have with my daughter,and that is lost it.
My daughter had swine flu,with a really bad stomach upset that went with
She had to do a sample,and Roly took it up to the hospital. He did look funny,all gloved up,with plastic bags to cover the sample and all precautions taken.
She had to phone the doctor,as she had not heard from him about the results. Only to be told,"we are very sorry we have lost the sample". It really doesn't bear thinking about,this stool sample could still be doing the rounds of the hospital.
Anyway,sorry about that diversion. I am glad that he seems to be picking up a little.
I am going to p.m Jean in a minute,to see if she is feeling any better.
Take care one and all. Love and best wishes Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 17 Sep 2009 16:55

Hello all from sunny Dorset, yes we are on holiday here, one day left sadly, we are staying at Burton Bradstock near Briport, a lovely area and our apartment looks out over the sea towards Lyme Regis. Today we have been for a walk along the coastal path to West Bexington and back and then down to Burton beach.a total of about 5.5 miles. Mostly sunny, a little cloud this afternoon and a strong wind this morning. Very clear and the sea was sparkling!

When we walked to Burton we fist had a cup of tea in the cafe there which is actual;y also an expensive fish restaurant, and then we had a large glass of white wine each and shared a tub of crayfish tails with a thousand island dip, very pleasant sitting in the sun.

Sorry to hear that Jean is unwell, hope she soon gets over the vertigo which is such a nasty thing to have.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Sep 2009 17:12

Hi Ann,it sounds like you are having a great time.
All that walking will do you good. We can arrange for Debbie to take you for another hike if you would like to,and I will stay here on the end of the phone to guide you both. Lazy
I find I can't walk to far these days,the old arthritus won't let me go to far.
And I have to save all my energy,for when I go to Blackpool.
At least that way,I can walk one way,and catch a tram back.


AnninGlos Report 17 Sep 2009 17:21

We were going to walk on further and catch a bus back but decided against it. Somebody asked when I was having the stitiches out. Next week sometime.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Sep 2009 17:26

It was me that asked Ann. I hope the shoulder is not to sore,and that it's allowing you to enjoy yourself. love Mo xxx


Deborah Report 17 Sep 2009 20:17

Me again. " Ann in Glos, in Dorset", you should have had a lovely holiday in that neck of the woods. The only time I have visited Lyme Regis was Christmas 13 years ago, and it snowed for the whole 2 weeks we were away, but Lyme Regis was gorgeous, with all the little quirky shops. We spent 2 weeks on a holiday park near there, I was 7½ months pregnant with Child No 2 and really couldn't face Christmas at home with everything that goes with it. So I was very selfish, and me, hubby and 15 month old son disappeared for the whole break and decided it was the best thing we could ever have done.

I remember my sisters being really cross that I was "breaking with family tradition", by not being around over the festive period, but they have both since done similar things and realise that it isn't all that bad to be away, and then actually have Christmas on a different day with all the family. Stretches out the celebrations.

Anyway, I digress. Mo, I hope they haven't mislaid Dads results ( or worse still, the samples), but you never know and you are quite right, these things do happen. I dread to think what happened to your daughters' samples. Doesn't really bear thinking about does it?

More Swine Flu over here today, just where they dreaded it happening, but thought it would, - in 2 of the schools. They haven't closed either of the schools, but all possible precautions are being taken and Tamiflu is being handed out. Not too sure about that, have heard various conflicting reports about it. Thankfully neither of the schools have my children in, but I am sure there will be loads more cases now that the holidays are over. We have all been told that our children should stay off school for 48 clear hours after arriving back in the Island from holiday anywhere. It is becoming difficult as there are loads of sporting weekends booked for various clubs and associations, and the youngsters are supposed to have 2 days off school after having only been away for 1 or 2 days for a rugby or football trip.

We will have a similar situation when Daniel starts the Cross Country season and begins to travel again. Watch this space.

Anyway, going to watch a bit of television now. A luxury I don't very often experience, but I have a night in. So bye for now.


AnninGlos Report 17 Sep 2009 21:18

Deb I hope that the swine flu continues to be fairly mild. I am not sure about tamiflu, I am not sure that I would take it myself.


Deborah Report 18 Sep 2009 17:57

Ann, I saw a friend today whose son is at one of the affected schools, and they were all gived Tamiflu by the Health department, but told that they didn't have to give it to their children. If they didn't use it, then the child has to stay off school for a week. My friend opted to keep her 6 year old off school. She has 2 other younger children and they wouldn't be given anything, so they decided as a family not to let one child have it.

Must be very disruptive for the schools involved, but it is the Public Health people who have decreed this and not the actual school. And another school today has had a confirmed case, so it is spreading as they thought it would. All very nasty, but nothing much can be done until a vaccine is available. We all just have to sit and wait, I suppose. It must be awful to have the illness, but I am sure there will be a lot more of it around before the winter is out.

Gorgeous day here today. Are you still in Dorset? You probably have very similar weather to us, being further south, and I think it is Marilyn who is in Devon, so should be getting sun as well. I listen to Radio Devon when we switch to "One Big Happy Family" after the 6 or 7 o'clock news during the week.

Tea is calling. Hope you are all well.