Email received:
We've had a makeover!
Dear Joy Kentish Maid,
Genes Reunited will soon be celebrating our 10th birthday, so we thought it was about time we gave the site a makeover. After taking on board some very helpful feedback from our members, we have come up with a fresh, new look that will make discovering your family history even easier.
What changes have we made?
Don‘t worry, we haven‘t made any complicated updates, we‘ve just made a few improvements so the site looks fresher, cleaner and easier to use.
New logo - we've updated our logo.
Colour - you‘ll notice the colour of the background and font has changed. This makes the text easier to read and gives the site a brighter look and feel. Layout - we've moved a few things around, so you should find it easier to navigate around the site to find what you‘re looking for.
Some feedback!
I have just looked at the new site - I found it clearly explained and easy to navigate. I look forward to working on it soon. I like the advanced search and quick search boxes, good colouring and very clear! Nice!
This is the first of many exciting changes we have planned over the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for new updates and extra features.
We hope you like the new design, and most importantly we hope you‘ll find it makes the site easier to use.
The Genes Reunited Team --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Colour - you‘ll notice the colour of the background and font has changed. This makes the text easier to read and gives the site a brighter look and feel."
- the first sentence: correct; the second sentence: incorrect. Yes, it is brighter, but too bright.
"I like the advanced search and quick search boxes, good colouring and very clear! Nice!"
yes indeed that was MY feedback on the 23rd July, the original may be viewed upon request! Selective editing from:
"Hi team , re Phil's update on board, I have had a look at the changes. There is still not enough distinction between the threads...the eye is drawn automatically to the body of the thread ( black) and not the heading (green) The pale green is still too indistinct, even though the background is 'slightly' better, member's names just fade away to my eyes. Black text is much better for both the 'topic' and members name as well as the thread text imo, having to look at two different colours is distracting and a strain on eyes. Font still appears small for me, a little bigger would be better, but I accept this may be down to my eyesight. I like the advanced search and quick search boxes, good colouring and very clear! Nice!"
Prior to that I also said
"2nd response because I have looked again, the pale green for topic heading and poster names against white is totally useless, SO hard on the eyes, I for one will not be able to cope with it"
#At least Phil has given a reasonable explanation of some of the things thathave happenned, and are being worked on (we hope), but isn't it timesomeonee on GrR explained the lack of announcements rangine from the removal of the old tree, with apparently less than 2 hours notice, the elimination of the link to the old tree, as provided in other posts, to the latest changes in both appearance and c olour - or lack of it, andd the last changes in virtually every aspect of the site. Phil, just one additional item for you, why can't we have a "list" that has at least ssome semblance of order to it ?
That is interesting, Rose. :)
Still I look at genes reunited and and see a considerably better appearance on the latter. I have again quoted rootschat as I joined it at about the same time as genes reunited.
However, I appreciate that we were told it would take perhaps a day or two for the improvements to the appearance here.
There are several points of view on facebook that would be worth reading.
By the way, for information: my eyesight is normal.
I'm one of those who also tested the beta site ..... and sent several emails priaisng certain aspects but also saying how awful I found the background colour on the boards. GR did tome it down slightly from the original stark white ........... but this very pale grey is still too glaring.
I have sent yet another email to "theteam"!
Joy ....... I suggested that they look at FTF :-D
BTW................ it seems that most anti- comments have been removed from the GR Wall on FB
Sylvia, I think I have also requested that they look at and at too :)