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Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 12:49

Hi all I have posted a similar post in the past but with different location. I have been looking for a lady for many years who once lived in Durham in the mid 70’s. I believed she came from Durham but now believe she originated from new castle. Her name is Audrey I have no surname so I know a long shot. She had two daughter Jackie and Nicola. Please any info is much appreciated.
Ash x


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 12:54

What age were her daughters in the mid 70s? How old was she? the more specific you can be the better :-)


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 12:58

Hi there roughly from what I can remember as I was only around 9, Audrey around mid to late thirties. Jackie around late teens and Nicola around 9/11. Audrey is the lady in my profile pic with dark hair. X


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 13:08

To be honest I don't think you stand a chance, but the best I can offer is that you go through all the births on freebmd for Jacqueline/Jackie and Nicola born at around the time you think given poss ages, in Durham? and see if you can find a mother's maiden name in common.


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 13:18

Is there anyone else who may know her surname? a neighbour or work colleague or a young friend of the children whose name you know from school maybe?


Flip Report 18 Feb 2018 13:20

I agree with Nyx, as it stands it's pretty tall order.

Unless you could elaborate on your connection to her without giving out too much personal information (eg was she a next door neighbour - possible checks on electoral rolls? or a relative of yours, or was the youngest daughter your friend - could you check with your old school?) it would take a lot of checking for births of 2 daughters with the same mmn. With the age gap between them it could be that they may not be registered with the same surname, although they would share a mmn.


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 13:22

Hi again no there is no one. Had a few names in my head from what I have found out since my mum passing. Not sure any will be of use. There is gray, storey, molly. I’ll c if I can get on freebmd. Never used it before and not that great with technical stuff. ??
Thank u x


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 13:25

I never use to live in Durham I lived in the east end of London bitbuse to go visit with my mum x


Flip Report 18 Feb 2018 13:32

You will see here not all the birth indicies have been transcribed on Freebmd for the period in question:

This is the coverage for 1950-1969 so may make your job even more difficult.

Regarding the technical stuff, you are able to download results - I've used MS Excel in the past - and using look-ups you would be able to eliminate all non matches. But it's not easy as the way files download are not always the same.


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 13:45

That's a long way to visit if there was no family connection? Do you have any idea where your mother and Audrey may have met if they are not related in some way?

No obvious births with names Storey/Molly or Gray for both sisters, but that's not to say the names aren't connected as looking for them as mmn and /or as surname


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 13:56

Askin, I note you say you were about 9 mid 70s but it would be some years later if your DOB is correct on your tree? That makes a difference of several years for searching the births of Nicola and Jackie if so.

Not wanting to pry if sensitive issue, but you mention the name Molly...would that possibly be Molloy?


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 14:25

Sorry u r right so hard to remember I was around 8/9 when I use to be taken to Durham. Sorry again been so hard thinking of dates. I know Nicola was around my age give or take a couple of years either side.
Ash x


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 14:30

Sorry my head not engaging today a lot going on. Yes molloy and no u r not prying.
Thank u x


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 15:12

Hi NYX again thank u for looking and helping me. Nope have no idea of connection was thinking maybe cousin or really good friend. X


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 15:22

Just putting links to old threads as the names may help with searching?

Did this ( posted on last link) lead to anything?

There is this marriage which can be found on free bmd:
Marriages Mar 1949
Gray Hilda Molloy Nottingham 3c 837
Molloy James Storey Nottingham 3c 837
Molloy James Gray Nottingham 3c 837
Storey Hilda Molloy Nottingham 3c 837


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 15:28

From the other thread,

"Just weird that since my mum has gone i have found five siblings and wandered why she took me to Durham since found out my nan was born there. "

maybe if you give us some details of your nan we can work out if there's a connection? or perhaps a street area for her from the 1939 register?


Askin Report 18 Feb 2018 15:47

Hi sorry all I have is what’s on here. Last place I new my Nan Hilda being was london. Xx


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 16:56

I'm not seeing Hilda on the 1939 register, do you have her birth year Askin? it would make things a lot quicker :-)

I'm working on the principle that working backwards to Hilda will throw up any possibility of Audrey being related. If there is info you have that might help but don't want to put on the board feel free to message me.

EDIT on the other hand.... have you actually got the certs for births and marriages, Gray/Storey as I don't want to follow the wrong line, and there are several options?


Rambling Report 18 Feb 2018 19:30

Hilda was born 1921, birth cert needed for father's name as can't get much further without. Hilda isn't on the 1939 reg that I can see ( would still be closed record as far as can tell).


ArgyllGran Report 18 Feb 2018 21:51

Elsie M Storey, Hilda's daughter (Askin's mother) was born 1942.

Audrey doesn't seem to have been her sister, if that was one thought.