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Depression / Anxiety

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Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 8 Feb 2008 00:35



maxiMary Report 8 Feb 2008 03:43

Congrats Kerry, well done, we're proud of you.
Caz we're cheering you on too.
Liz, hope to hear you're OK.
Jude, as a parent of an intellectually challenged adult daughter, with OCD, panic attacks and anxiety issues, I know how hard it is to find just the right person with just the right approach to break through the wall. My daughter also just doesn't fit in the usual profile required by different programmes. She, bless her heart has no concept of how challenged she is, appears "normal"(whatever that is),thinks she can do anything anyone else can, including mingle with her peers, only to find, some are too intellectual for her, or in the other extreme, are more challenged than she is. These special "children" become our mission in life, joy and sadness mingle some days, after 38 years I can honestly say this is a very special spirit who happens to have a problem. I am so grateful for all she has taught me. I send you special hugs.

The snow has stopped, the freezing rain, which followed, washed most of the snow away - today, driving to work I was struck at how beautiful a sight I was passing. It's what they call here a "silver thaw" - every tiny twig & branch on every tree is encased in ice and the sun was out, causing a silver shimmer in every orchard and grapery I passed. This is the wine-producing part of Ontario, so there are orchards wherever you look. Lots of fruit bargains in the summer!
I went for my second-to-last physio treatment today, and he decided to try taping my knee-cap to keep it aligned better - surprise, surprise, the pain is gone. Apparently it's taken 64 years to figure out that my knee's a funny shape!!!! Well if I'm going to fall apart, I suppose it's better to start near the bottom!
I'm heading to bed, night'all.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Feb 2008 04:10

Just pm'd you Mary.
Caz, I do hope things can be healed with you and your family, but my heavens, you have had a hard time and they should be grateful you did as much as you did for them, under such difficult circumstances. I bet you put them first all the time and went without yourself. Bless you, love.

Kerry, well done for presenting yourself so well at the interview. What a shame about the hours of the job which might make it difficult for you to accept. Still, you have had the experience of an interview and getting offered the job so you have to feel proud of that and try again.

Jude, I saw the woman from MIND and she is the therapy manager and is going to see me for four weeks of hourly sessions of counselling, going back to my childhood which I know is where my problems lie, and then go on from there if she thinks we are getting somewhere. I would phone MIND and see if they can offer any help to your son. I do hope so. Wish him luck from me with his plastering etc.
My lad wants to try and learn a trade but at 25 he has left things a bit late, he has a flat and expenses and can't get any help to do a course, so is stuck. If he was out of work he would get help but altho he is working it is a bit of a dead end job and he is getting fed up, says he wants more of a career or trade. So hard for youngsters, if they don't go down the uni route with grants when they are younger.
If anyone wants a good laugh i.e to see my pic, pm me with your email address and I will send you a photo, but will say here and now, am not taking responsibility for any heart attacks or hair turning white etc etc
love to you all


maxiMary Report 8 Feb 2008 04:18

My hair won't turn white I'm already there!!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Feb 2008 04:34

Well, they are on their way Mary lol

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 8 Feb 2008 05:02

A very good morning to all you busy bees.
Haven't a buzz in me right now, still trying to surface from some strange dream......

Catch up with you all later,


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Feb 2008 05:06

Hi Joyce, take care, see you later today on here maybe.

Mary, have found the pic - love the hat!


ButtercupFields Report 8 Feb 2008 07:58

This is a beautiful, humbling thread...long may it continue. BC XXX


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2008 08:21

Hi Gail - so glad OH is home and you can now start fussing ech other again!!!! Bet he's surprised you cut the lawn? What lovely news about another grandchild - sadly I don't have one and will not be having one, but there we are, you can't have everything you wish for in life can you! and knowing me as the world's worst worrier I would send my self into an early grave worrying about one if I had one!!! Nice to come on board this morning and see no one has a crisis at the minute - if they have mind, step aboard the comfort train - we are waiting!!



Julie Report 8 Feb 2008 08:24

Morning All....

I always seem to miss the 'chit chat' on here, I obviously go to bed too well, at least I know you're all still here.

Have a good day all n maybe catchya later....


Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 8 Feb 2008 08:54



AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2008 09:05

she did come on after her initial shocking story about her sons - let's hope she comes on again today - Caz that is!! I'm sure we'll get her through it and out the other side - there's more of us than there are of them!!!


YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 10:05

I'm here, morning all. I've been on phone again to Yorkshire Water, they rang me this time. It seems they are sending someone up with bottles of drinking water for me, and will also take a sample of water. Last two days have been dirty but no-one else has reported it, seems it us and our property. What else can go wrong.
Thank you for all your messages, it took me ages to get through replying to all the pms but I think I have done it now, thanks for your support.
Don't know whether I feel better or not this morning, my head is spinning, I got the milk from the fridge and took the top of, just about to pour it on my toast when I thought 'ee lass what ya doin'. Still it was better than putting butter in my tea.' Yuk!
Hello Buttercup, not sure if I've seen you on here before but most likely be wrong.
It's great to see your hubby is home Gran of Oz, must look after him now, I know what men are like, they won't admit they need to take it easy.
Well done Kerry, I'll look out for your decision.
Irish Bell, have we met, sorry if we have, it is my eldest son who is the culprit and dragging my other son and daughter into it. Hubby mentioned this morning something he had forgotten, son told him on Sat. that we run round in old bangers, but I could afford to go and buy a DAB radio. We used to have good used cars, not old bangers but have a disability car now. I think son is jealous because I bought my radio for a quarter of it's proper price as the shop only had two left and were restocking. I like a good bargain when I spot it, anyway, who can listen to a radio that wanders off station all day. you have to laugh don't you.

Does anyone know how to make photos smaller to send by e-mail?
the last I sent to a couple of friends, when I looked at them in my sent folder they were nearly four times the size of the screen, ooeer, can't do that as I looked horrible.

Love Caz xxx

Oh got to tell you, I took the last of my course of chemo for this cycle last night, one whole week free.


YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 11:00

Hi Gail, I don't drive myself, my hubby is my driver. I need the car though as I can't use buses at all, I try not to go out often as the state of the roads here are awful and jar my back.
Still waiting for the waterman, but wouldn't you know it, it has run clear so far.

Caz xx

Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 8 Feb 2008 11:01

Hi all,

I dont add much but try to read,

Love to you all,

Caz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 11:08

Hi Caz, you ok?

Caz xx


YorkshireCaz Report 8 Feb 2008 11:10

Me that deleted double message.


Irene Report 8 Feb 2008 11:23

jude I got brought up to respect what people belive in but don't push your belives onto others. your poor son. A place were he should on found comfort.I don't go to church dad always said if gods everywhere there's no need.But this sign was out side one of our local churchs hope it puts a smile on your face made me smirk. THIS CHURCH IS NOT FULL OF HYPOCRITES. Theres always room for more. And a big pat on the back for your son.


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 11:46

Morning everyone! Well after working about 32 hours over the last four days I'm worn out. It's the first time I have done that since going back to work after my four months off up to Dec last year. Also with all the mess at home last week I feel rather stressed. Argument with supervisor Tuesday didn't help. We were really having a go at each other. Made her think though, her and the other one have been working with the rest of us more !! Still don't know if she reported it to the manager, he is coming Monday so I'll know then!!

Hello BC have I seen you on here before or other threads? Welcome to the real nuts lol

Caz I am so happy to see you are still posting!! xx I'm sure it's best you try to. Gives you something to focus on rather than all the s*** you have had. Hope you get your water sorted today.

Gail pleased to know you have oh home. That will make you feel better now. My dad had a stroke four years ago and is paralised down the right and can't talk. he can't even get to the loo on his own. Mum looks after him at home but at 75 it's ever getting harder. Dad is 79 in March. Mum is as house bound as he is. I persuaded them a couple of years ago to get an electric wheelchair but dad doesn't really have the dexterity to use it safely. He would go off the path. Now he doesn't use it at all.

Liz looking forward to seeing you. Sent my pic to Jules so she might not be on here today while she recovers!!

Jude have you got rid of your virus yet? We still haven't swapped pics.

Justice of the peace hi xx

Mary sounds lovely driving to work but I would be worried about driving on the ice!xx

Hi Rebekah xx

Joy how are you? x

Feels like the end of play school looking through the windows pmsl xxx Who else can I see? Oh I can see Irene xxx
Must get a wash , oh yes had my hair done last night so no grey parting for a couple of weeks !!!
Love to you all Carole xxx


Irene Report 8 Feb 2008 11:47

hi gran (don't mind me calling you that do you) just got home from work had to check what everyone had been up to today Iam addicted lol. going to sit and have a cuppa before family get home then off to bed early start tomorrow . sister got out of hospital today might go and see her this weekend see who thing go best wishes