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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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John Report 19 Aug 2007 04:48

Hi everyone Saturday was very wet - what's new - and we had water coming in the garage again. The street gutters weren't coping with the flow of water. The front of our unit was also awash with water which covered the lawn and garden and flowed swiftly also. We were pleased that the rains stopped. Earlier in the morning people were parking on the grass verge outside our place to go a neighbour's garage sale and we noticed the grass getting cut up by the cars to stop this we put temporary fencing around the area. Today it is actually sunny which is a change but the forecast is for more of the same - rain. Mum is back staying with us, she had a week at my brother's but would have stayed longer if the carpet layer wasn't coming. She is hoping to go back to her place probably in another week or so. See Bill has popped in for a visit - hope he is enjoying himself. Spot you again soon John in NZ


syljo Report 19 Aug 2007 18:06



Brenda Report 19 Aug 2007 22:19

Hi everyone,what a shame about the lawn being chewed up John,my friend has the same trouble all the time with her neighbours the neighbours visitora always seem to drive up the drive on her side and also on her lawn,leaving tyre marks. She knows its not the neighbours fault but ut has caused problems in the past.Glad your mother is on the mend.I must tell you a funny little story ,I overheard two shall we say intelligent people having a convesation recently,the girl said to the guy 'I am going to work in NZ next year for 12/18 months 'I would love that he said but the wife wouldn't. I keep telling her we could visit her rellies in Australia ,yes the girl replies you can do that but think of the flights,its 8 hours depending where you are etc. Turns out the guy had NZ in a different place ,he thought it was Notrh west of Australia.!!!!!! May be the change in places is why your weather is changing !!!we have had a bit of rain recently but nothing like what we had. Hope sylvia and Johanne are ok,Spoke with Dorothy today ,trying to arrange a meeting on her visit here.Hope we can mamnage one,but since my little episodes i have to rest up speak to you all soon brenda


Brenda Report 20 Aug 2007 13:38

just a quick message as i am not well (side effects of new medicine i hope!!)and have just had some upsetting news,some of you know Bren Mills from Oldham,very sadly her husband Don Mills died,.he had been ill for a while. Brenda


syljo Report 20 Aug 2007 22:42

Hi all, Well went to my physiotherapist today and turned up an hour too early, silly ol' me! I saw and read some magazines until it was my turn. He gave me a good massage on my back and it hurt a lot but felt heaps better afterwards. Johan still has a lot of pain and has to go to the hospital tomorrow for x-rays and give blood samples. I asked the doctor today whether he may have fibromyalgia again which he had some years ago. He said he didn't think so, but the blood samples would reveal all. I was just about to go out today when my daughter and granddaughter turned up so didn't see them for long, but they went shopping and came back again for a while. The weather was lovely and sunny during the day but turned quite wet this evening. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 21 Aug 2007 06:56

Woke up far too early ,sojust saying goodmorning ,see you later,brenda


syljo Report 21 Aug 2007 12:00

Have a quiet morning without Johan as he has gone to have an X-ray and his blood pricked. It's amazing the jobs I've managed to get through and now have time for the computer. Keep thinking I hear him though. He has to do some shopping too so hope I still have time to make some cards. Oh yes, he is home. Goodbye Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 21 Aug 2007 14:59

Afternoon folks.nice to hear you have had a good morning Sylvia,hope your husband is ok. I have been to the doctors and have a few more tablets to take,and he has given me a sick note for two weeks,and I have to rest!!!! Mind you at the minute each time i do anything i am so tire/worn out very quickly ,brewed up and made toast and was shattered . See you all soon brenda


Brenda Report 23 Aug 2007 15:41

I expect nobody could find this thread ,any way hope you are all ok and may be restart our link,if not then i understand and will let it go.


badger Report 23 Aug 2007 20:16

Hi Brenda,have to go to bed shattered after a bad day,but i will be back in the morning lol,abandon the thread? ,perish the thought,
It has just been so hectic these last two weeks ,culminating in going to belfast yesterday where we had a wonderful time,and as fabulous day.
I did manage to get a few minutes in the garden this aftrnoon where i picked a load of broad beans for the freezer ,and noticed a new visitor to the garden,a dragonfly ,and managed to get a couple of photos before it became camera shy and did a bunk.
See you all tomorrow peeps ,take care . Fred.


Brenda Report 23 Aug 2007 20:17

Just trying to keep us up the pages in case anyone wants to add.


badger Report 24 Aug 2007 10:24

Morning Brenda,seems this is the holiday season for most people,lol.
We really enjoyed our day in Ireland,and it seems to be that Liz loves flying ,so ,it looks like we will be getting passports in the near future
We came home to find Missy ,and Hissy were in a strop,both of them wouldn't greet us ,turning their backs and ignoring our overtures hee hee.
It's okay though ,i paid them both back in the morning ,refusing to feed them until I was ready,lol,end of strop.
I did get into the garden for a few minutes yestrday afternoon where i took time to take a load of broad beans off the plants ,and got them in the freezer ,ready for the winte.
Today ,afte going to homebase for a new latch for rth front room door ,i have to go out back again and take the hesads off a dozen calabrese plants to get into the freezer as well.cor the missus and i will do very well for veggies this winter,because the cabbage beetroot tomatoes and all will keep us going until october at least ,and then the leeks and kale will kick in.
The first eight tomatoes have been harvested for next year ,the seeds to come out and dry,but i won't be doing it with the broad beans ,seeds being cheap at the back end of the year ,and besides ,i want to grow Bunyards longpod next year for a far heavier crop.than i will have this.
Sean is home on leave now ,coming up tomorrow for a week,so a B B q is called for i think ,before he forgets what they are lol,we take him back to brize a week Saturday [early ] for his flight back to Cyprus,and i intend calling back via high wycombe ,determined to find my grandads grave to pay my rspects,calling at my dads too ,seeing as they are both in wycombe cemetary.
oooooops ,the wife tells me it is TODAY that Sean arrives ,so we have a triple celibration to have ,his Birthday,on wednesday last ,his promotion[assured ] after getting 99% in the exam he took at Brize two days ago,and the B B Q because he is home on leave for the week.
He will now make sergant within three years ,enabling him to sign on for 22 years ,which was his goal when he joined.
Cor the thought of if ,three years ,back at brize and possibly an instructer in the making hee hee,the mind boggles.
Still ,at the end of it all,he can go anywhere uin the world and walk into a job ,with a ruddy good wage ,which is what it's all about,having seen lots of the world for free and being paid well for it.
Have to toddle off for now peeps ,time to go for that new lock before we have to use a screwdriver to get out of the door lol.See you later ,take care peeps ,and please come back once you find your way around again lol.Fred.


Brenda Report 24 Aug 2007 16:47

Hi fred,glad you are still with us ,was feeling a bit lonely on here,have actually spoken to Dorothy on the phone from her friends house ,have to arrange a meeting but its a bit tight with one thing and another.,but i do hope we manage it.
sylvia and Johanne are busy with hospital appointments I think.I am on the sick til 3 Sept and will go back for another one if i am not 100% ,no point coming off again if I am not fit.
You make the gardening seem so easy,and it must be brilliant eating your own produce.Be back tomorrow.


badger Report 24 Aug 2007 21:34

Where is she ,here is she ,heeeeello Sylvia ,hope you find us okay lol,Brenda and i are getting paranoid ,deserted we are [sniffle] where IS you all lol
You take it easy Brenda,they don't give out medals these days for caring about your job and being extra nice to customers ,they just take the mick',you wait till you are 100% fit ,never mind anyone else.Fred.


badger Report 25 Aug 2007 13:48

Seems we are on our own still Brenda,poor sylvia hasn't managed to find the thread yet ,not that i blame her,it is a bit confusing now ,with not being able to go bACK A PAGE ANYMORE,I HOPE THAT ISN'T A NEW FEATURE AND IS JUST A GLITCH,MOST ANNOYING LOL.
I'm not going to keep saying sorry because of my left hand peeps,i'm afraid we will have to live with it for a while,he hee,i had to get the wife to come outside this morning and help me unpeel my hand from the grass shears i was using to dress the hedge,quite funny really,a moment of pain in the forearm and wrist ,and i couldn't let go of the shears.
It could have been nasty you lot ,so don't laugh,,picture a scene,Fred in the kitchen nicking ellicit biccies ,hears wife coming and panics,sticks hand behind back in the hope the missing jar won't be missed ,but,no luck,old eagle eye has seen my furtive movements and,,drat ,caught again with hand firmly ensconsed in the jar like a monkey with a peanut ,hmmmmm,gonna have to be a LOT more careful in future lol.
Hope tomorrow morning will see me able to get onto msn and yahoo messenger again,i signed into both this morning ,only to be kicked off within 30 seconds,most annoying .
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend ,take care all.Fred.


Brenda Report 25 Aug 2007 15:36

Hi Fred,had a message from Sylvia today ,she does not like the new look and could not find us,!!Dorothy is over here til about the14/15 september,so she might not know what has happend.I will phone her tomorrow.
Have emailed Sylvia telling her how to find us!!!
my son is setting me up again on msn as I don't want to loose touch with people.
You look after that hand ,keep it out of the biccies.Brenda.,


syljo Report 25 Aug 2007 17:10

Hi all,
Yes, it's little ol' me coming in at last. My brain doesn't function like it did 20 years ago!
Anyway, for God's sake GR don't start messing around any more I can't take it. Like to spend time chatting and not searching.
We have a silly little man here in this block of flats - he walks just like Charlie Chaplin - who is trying to annoy me and lets the tyres down on my scootmobile, and the other day turned the speed up from slow to fast so that when I started off in the garage here I flew across the room. Oh well, it takes all sorts and I am a tough one and can only laugh at his feeble efforts. My neighbour on the third floor was in tears as he is annoying her too and she has a sick husband to look after. Our house master (don't know the English name for this) is now back from holiday and came and had a talk with us. He said that next time it happens I must do nothing and he will call the police for fingerprints. How childish some people are aren't they? Life is far too short to get upset.
The weather has been lovely today and fine for all the events going on here this weekend. It sounded just like Silverstone today with the roar of motorbikes.
The bars will be pleased the weather is fine as they will be selling more drinks and food.
Now have a nice evening and thanks Brenda and Fred for guiding me back here.
Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 26 Aug 2007 20:27



Brenda Report 27 Aug 2007 13:39

Hello everyone,what an age to get on here again.all the words i put in search did not work so i had to look at each page till I found us.
Well it started has a lovely day, but has got colder and greyer as the day as gone on.Have done some washing and hung it out to dry,but it might not get very dry looking at the sky.No decent films etc on TV .was promised the loan of a few new /good DVDs but they haven't arrived yet.!!!! Can't do much in the garden due to the bending etc
Might get a bit of ironing done so I can .keep it straight and the dining room tidy.
Need to get a new kettle the one we have has a sort of spring thing in the lid ,which is broken(no-one knows how) and as it is a jug shape when you tip it up to pour out boiling water intead of just coming out of the spout thing , it all comes out in a gush,it is dangerous and someone could get hurt.John looked at it but has no idea how to fix it.david is getting an ordinary cordless kettle from Argos for me.
Well must go have that ironing to sort out and then the tea to start.see you tomorro,Brenda


syljo Report 27 Aug 2007 16:57

Hi all,
Well I spent all morning at the hospital, first with Johan and then with me.
I have now an appointment with the surgeon who is going to operate on my hand - Carpale tunnel syndrome. The surgeon is a foreigner, probably Arabic, but I feel I can trust him, which to me is important. You see I have had this operation twice before and my hand is worse than ever. I told him I didn't want his colleague to operate and he couldn't say too much, but could tell from his reaction that he agreed with me. The other surgeon is plain arrogant.
I told him to treat me as Urgent, and he told the receptionist to make an appointment and she said if I had the other surgeon it could be operated on sooner. I say firmly NO. I could see people in the hospital laughing, but I know how to stand up for myself these days. I would never have done this 10 years ago, but then "a lot of water has passed under the bridge" since then. I have this op on the 13th September, which is not too far away.
Quiet on this board isn't it Brenda? We'll just have to "hold the fort" again I suppose.
Have a nice evening.
Sylvia xxx