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The Latest Scam

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maggiewinchester Report 6 Dec 2020 18:07

...oh - and don't forget, Sylvia, it's YOUR fault there are scammers! :-D :-D :-D

How DARE people use a facility, and then complain about people tying to steal their money, when 'those in charge' can't be bothered - because they can make money from scammers - and more money off frightened people blocking calls.

Edit: and of course, those who sell your address and phone number to scamming firms for money - just innocent trade, apparently.


BrianW Report 7 Dec 2020 09:30

We had that DPD scam by email last week.
Said they tried to deliver a parcel twice and wanted paying to try again.
As the house has not been unoccupied in the time frame and DPD would not charge anyway it was obviously a scam.
It was also greeted me by my email address and not by name, which was another give-away.
DPD have examples of scams using their name on their website.


maggiewinchester Report 7 Dec 2020 12:03

I had a text saying my PayPal account had been used in Lancashire.
When I could be bothered, I looked on the PayPal website - someone else had received the same text.
I wasn't bothered, because I've never used my PayPal account, and knew there was no money in it. I actually closed it last week.

What was interesting, was that the email I'd used was a very old one, and it was attached to a mobile that hasn't worked for over 2 years - yet the text was sent to my next oldest mobile, a pay as you go.
This patently refutes RTR's 'claim' that scammers get your number, email etc because you buy things on the internet!

As I said before, I haven't bought anything online, apart from online shopping in October - and, I've just remembered, I bought some flea stuff online in October, too.
I have, however, been receiving scam calls for years!
Interestingly, I have landline, a smartphone and a pay as you go, which is the number I usually give, as the pay as you go fits in my pocket, I wouldn't bother if it broke, and I don't feel the need to stare at a smartphone as I walk along, whereas the smartphone stays at home.

My smartphone number has been used a couple of times to contact the Council and the NHS. So far, I haven't received any scams on that phone. Perhaps I should monitor who I phone, or who I give the number of my smartphone to, to see who's selling on my details!
Actually, the smartphone could cause scammers problems, as it, and 2 years worth of rental, was a present from my sister - so it's registered in her name, to her address! :-D :-D :-D


Kense Report 23 Dec 2020 19:08

I seem to be having a lucky week. I'm one of ten winners of a an airfryer (what's that?) from Asda and one of five finalists for a big Amazon prize.


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Dec 2020 21:53

............ and I am having problems with my Amazon account, which can be solved by pressing "1"


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 23 Dec 2020 22:42

We had a letter yesterday from a Japanese banker (In Japan), telling us a relative had died in Japan having lived there for 28yrs and left $47 m dollars....well that particular relative died in WW2 . He said the money would be split between him and us...yeh right!!