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LondonBelle Report 14 Mar 2020 09:51

I live to the east of London and there is normally a constant stream of aeroplanes going to Heathrow and Gatwick on the west side, also planes that have taken off from The City it is eerily quiet :-0


ElizabethK Report 14 Mar 2020 10:26


We are trapped between RTR s "we are doomed" and BJs "keep calm and carry on"



PatinCyprus Report 14 Mar 2020 10:42

It's all OK, the Archbishop here has said you can't possibly get the virus at holy communion because it's blessed. The president has gone on TV and laid out new rules and told us to look to religion for help. :-S

and they are in charge :-0


Dermot Report 14 Mar 2020 10:56

This kind of kumbaya belief isn't the reality. :-S


Linda Report 14 Mar 2020 13:01

I might be a bit thick so excuse me if I am but I'm going to ask the question anyway we have been told that if we have a fever or a dry cough we are to self isolate but not get in touch with doctors,hospital or 111 in that case how are the government get a proper number of how many people have really got it so maybe we will never know how many had when it's all over just a thought :- :-(


supercrutch Report 14 Mar 2020 13:13

Linda, the stats will be way out and a factor of X will be built into the working group figures. I read in Wales that for every confirmed case there is probably 5 - 8 times the published figure. Fortunately many will have mild - moderate symptoms.


Caroline Report 14 Mar 2020 13:20

I'm guessing in the future they might include it in a routine blood test to see if you've had it maybe? Every poor person getting just a regular head cold right now is worried....


nameslessone Report 14 Mar 2020 13:21

For Elizabeth K :-D

For the Archbishop :-P


nameslessone Report 14 Mar 2020 13:47

Or, members of the British herd will survive and have some immunity and they won’t want to travel to places where many people avoided the virus at the beginning and are still likely to get it later.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 14 Mar 2020 13:56

....really? How awful that an Archbishop would be giving advice like that.

In our parish, services are allowed, but no communion wine, no hand shakes and sharing of the peace and no after-service coffee.

At our GP surgery yesterday, I had to attend for routine yearly review and blood test.
The main door was locked. We had to go round the back, where a receptionist was sitting outside and asking each patient if they had a cough / cold fever or sore throat. She circled the appropriate response on an A 4 printed paper and if we passed this screening, we applied hand sanitizer and were allowed into the surgery waiting room, where the chairs had been rearranged to have wide spaces between each person.


JoyLouise Report 14 Mar 2020 14:40

Boris is playing a dangerous game, saying a decision on closures will be made next weekend. He is playing with fire putting the economy before the health of the nation for the sake of one week. We will have to take the hit anyway some time very soon.

Some pupils have been sent home while others in the same class have remained in school; some schools have closed - and some pupils are still making the journey to and from school on overcrowded public transport - the very transport that many elderly, who no longer drive, use.

Some sporting fixtures have carried on while others have been cancelled. As one football manager put it - one crowded stadium against everyone's well-being, no contest, it's not worth the risk.

He is dithering and delaying - all of the bumbling characteristics for which he is known. I say bite the bullet, Boris, call it now instead of in a week or so. In a few years, when you are out of office, you will at least be able to say that your policies on Coronavirus saved a few lives - infinitely better than saying that they saved a few million pounds.

Trump is plain weird. It is thought by many that by banning European flights but allowing UK ones, he has displayed a certain amount of racism but he needs to make money from his golf courses say some.

Interesting times to watch leaders.


'Emma' Report 14 Mar 2020 15:17

My great granddaughter and her school friends are in pain
from washing their hands with the stuff provided by her school.

She has been given prescribed hand wash and cream to
calm the redness and has her own towel at school under Drs orders.

The redness has calmed down and bleeding stopped.


maggiewinchester Report 14 Mar 2020 15:31

That's awful, Emma.

There's also the question of the amount of germs etc spread by hand blowers.
The last place I worked had Dyson Airblade hand dryers.
Dyson say they're very efficient, but studies show they can spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels.
Dyson denies this, but microbiologists who undertook the study in 2016 said:

" if someone doesn't wash their hands properly, then used the dryers, If hands are not washed properly and carry pathogens then the question is what happens when they are dried?

“Viruses such as Norovirus have a very low infectious dose, fewer than 50 virus particles can give rise to a nasty infection. It is perfectly possible for hands to carry one million of these particles after using the toilet.”


Allan Report 16 Mar 2020 06:52

Well, I don't have to dress up tonight :-0

Grand Lodge of WA, following the decision made by the Grand Lodge of Victoria, has cancelled all masonic meetings/activities, effective immediately, until further notice.

Given the age of may of the members, probably a wise decision.

However, we certainly don't come under the Feds 500 number for meetings; we sometimes struggle to even have a meeting at all :-D


Hilary Report 16 Mar 2020 16:59

Just been to hospital with my brother for his 8th chemo session 2 more to go, he is now almost self isolating in that he is not going out much. I managed to get him some hand sanitizers & Dettol surface wipes which he can use as wet wipes for his hands. Can't get them now, no luck asking at hospital. So thanks to all the idiots that are buying them all up. What is it with loo rolls, you do not get diarrhea with the virus. Spoke to another brother yesterday & he was in Tescos & police had to be called as they were limiting them but people were filling trolleys, when told by staff they were arguing back. Went in Sainsburys on way home & fruit & veg shelves almost empty. When I went to town on Sat. morning, I always go early anyway It was like xmas eve, people everywhere & lots of traffic in town. On a positive note glad people are pulling together to help elderly people near them, I have given my phone no to 2 sets of neighbours if they need help. Staff said at hospital they are pinching their bottles of hand sanitizers off the chemo ward, for god's sake this is a room full of people with cancer & people going with them, I despair of some people. Rant over, stay safe everyone. <3


Dermot Report 16 Mar 2020 17:30

Who, apart from myself, hasn't yet made a Will? :-(


Allan Report 16 Mar 2020 21:06

We made ours years ago, Dermot :-)

We thought that we might be tempting fate, and one day we will be proved right ;-)


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Mar 2020 21:47

we've had several wills over the years.

The first one was about 45 years ago, when we left our daughter to her aunt, OH's sister :-D

Someone asked "what would happen to your daughter if you both died?". Good question.

We living in Canada. My parents both dead. OH's parents elderly and in England. My brother and wife also in England. OH's sister married and living in Canada was the only real option, although hundreds of kilometres away..

But to make sure that she did get legal care of daughter AND be able to access our money and funding, just naming them as guardians wasn't enough at that time. We had to "will" our daughter to them as if she was an object. That allowed them to access, for example, at least one of our bank accounts to get money to physically move her to their house immediately and fund necessary major costs until the will went through probate.

That will was filed somewhere, or so we were told, but we lost our copy some how. Still it remained in effect until almost 20 years later.

We then made at least 2 more, and then finally one in 2016 after a dying friend made us promise to update the existing one because of some problems we had been having with a relative, so that we could be certain that our wishes were carried out.

It's time to re-visit that will in view of some things that have happened in the last couple of years.


Barbra Report 17 Mar 2020 16:58

My oh can't have two blood test Renal Hypertension untill further notice just rang GP he has meds. Are they hoping one way or another to finish us of before peak of the virus just wondering .no appointments avaliable unless urgent .Pharmacy putting prescriptions through the letter box .oh well keep smilling :-D :-D Barbara


Caroline Report 17 Mar 2020 17:36

In Ontario this morning they've declared a state of emergency, so they can force places to close so no restaurants except takeout/delivery, no movies, no bars etc. Shops to close except grocery/drug stores.
We might have had our first death in Ontario not confirmed yet so I think that's the second for Canada.
We're talking known affected people in the hundreds not thousands still, they're hoping to slow it down earlier than some countries, trying to learn from their "mistakes". Who knows what the future holds.
Looking at data it seems it's less likely to be breathed in if you're just walking outside as long as no one coughs on you, inside it takes longer to settle. So long dog walks are the rule right now no matter the weather...most people are respecting the social distancing dog walkers yelling hi from across the street to each other. :-)