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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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CherryCrumbles Report 8 Oct 2012 21:53

ah some signs of life. I shall move back from the fire, and let the heat get to the cold corners of the room. Then, it wont be me wot develops chilblains.

I believe Boudicca (the Iceni Queen also known as Boadicea) is interred under Platform 9 at Kings Cross. Not to be confused with platform 9 and a half, from where the Hogwarts train departs.

Now Petunia, I must point out that slapping my face with a wet fish would do nothing for my complexion, but it might cause me to catch fishgills. Also, violence never solved anything.

I would be delighted to attend your next WI meeting. I am sure that it will be most illuminating to learn 101 things to do with a jamjar. When I was a gel, they had only two functions. To store jam in, and to catch tadpoles in.

I cannot help regarding EastEnders. I never watch the show. The first five minutes of the very first episode was more than enough for me.

*claps hands* I would love to go on a Ghost Walk. Can I Can I Can I Can I Can I? Hunting ghosts on Hampstead Heath will make a nice change from watching fairies.


I havent spoken to Mama today, Lesley, but my sister tells me the cat is well, making up for missed meals, and clearly pleased to be home again in the warm and dry. Just like me. Making up for missed meals and pleased to be home in the warm and dry. I am delighted to announce that I am able to partake of chocolate again.



CherryCrumbles Report 8 Oct 2012 21:56

Do feel sorry for me - one is attending the pharmacist for the flu jab tomorrow afternoon. And one's offspring has returned from a short break in Finland, where it was required to attend some Rock Fest or other. Offspring tetlephoned with the Lowdown today.

I'd get the jab for free at the GP surgery, but get better treatment at the pharmacy.



CherryCrumbles Report 9 Oct 2012 18:35

I had my flu jab today, and all is well. So far. Make sure you get yours!!


MotownGal Report 9 Oct 2012 20:14

Cough cough! Cough cough! COUGH COUGH!

Why is no-one taking any notice of me?

I have my flu jab today, too! A very naice young student doctor gave it to me. He is fully qualified but only looked about 12. He looked a bit like that naice young Matthew in Downton Abbey. He addressed me as Miss Mortimer too. I do like a bit of formality. When one is in hospital they address you by your Christian name whether you like it or not. Cheek!!!!!!

My arm is very stiff, so I feel I will be sleeping sitting up tonight. I must remind Pat-trish-aaaah to get a few spare pillows out of the airing cupboard.

One went shopping this morning in w@itr0se and bought one of those Christmas Puds with an orange in the middle! Its that Heston Bloomingtakingusfornanas creation again. My dear friend had one last year, and said it was 'interesting' so I decided I must have one. I have hidden it away somewhere safe so that dear Cherry does not get her choppers onto it.

Lesley dear, I am not that familiar with the statue of Boudica. Is it modern art dear. A Moore?

And yes Cherry dear, she is purported to be buired in Kings Cross.

I think we may venture on the Ghost Walk dear. They are taking bookings now. £5 per adult, but concessions for Pensioners. We must make sure that we wrap up warmly. It is a bit parky over there in the evenings.

Looking for fairies dear? I think you jest, but there are certainly flashing lights over there...............

I think they will be walking past Red Arches, where Dick Turpin is supposed to have hidden when the law was after him. Then maybe onto the Vale of Health. So named, or renamed, to alleviate from the fact it was called the Vale of Death, as it is the site of a plague pit. See, I am informing you as well as being pleasant and charming!!!

I shall be watching The Paradise later on tonight. Cheeky of Teresa to suggest I bought my bonnets there......................I only have unique, handmade bonnets, not some 'line' sold in a Department Store. Tutty tut!

I think I shall prepare for beddyboes dears. Get myself comfortable before the programme starts....................I have had a busy jabbing.....................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 9 Oct 2012 21:21

Dear Auntie Petunia the statute isn't one of Henry's but one by a Jonathan Clarke :-) I have heard said that Tower Hamlets Council are to sell a Henry Moore sculpture A Draped Seated Woman estimated value 17 million :-S excuse me while I check my loose change :-D

I think Boudica/Boudicca/Boadicea poisoned herself by drinking from the Roman River :-( now where did I put my metal detector and miners helmet I've just got time for a quick search for her GOLD :-D before I prepare for slumber.

CC and Petunia I do hope you are both well after your flu injections :-)


CherryCrumbles Report 9 Oct 2012 21:33

dear Petunia is snoring so sweetly I havent the heart to wake her, so I will leave her a handwritten note ready for her to read when she wakes up, to let her know that Pat rish aaaah is being as difficult as ever where I am concerned. I helped Mrs Berry clean the kitchen following dinner which was as always delicious.

In spite of my healthy appetite, I never eat Christmas puddings. They do not agree with me, its all the raisins.

I shall not be shopping at The Paradise; I've popped in twice but I was not overly impressed with this emporium. The owner is a little too oily for my liking. And I wanted to slap Miss Audrey's simpering face.

The night has turned quite chilly. I shall put a warm wrap over Petunia so she does not feel cold when she wakes up. And stoke up the log fire ..... from chilblains to toasted tootsies.

I really must raise the issue with Petunia, in the morning, of my returning home. The dear lady has made is clear she wishes me to stay on but one does not wish to outstay one's welcome. Also, having spent the day dusting and polishing and slaving over a hot Mrs Berry, I seem to be turning into a piece of the furniture, while Pat rish aaaah plays with a large boat, and a rubber hammer, in the garden all day long. I suppose it keeps the gel quiet but she really should do her fair share of the work. To think I was on her side, originally.

how strange, I had started packing my portmanteaux, cases and hatboxes earlier, and I went down to the kitchen to warm some milk and raid the pantry, and now everything is back in the wardrobe again ........



CherryCrumbles Report 9 Oct 2012 21:41

hello Lesley, I watched a documentary about Boudicca a few months ago but I cannot remember how she did away with herself. There was a daughter as well, who also suffered at the hands of the Romans.

While you are searching for Boudicca's gold, would you pop over to the Norfolk Wash and look for King John's treasure? there's a dear.

Thank you for asking, I am quite well following the flu jab. I've never had problems with these, to date. The only problem I have, is remaining germ-free in order to have the jab. There are more and more folks hacking and hawking and sneezing around SainsCo, instead of staying home until they are fully recovered. I spent the weekend "sweating" because MFH had a cold and of course I didnt want to catch it from him.

Yep arent some statues "a price" ..... a ridiculous valuation when so many people in the world dont have enough to eat. Such monies could be better spent ..... aaaah if Aye was chancellor of the exchequer ................



CherryCrumbles Report 9 Oct 2012 21:45

here we are :

I dont think I am allowed to copy Wiki text but all the info you need about this Iceni queen is in the Wiki. Its not clear whether she killed herself, or simply died of an illness.



Cooper Report 10 Oct 2012 19:06

Running in to Motie Towers in excitement looking for the smelling salts...................................................................................

Ladies, he is back in a new film :-D :-D :-D :-D

My favourite Gentleman walker

Mr Firth and he is in a shirt tie and no trousers ;-)



CherryCrumbles Report 10 Oct 2012 19:14

hello Teresa, I am waiting to watch Mr Firth in Girl With A Pearl Ear ring ... got it on video tape. When I've finished with him, I shall return him to you ;-) :-D

As soon as I realised he was in Pearl Ear ring, I got the point of Shakespeare wearing an ear ring in St Trinians, Fritton's Gold. Unfortunately ....... I can no longer separate Mr Firth from "Geoffrey and Camilla", they just crack me up!



Cooper Report 10 Oct 2012 21:12

Cherry dear just think of Mr Darcy, Camilla and Geoffrey will become a distant memory. Of course you could think of Mr Brand if you so wished but the poor man always looks in need of a good scrub with carbolic soap :-S



MotownGal Report 11 Oct 2012 08:35

Good Morning dear Ladies,

I was a little unwell yesterday following said flu jab.

As you know I am a delicate flower and bruise like a peach. My upper arm is stiff and sore!

However, I am more in the Land of the Living this morning.

Yes, I doooo like Mr Darcy, all wet shirt and dripping. Swoons.

Teresa dear, Mr Brand is not so grubby in life. He is really rather handsome!!!!

Cherry dear, I can only think it is the fairies who hang your clothes back up again. Tis not me.

Pat-trish-aaaah is far too busy with the Ark, and Mrs Berry is constantly baking.

Soooo, off to organise the WI this morning, Mr Warburton is having a coffee morning [instant I presume] and we shall be discussing an Autumn Fayre.

Come on Cherry, grab your coat, the tuk-tuk is waiting.

Toodle Pip
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 11 Oct 2012 09:12

Oooooooh WI Auntie? I will have a bit of spare time after Monday when FTE departs fit the 7 seas :-(

Perhaps I can help with good works :-D :-D :-D :-D

Off now to do the unpaid toil and look at the nice and less grubby looking Mr Oliie Muirs who lived just down the A12', he is on the TV which FTY and his n
Matey fruits did not bother to turn orrrf when they went off to school earlier :-|



CherryCrumbles Report 11 Oct 2012 17:05

hello Teresa, I often think of Mr Darcy - particularly Mr Darcy emerging from the pond after that cold swim. And that wasnt in the original novel !!! As for Mr Brand ..... bring back the original Flash Harry is wot I say.

As for your lovely offspring, dont panic and dont worry, she will contact you from the high seas and tell you all about it. They have Wireless on board ships now, doncha know, and other forms of telecommunication.



CherryCrumbles Report 11 Oct 2012 17:05

I must say, Petunia dear, I have been quaite giddy today, chasing around after you as you do all your good works. But why wasnt Pat rish aaaah in charge of the tuktuk. You know I have no sense of direction and you're lucky I only went around the roundabout three times, and it really wasnt my fault the gear stick broke, it just snapped off in my hands.

oooh, do you mean the fairies have followed me all the way from Hampstead Heath? Shirley Knott. But it was very odd again this morning. I started packing, went to the kitchen to ask Mrs Berry about a picnic to take with me for the journey home, and when I returned to my room not only were all my clothes hanging in the wardrobe again, but my portmanteaux, cases and hatboxes were no where to be seen, I eventually tracked them down in the garden hidden inside the pyracantha bushes. Where were you at that time? Its getting like Ground Hog Wart Day around here!!

I do hope your poor arm is feeling a lot less tender now and that your post-jab tiredness has worn off. Of course you are as delicate as a hot house flower. I wish I had the time to be as delicate as a hot house flower

While you were breaking bread with Mr Warburton, I nipped into the junk shop, I knew you wouldnt miss me. I am now the proud owner of another four little Wade Whimsies. Three small ones for £1.50 each, and a larger one for £3.50. A certain charity shop that I normally frequent charges between £3 to £6 for the small ones. I shall be visiting the junk shop again. I also found another three glass sweets to add to my glass bonbonierre. I have yearned for glass sweets for many years, and I find them now that I am in the winter of my years and have less time to "enjoy" looking at them.

no Lesley or Susan today?



Cooper Report 11 Oct 2012 18:12

Cherry the original Flash Harry was the dear George Cole was he not? I liked him in Minder :-D

I had little Wade whimsies when I was a youngster. I think they are about somewhere in the house.

I am a little sad about the departure of FTE, she is full of fun and always full of news and information :-D however there is little to keep her here in the way of work and such a wonderful opportunity to work and travel. We will be keeping in touch by. The blog and FTY has the Facebook so he can keep in touch. It's been strange wrapping Christmas presides and getting cards from friends and family to give her. She will be in a very warm place on Christmas day :-D

Ordfnow. To get the packed lunches on the go for school and paid toil for us tomorrow.

Teresa :-D


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 11 Oct 2012 18:38

Hello Ladies

Here I am CC ooh I did like to rummage through a good chunk shop :-D CC I meant to tell you last week about a Thai Ambassador and his Wife at the Battlesbridge antique centre apparently they spent over £20.000 :-S

Auntie I am sorry you were feeling under the weather yesterday :-( I hope today your aching bruised arm is much better :-)

Teresa I'm sure Monday will be a happy and a sad day for you, but like you said what a wonderful opportunity for FTE :-) don't forget your laced edged handkerchief if you are going to waving FTE off :-D

My great fruit has put on another 4 ounces :-D bless her yesterday ma and pa took her to London to a very special hospital for very special children so that her strawberry mark could be looked at, cream and lotion were prescribed the cream is to be used for a week after this ma has to take a photograph and e-mail it to the doctor :-S if this has started to reduce the colouring ma is to carry on with the cream if not she must try the lotion, another referral has been made to see the ophthalmologist just to double check her sight isn't being affected :-( :-)

All praise to the NHS only 9 days including the weekend for the appointment to be arranged :-D

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to Susan :-)


Susan-nz Report 11 Oct 2012 19:00

Good upside down morning one and all,

Teresa, I too am partial to Mr Firth.... He has an 'air' about him I do believe.

Oooh, CC, put me down for one WI calendar please :-D. Which month will you be ?
Such a lot of fun to be had it would seem, surely it is not all just jam jars and sponge cakes??

I hope your arms are on the mend ladies?. I have survived our winter with only minor sniffles. I have never had a flu jab, I probably should though. It would seem each year there are new bugs out to get us...

I note we have a frost on the roof of my car this morning... and spring flowers bursting forth in the garden. One of the two is not welcome :-|.

My fruit and I had a successful jaunt to the big smoke for wedding bits and bobs. Did you know, it is possible to outfit bridesmaids without said bridesmaids being present?. Things are falling in to place with ease, no stress yet. I am hoping it will not be found while I am trying to find my MOB outfit :-D. I may need your yantra mat CC, deep breaths and all that ;-).

Teresa, please wish FTE bon voyage from me. I bet she is beside herself with excitement. May she have a long and very successful career and earn many bonus points and family discounts ;-) We too should have warm climes for Christmas, but these days it is all a lottery.... Last year was splendiforous, fingers crossed this year will be the same. I digress, safe travels to FTE.

Petunia, your Christmas pud sounds interesting. Will it stay intact until Christmas? Do you not need to do a taste test - in the name of food safety of course. My lot won't eat fruit pud nor will they eat my Mama's fruit pies :-D..

Tis Friday again, hurrah !!. Only two days at paid toil this week for me, the week has flown by. :-). Orf with fruit tomorrow to check out her venue and maybe partake in a bit of retail therapy ;-) ;-) ;-).

Have a lovely weekend,


CherryCrumbles Report 11 Oct 2012 19:23

yes indeed Teresa, the original Flash Harry was played (to perfection) by George Cole. I used to watch Minder. George Cole is still alive, at least he was alive a couple of years ago when he starred in a TV drama set in Hertfordshire near some power stations, I remember reading that while filming he loved to talk to the local people and accepted invitations to visit their homes for a cup of tea. I reckoned he was "casing" them for future character portrayals!

Wade Whimsies are collectors items now and some places charge a small fortune if they know what they are selling. The junk shop didnt seem to know, and I didnt see fit to enlighten them!!!


Hi Lesley - well, I wish I'd had over £20,000 to spend at Battlebridge. I found some bargains, none the less, even if my total spend was under £20. Never knowingly over-spent, that's me :-D


Hi Susan, I think I must be Miss January because someone once remarked that I was cold as ice ..... ;-) Its not all jam jars and sponge cakes. Its whipped cream as well ..... and chocolate buttons.

My arm is fine thank you, although the needle stung badly at the time, I havent bruised too much and everything seems OK now. Am glad to get this flu jab each year, because I'm sure it enhances my poor immune system, although I take echinacea and ginger capsules regularly. In years gone by, I spent most winters living on antibiotics, to keep going, because viruses always went to my chest and turned bacterial.



MotownGal Report 11 Oct 2012 20:36

Cherrrrrrrry! Cherrrrrrry! Where are you dear?

Slams door......................................oh there you are dear, I wondered where you had wandered orft to. The tuk-tuk had to be left at Mrs Warburtons overnight. As you know I am a wounded soldier, and cannot steer with my poorly arm!

Oh, she's not into Parlour.

There you are. What exactly are those little scratchy trinklets on my highly polished mahogany table? Are they? I least I think I do. Very naice dear, can you please put the chenille tablecloth under them in future. Thank you.

Fear not Teresa, I shall not let you see your Fruit off on your own. I shall come down to the Harbour to see her off. I have booked time with George to take the car down, and the gels and I will wave her off with you. I shall get all the lace-edged hankerchiefs freshly laundered, so that we can wave with exuberance. Of course you will miss her dear, that is only natural. But, she is beginning the new chapter of her life. A new and exciting one at that. Thank goodness for all the technology we have now. A few years back, it would have to be by pidgeon post. Wish her well, kiss her with gusto, smile bravely, and then shed a little tear in private.....................that what Mothers do.

Lesley dear, I did read about the lady who bought up most of the antiques. China, silverware and various bric-a-brac. She got her ladies to gather them up, and off she went. That is style. Pleased to hear your little one is putting on weight, always a good sign. Was the Hospital in London the one that receives royalties from Peter Pan? Noted for its wonderful care worldwide. Little marks easily fade dear, often without too much bother.

Susan dear, how are you dear? I still cannot get over the fact that you live upsidedown and on a different time scale to us. Tuts. One of the puddings have gone missing. Mention no names, just follow the direction of my eyes! These puds come in two sizes. The larger with a whole orange inside, the smaller with a clementine. They were invented a couple of years ago, and sold out in days. Some bright spark bought up loads and put them on E-bay. And needless to say made a pretty penny. W@itrOse seem to have upped their game and have over ordered this year. So no-one will take advantage. However, as they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, but I have hidden the other one, and will keep it until Christmas.

So Cherry dear, what did you think of the WI Group. You have met Mrs Warburton before. But did you like Mrs Farquarson? She with the pince-nez and the screeching voice? Or Mrs Stephenson with the frizzy perm? How about Mrs Hibbert with the nervous fingers? When she get into her stride she 'plays' an imaginary piano. Usually Moonlight Sonata. Then of course there is Mrs Bateson, who whistles when she speaks. I believe a little denture fixature would cure that, but one would not be so cruel as to point it out.......................

I think we managed to bash out a few ideas for the Autumn Fayre. A tea and cake stall. A Harvest Festival bring and buy, and a Sensory Test. One puts various herbs and spices into small containers, the punter is blindfolded, and they have to guess what the herbs and spices are by smell alone. Such fun. Someone who manages to get all ten, will get a small token prize. I shall be in charge of that. I remember the last time, when poor old Mrs Harvey was in charge, she has no sense of smell, and managed to put something the cat left behind in one of the boxes..............................oh dear!!!!!

Cherry dear, tell me in confidence, did you think her tea service as nice as mine? Do really think you get a good cup of coffee from earthenware? I think my bone china give the java more space to mature and tickle the tastebuds. And by the way, what exactly are Essential Jammy Bodgers? How much more refined is a Rich Tea or a Nice bikkie?

A little confused [again!]
Auntie Petunia