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StrayKitten Report 28 Jul 2010 12:22


To pass this week's 'Ignore the Obvious' shopping task, housemates must do
nothing at all!

...Except... ignore the obvious.

A series of random events will take place in the House and all
housemates must completely ignore them. If they pass, they will win a luxury shopping budget and messages from home.

Keep checking the site for more details!


StrayKitten Report 28 Jul 2010 12:26

aw enjoy your time with him, my littuns going the cinema with nana, so ill be having the girls over today for our midweek gosip lol,


GRMarilyn Report 28 Jul 2010 17:00

Hi All....I'm here ...!!!

I had my sister glued to me.....every minuet of the day ....god she's gone to my other sister now until the weekend,...... I felt not normal ...because I have missed out on BB gossip !! LOL

Now gonna look at everything about BB cause I have not been able to get into it....part of my life has passed by ...LOL

Speak tonight .....x


StrayKitten Report 28 Jul 2010 17:03

aw this task looks so funny, there sending friends n relatives in dressed up, and the housemates have to ignore thm lmaooo x


GRMarilyn Report 28 Jul 2010 17:10

Hi Stray ...

Cant wait for that.

But I'll tell you what , I think that John James really is in love with Josie,don't think it will last ...Me thinks !!

They are two insecure people .... and strange , she cant even look at him .what sort of a relation ship is that ?

I'm off now for dinner ....OH treating me ...awwhh ....Morrison s I expect !! LOL


StrayKitten Report 28 Jul 2010 17:14

oh enjoy your dinner, im havign take out later with the girls,

i dno whats going on with jjj, there a weird couple, when he left she kept shouting stop meking a show of me??? how weird, he was showing himself up not her, shes to teritorial around him, and never gave hima chance to really get on with anyone else as she gets to jelous x


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 17:15

Hi Marilyn.

Meanie he could at least take you to McD for a burger lol or a bag of chips in a park some place lol


GRMarilyn Report 28 Jul 2010 19:32


Laura to be replaced on Friday .......wonders who ??????

Marion .....Well lovely Egg Sausages & Chips & Beans Morrison's ... I knew it, or Mc Donnalds across the road. not a lot of choice really , at least I got the shopping done for me !! LOL.


**Ann** Report 28 Jul 2010 21:13

Hi All,

Hope everyone has had a good day, the weather in Wales has been a bit mixed today but mostly little grandson was able to play outside while nana sat on the garden swing with the paper this afternoon!

Marilyn...........looking at the betting Ben is creeping up in the eviction stakes............I thought Lordy creep Dave was a sure gonner!


**Ann** Report 28 Jul 2010 21:33

Well just had the live feed going for the past 45mins, and the "DUVETS" are at it again.........never even came up for air!

Their mikes are off as well, same on you BB for letting them get away with it!


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 21:35

Hi all.

Stray, she likes to get her own way. She certainly acts a lot. I was sure she lost her accent one night, I think she puts that on a bit too.

I'm glad you enjoyed your tea Marilyn.

Sound like you had a good day Ann. How old is he?


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 21:36

The Duvets lol


GRMarilyn Report 28 Jul 2010 21:46

Blimey.... Ann 45mins under the Duvets ...!!!

They must be sweating .......and turning blue by now ,don't think they know how to do it !! ... maybe she's picking his nose really nothing more ..LOL


GRMarilyn Report 28 Jul 2010 21:48

Just thought I'd let you all know ...I had me bits of nobbles cut off from me neck this afternoon at the Doctors....

So now I'm 1 stone lighter !! LOL


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 21:56

Nobbles? I hope you got them back to put in a jar to show off


**Ann** Report 28 Jul 2010 22:01

Hi Marion,

You would not believe the antics they are getting away with, BB should not allow them to cover/turn off their mikes.

It makes me cringe now, it is obvious he is not interested, as i said yesterday I watched the live exit of JJ doing a runner and when he was being talked to by a producer he was half sniveling and half one eye on the cameras!........he knows now he has to carry this malarky on till the end of his time in the BB's pathetic and BORING!

Alfie will be 2 on August 15th............he is a real cutie and so funny, he follows me around everywhere and repeats everything I say.............even if I tut.....he tuts! I have been teaching him the song......When You Wish Upon A Star ...from Pinochio........when he gets to ...and your dreams come true...he fills up............I'll have to teach him a happy one!


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 22:09

Awww.It's lovely when they sing.
Just wait till he starts asking you questions lol.

As you know we had two of ours camping. Two men arrived and pitched their tent beside us. The 7 yr old said 'theres no women there' I said maybe they will arrive later.But they didnt, he then said 'Granny' do you think they are gay?


**Ann** Report 28 Jul 2010 22:19

Oh Cringe Marion! do they come up with these things at 7?


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 22:24

I tried to ask him how he knew about 'these thing's...never really got answer.
Tv I expect.


MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2010 22:26

Look at Ben,has he got a birds nest in his hair ? lol