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Favourite Films!

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David Report 26 Feb 2009 22:44

I loved that film about the sheep herding pig called BABE

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 27 Feb 2009 23:16



EyebrowsEd Report 28 Feb 2009 00:43

Hi all,

Just watching "Medium" on BBC2 with Patricia Arquette - anyone out there follow the series?

Seeing Patricia Arquette reminds me of a film she was in several years ago with Nicholas Cage, called "Bringing out the Dead", in which Cage plays a burnt-out paramedic working the night shift. A very harrowing film, but well worth a look if you haven't seen it.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 Mar 2009 15:43

Hi folks, no not seen that one Ed, don't think I'll go looking on you tube for clips...well not today anyway,am on a night shift tonight and don't want to put the wind up myself!! it doesn't take much! ☺


Nickydownsouth Report 1 Mar 2009 16:28

Hi All

No iv`e not seen that one either Ed, actually I don`t really like Nicholas Cage....apart from Face Off i can`t think of one of his films iv`e liked..... not sure why, but his voice annoys me, can never understand what all the fuss is about him.....and I hate that one where they`re transporting prisoners on an Aeroplane and they take over the guards and the scared the life out of me, name escapes me but i`m sure either you or Pam will know it.....
EDIT...Con Air.........absolutely frightening!!!



EyebrowsEd Report 1 Mar 2009 22:23

Hi Nicky,

Yes I quite liked Con Air - but like you and Pam I'm not a big fan of Nicholas Cage in general. I think he gets a lot of exposure because he is Francis Ford Coppola's nephew (about time I put in a bit of trivia!) He was also married to Patricia Arquette for a while.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Mar 2009 21:46

Evening folks, hope you're all ok. Really windy here in north Norfolk!

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Mar 2009 21:55

Been watching Blood Brothers on TCM, it was made in 1978 apparantly. Has anyone noticed how Richard Gere walks and also talks pretty much the same in all his films. The only couple of films I like with him in them are, Yanks and An Officer and a Gentleman. Also The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone, the later one as it has olivier Martinez in it!

EDIT: No not a fan of Nicholas about it's not what you know but who you know with him! He was married for a brief time to Lisa Marie Presley wasn't he, think he's a bit obsessed with Elvis so I've read somewhere.


EyebrowsEd Report 3 Mar 2009 23:53

Hi all,

I'm not a great Richard Gere fan; he's OK as an actor but there's something about him that I don't like. (Probably because he's better looking than me!) Thought he was great in Internal Affairs as the really nasty bent cop, but not much else. Not noticed his walk, but there again nobody criticised John Wayne for his!

Yes nepotism often rules in the film industry - I think Nicholas Cage is where he is because of his uncle. He does seem a bit strange; think when he first met Patricia Arquette she set him some list of tasks to prove himself to her, which he promptly set about completing to win her over.

PS - I still haven't seen Milla! ~sobs~


Nickydownsouth Report 4 Mar 2009 23:16

Sorry guys and gals....have to disagree with you, I LOVE Richard Geres swagger in any film that he feels hed like to swagger in........ Brilliant in internal Affairs, havn`t seen that one for years... and love him in Officer and a Gentleman and Yanks, now hes older { and greyer} {arn`t we all} I think hes very unattractive, unlike sean connery who just gets better with age, and dosn`t Tom Jones look so much better now hes ditched the hairdye!!

Never seen Blood Brothers in a film... whos in it Pam? saw it in the west End a couple of years ago, and just loved it...... the youngsters of today often do it for their English GCSE, that and Lord of the Flies, why didn`t we get such good books in our day? I had Under Milk wood, God it was boring!! nearly fell asleep each English lesson.



David Report 5 Mar 2009 21:46

Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck were excellent in Cape Fear

There was a remake of the film starring Robert De Niro and Peck and Mitchum had roles

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Mar 2009 22:34

Evening folks,

Nicky i couldn't tell you what Blood Brothers is about as I've never seen the stage play or read the book...and being a typical Gemini, I got bored with Mr Gere the other night so changed channels!

Can't believe you keep missing Milla Ed, she's on the telly ads quite a lot.

Very scarey film Cape Fear, David!


EyebrowsEd Report 5 Mar 2009 22:57

Helloooooooo everyone!

Wish I had some hair left to go flippin' grey!!

No I've not seen Blood Brothers either - although the name rings a bell.

Nicky, you should have tried Wuthering Heights as an English study book; it bored me so much I was tempted to chew my elbows off to relieve the tedium (conjures up a picture, doesn't it?). Although we did also do Lord of the Flies - a great book, but there is one fundamental flaw in the story that totally destroys the whole thing ...

... it is impossible to start a fire by using the lens of a pair of spectacles to magnify the sun's rays. (Think about it - if you wore glasses and walked towards the sun your eyeballs would fry)

David, I have to agree about Cape Fear - a great story - but I much prefer Robert Mitchum as the psychotic Max Cady.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Mar 2009 23:04

Evening Ed, nothing wrong with bald's a sign of virility so my hubby tells me!


EyebrowsEd Report 5 Mar 2009 23:18

Hi Pam,

I was always told that if a man goes bald at the front then he's a great thinker.

If he goes bald at the back then he's a great lover.

If he goes bald at both the front and the back then he thinks he's a great lover!

PS: My baldness pattern is a "fore and aft" - so I'm having fun at myself too!


Nickydownsouth Report 6 Mar 2009 21:58

Hi Pam and Ed...... nothing wrong with bald men..... see Bruce Willis for details......

Yes as you say Ed...... a huge fundametal flaw in Lord of the Flies...........never read Wuthering Heights either ....{ makes mental note never to do so......}

Blood Brothers is written by Willy Russell of Educating Rita fame, I think most if not all of his work is centred around Liverpool...... the play starts with a funeral and then takes you back 20 odd years...... to a very working class Catholic family living in a very poor part of Liverpool in the 70s, the father leaves his wife pregnant with twins and another 6 children to feed and clothe....knowing she can`t bring them all up, when she gives birth she gives one of the twins to the childless couple in the "posh" house that she does cleaning for, neither child knows of the others existance, and then years later they meet and become friends, discover they share the same birthday so decide they must be "Blood Brothers" not knowing that they really are, their very different upbringings have a large bearing on the people they become, and the end is very sad....... if you get a chance to go and see it then do...its been running in the West End for over 20 years now, and has won every award going.

Going to see Revolutionary Road on wednesday , have any of you seen it.?



EyebrowsEd Report 6 Mar 2009 23:34

Hi Nicky,

No I've not seen Revolutionary Road; I'm not a great fan of Leonardo Di Caprio or Kate Winslett (I think Titanic put me off the pair of 'em).

Blood Brothers sounds very good (makes a mental note to see it).

I've not seen much in the way of films on either TV or at the cinema lately - I've been studying to get my Microsoft qualifications up to date, which takes a lot of time - seven exams in all to take, and each subject has something like an 800 page study guide. Boring but essential for the IT man about town!!



David Report 7 Mar 2009 20:27

Alfred Hitchcock used psychology in drama to good effect. Norman Bates for example

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 10 Mar 2009 00:16


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 11 Mar 2009 00:14
