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My Claim to Fame at last

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*Sharm Report 26 Aug 2007 19:18

I have a John Barnes, elizabeth taylor and thomas cook.

Devon Dweller

Devon Dweller Report 26 Aug 2007 19:37

I have George Bush....thankfully not the one in America lol

Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 26 Aug 2007 20:10

There are two people called Gene Reunited on here.


Fian Report 27 Aug 2007 00:38

not one to boast or shout about the fact that im related to several living people who are household names but im so excitied at this latest discovery that i want to share it with everyone
one is a tv presenter and the other is an actor on a well know tv soap that is not on the bbc and is aired at 7pm .um i wonder which one that is!!!!!
my other link to the world of celebs is that my maternal great grandfather walked the boards with stan laurel when he was stan jefferson!!! I was only looking for dead people never thought id find living ones. thought at one point there was just me and my 2 brothers that made up my family wrong genes proved me what a great site and a wonderful community of people to talk to
thank you all


Caroline Report 27 Aug 2007 01:04

I am actually related to the actors Richard and Derek Waring ( his wife is Dame Dorothy Tootin)
Does that Count ??????


Petrina Report 27 Aug 2007 10:07

My husbands third cousin twice removed is Beverley nichols! He was thrilled to hear that LOL However as it is my ONLY claim to fame he's staying!! Oh - I have a couple of Elizabeth Taylors too. She gets around doesn't she.


*stinkermurdock* Report 27 Aug 2007 10:39

I have Tom Jones and Paul Weller in my tree, not the real ones though, (well I dont think so anyway!!) lol.

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 27 Aug 2007 10:55

I have a famous name-a-like in my tree...R J Mitchell, aeronautical engineer, better known as the inventor of the Spitfire.

I also have a Bob the Builder and a Postman Pat!!


~*kazza*~ Report 27 Aug 2007 11:00

I was looking at my tree and being avid evetonians my son was pleased to see an andrew johnson, not the real one....but my cliam to fame is a knight, a real one as well.
kaz x


Andy Report 27 Aug 2007 11:20

I have a Fanny Dyer. Don't know whether that's a name or profession


~*kazza*~ Report 27 Aug 2007 11:27

LOL Andy

Teddys Girl

Teddys Girl Report 27 Aug 2007 11:37

Oh Andy, hubby and I choked on our coffee at your famous name.

Mine as many others - Elizabeth Taylor.


Sprack Report 27 Aug 2007 12:45

I have a Fanny Pain in my tree!!, perhaps she was a nurse lol.


MarilynB Report 27 Aug 2007 18:51

I have Isaac Newton too!!!



Kirsty Report 27 Aug 2007 20:00

i have micheal jackson in my tree nowt to brag about thou.


ladybird1300 Report 27 Aug 2007 21:27

I have been told my 3x g grandfather worked for King George 111, unfortunately Windsor Castle Archives don't have a record for this.
I am a very distant cousin of Cathy Lesurf lead singer with Fiddlers Dram in the seventies.
I have James Taylor & 2 Richard Thomas' ( good night John Boy)


Carol Report 27 Aug 2007 23:54

I have 2 Golden Balls, father and son in my tree, both direct ancestors

Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 28 Aug 2007 01:29

I was researching for a colleague and sadly had to tell him that a family legend of relationship to a famous aviator was a myth. On the other hand I discovered that one of his ancestors was a captain of one of Nelson's ships at the battle of the Nile. He was killed in the battle and there's a great big memorial to him in St Paul's Cathedral!

Cherry, a friend of my mother, had been told by her mother that she was descended from Lord Elgin (of Elgin Marbles fame). It turned out that her ancestor simply shared the same name, Thomas Bruce, but he was a general labourer! Cherry became quite hostile to me after I gave her the proof and we haven't been in contact since!!!

This happens a lot. A colleague was very disappointed to find that she had no connection to the actress Ellen Terry - her Terry ancestor was a tanner from Canterbury! I think it's very strange when parents pretend to their children that they have illustrious ancestors.


dutch Report 28 Aug 2007 08:23

i have James Bond as wittness on one of my rellies marriage cert
joyce from hollandx

☺Carol in Dulwich☺

☺Carol in Dulwich☺ Report 28 Aug 2007 11:19

Bill Gates!
John Savage.

In 1586 Mary Queen of Scots had been illegally held prisoner by Elizabeth I of England for eighteen years. Many Catholics regarded Elizabeth as illegitimate and Mary as the legitimate Queen of England and Ireland. Even if she was not, she was next in line to the throne. However, she was a Catholic, and neither Elizabeth nor her ministers relished the prospect of a Catholic succession.

Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth's Secretary of State and chief of her espionage, used two agents provocateurs, Gilbert Gifford and Bernard Maude, to manipulate respectively two men, JOHN SAVAGE and John Ballard, who believed that the killing of a tyrant was lawful.

(Whether Gifford had Walsingham's authorization when he first approached Savage to incite him to kill Elizabeth is not clear, but Gifford was subsequently Walsingham's double agent.) When Walsingham learned that Anthony Babington, a young Catholic gentlemen (who had corresponded secretly with Mary before by smuggling letters from others to her), together with some of his friends was plotting to rescue Mary from her imprisonment in Chartley Hall, Walsingham managed to combine the two plots.

Babington's conscience was troubled about the rightness of assassinating Elizabeth. Therefore in July of 1586 he decided to write to Mary, whom he regarded as his rightful sovereign, to ask her to authorize the assassination. In his letter he wrote of plans of ten gentlemen and a hundred followers who would rescue Mary from her imprisonment and of six gentlemen who would, with Mary's authorization, assassinate Elizabeth. After being arrested and tortured JOHN SAVAGE was Hung Drawn and Quartered