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Time to say goodbye

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Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 12:26

Well my subs are due but I am not renewing. Sorry I won't be around to help anymore I have enjoyed it. And I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you who have helped me I hope I have returned your help to others in return. I am leaving because I don't agree with the policy that everyone can view each others tree. The change so that everyone you contact or who contacts you can view each others tree I think is wrong. If you think after some discussions that there is a genuine family connection then I think it should be up to us to let them view our tree. The policy where you have to remember to untick the box in my opinion is wrong. I wish you all the best of luck in your future hunting. I am off following other pass members to the other boards which are Free. Maybe if in the future this policy was to change then I just may be back. Irene


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 12:30

Sorry you are leaving Irene, I understand your reason. If you do all the work on your tree it should not be available to anyone other than who you decide to see it. I expect a lot of people will leave once their subscriptions are due because of this reason. I wish you all the very best for the future and I know your leaving will be a great loss to the board. Good Luck Irene


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 12:32

Hi thanks for that. I don't often see my name so it nice to know its around out there somewhere. Irene


cazzabella Report 9 Jun 2005 12:45

Hi Irene, It's a shame that you're leaving the site, but I agree with you 100% that we shouldn't have to untick this stupid little box to keep things private. It should be the other way round. To be honest Irene, I don't think they care much about what we think. I've mailed them a few times about this and other things, but I've rarely had an acknowledgement from them, let alone a sensible answer! I don't mind people viewing my tree if I think we have a connection, but I don't want all and sundry being able to take a peek - mind you, it would take them an age to find their way around mine! It's a complicated tree at the best of times, and at the worst even I get lost! Lots of luck and best wishes for the future Irene, Carole


Tracey Report 9 Jun 2005 14:00

Do you know that if you go to your contacts list, you can click remove, next to people's names, under the your tree heading, and they can no longer see your tree?


Jane Report 9 Jun 2005 14:03

Sorry you are going, but forgive me,I don't understand what you are saying. Though everyone else seems to! All the contacts I have , I have allowed , or not, to see my Tree so this is obviously something else . I have had many contacts or, merely sent or recieved a reply. Please I have never seen a box with a check in. Regards Jane


Dizzy Report 9 Jun 2005 14:12

if you go to your contacts list, it will tell you whether people have access to your tree. Apparently a new thing has come in that if you make contact with someone, you have to physically untick a box to say they cannot view your tree. If you go through the motions of being about to email someone, you will see the box. Liz


Jane Report 9 Jun 2005 14:26

Thanks Dizzy, I do remember now ,as I have contacted many through the names board , but my Mum said''always read the small print first! ''So I unclicked. Sadly Senile Jane


Pat Report 9 Jun 2005 14:46

Irene, What a great shame you are going, you have been part of the Tips board for as long as I have been on Genes, you will be missed as any member who helps others like you are missed. I wish you would stay and try and change things from within rather than walking away. Tom's right of course Genes are stubborn but they need to listen to their members as I said on another thread last night this site is only what its is because of the members, Genes give the members the platform but the members make this site what it is. I wish you all the best Irene and do hope to see you in the not so distant future. Take care Pat x

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 9 Jun 2005 15:34

Hi Sorry you're leaving - but I sympathise. I thought we'd got this thing sorted a few weeks/months back, and then spotted the dreaded pre-ticked box again, just in time, yesterday evening. I understand that this is supposed to be a sharing site - but I don't think we should be forced/tricked into sharing more than we intend. I know the box can be unticked and I know you can dis-allow, but info can be copied very quickly if someone is of that mind. You shouldn't be obliged to be on watch. Sharing of what is potentially confidential info (at least, once it's collected together this way) should be a matter of positive, not accidental, choice. Christine


N Report 9 Jun 2005 15:52

Hi Irene, i respect your decision, sorry to see you leave as you have helped me in the past. Good luck in the future and hope you manage to complete your family tree all the best :-)


Unknown Report 9 Jun 2005 16:11

Irene All the best and thanks for everything over the years Maybe I'll see you around elsewhere as I'm not renewing my sub either! Lou


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 16:33

Tracey Yes I do know, but why should I have to do that every time I contact someone. It should be the other way round. I know this site is for sharing, but not my tree. Sharing my time & help I don't mind. I get a lot of fun digging around and trying to help. (any excuse not to do the housework) As I would have to untick most of my contacts I do think this was getting silly. I deleted my tree straight after I had a reply from Gene's saying they had no intention of reverting back to the old way. Irene

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 9 Jun 2005 17:40

I agree with you Irene, in this day and age when we have to be careful about personal security etc. To be honest, I'm really surprised GR have done this again. x


Jacqui Report 9 Jun 2005 18:08

Sorry you're going Irene - you have helped me in the past and I am most grateful. I understand your reasons for not renewing, and hope to see your name back in the future. All the best and thanks again for your help. Jacqui


Sara Report 9 Jun 2005 18:53

I'm probably being really thick here but when I view 'my contacts' list it says 'allow' next to each name. I was under the impression from the 'help' menu, that I had to click on 'allow' before anyone could view. This then changes to 'remove' which means they can then view until I change it back to 'allow'. Can someone please tell me if I have got this wrong? Thanks SS


Phoenix Report 9 Jun 2005 19:01

You are correct, Sussex Surfer and if you pm'd me now, there would be no problem. BUT if you contacted me via the Names Summary, you would automatically give me permission to see your tree UNLESS you made a conscious decision to check the relevant box. If you accidentally let the genii out of the bottle, then it's gone. You can subsequently deny access, but that may be too late for tree theft.


Sara Report 9 Jun 2005 19:06

Thanks Brenda, I don't do the 'names summary' bit very often so I've probably not seen that tick box. SS


Unknown Report 9 Jun 2005 19:06

Irene I am sorry that you are going, though I understand why and I myself am having serious thoughts about renewing. I e-mailed GR ages ago about the tree viewing issue and got a rather unsatisfactory reply. I will miss you, thanks for all your help, and good luck in the future. nell

Sue in Sx

Sue in Sx Report 9 Jun 2005 19:38

That little tick box is easy to miss - if you are not viewing the whole screen it can be off the bottom of the page so you don't always see it ~:0(