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At the risk of being excommunicated ........

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Heather Report 1 Jul 2005 19:25

Some havent been 'culled' they have just lost the enthusiasm they had for this site because of all the woo har. Such a shame, such good people, such clever people! Obviously, there are some of the really helpful ones like Jess and Lyla and Cristal, Brenda, Marjorie and others left, but it was such a friendly buzzing page a couple of months back. Oh and Richard where is he, he was always a good larf.

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 2 Jul 2005 05:01

Hi Heather... well I'm still here and still pop in every now & then to add me 2p-worth! I do miss the fun threads though! By the way all - don't forget to fill in the survey (from the link on the homepage)... your chance to tell GR what you really think... Richard


Joy Report 2 Jul 2005 08:38

you're still here, Heather! :-) Joy


Sheleen Report 2 Jul 2005 16:29

Only popping in quick, as I have had some terribly sad news of late and am not coping well....but thought I may be able to have a little input here that might help? After reading through this thread, I notice that people still not happy with the way GR handled everything... I did ask for a friend to put this reply here - As I don't really feel really up to it ... But seeing as there may be some problem with repeating and/or reproducing mail direct from GR team, thought it best I got my head out of my backside and posted here myself - so other people can see that GR are not patrolling the boards (so to speak) but are reacting to specific requests from members to look at certain threads. I thought that maybe the members who are concerned should write 'en mass' to the GR team and explain why this is so obviously an unfair way of trying to weed out abusive threads - as it is obvious if one person bears a grudge of any kind, they can just keep complaining to GR and have threads removed regardless of how anyone else feels about them. GR are getting the flack - which is okay considering they are the ones doing the deleting... but members would obviously be happier if GR only deleted threads that really are offensive or abusive (to the majority, not the minority of one or two killjoys). Maybe they should have one or two members moderate the boards - free membership if you're a moderator, sort of policy. Anyway, here's the reply I got from GR to explain why they delete threads: 'thank you for your comments. We have read the thread and taken the comments on board. The problem is that over the last month or so some members have been posting threads on the tips board that have not been relevant. This means that the genuine tips have been moved onto other pages. We did have to make it clear to members what the tips board is used for. We have a general message board for general chat. We are a really small team and do not have the time to read through every message posted on our boards as we are busy answering member's queries too. This is why we have a link to report anything to us that is abusive or on the wrong board. We investigate everything that is reported to us. We are not picking on certain members at all, we treat all members in the same way. However, each report of abuse does have to be looked into. If a thread is on the wrong board we will remove it, regardless of who has posted it. It a shame to hear that so many members are unhappy. We are making some great new changes to the site our development team have been working really hard on this. We do always welcome feedback from our members, albeit positive or negative.' I myself am not taking sides - honest! And I do hope that the GR team will keep this posting here, as I think it explains their situation quite well - but also lets us see as members, ways in which WE feel GR could maybe improve? Cha.


Sheleen Report 2 Jul 2005 17:23

I can see you're upset and frustrated at this Meercat... which is why I think GR need to be told WHY many members are upset. I've written to them a few times - requesting that they read threads in order to understand why people are upset towards them... but I don't think it will work unless they are written to direct. It is a VERY unfair system where one person bearing a grudge (or being a killjoy) can be responsible for the deletion of a thread.... but at present the GR team haven't the staff or time to sort out a different system. Bombarding them with e-mails may not be an immediate solution - in the short-term it will effectively do the exact opposite... but in the long-term it will enable the voices of GR members to be heard and understood. A few months ago, the GR team would take a day or so to reply to mail... now its taking a lot longer - four or five days. By this I am assuming that a lot more people must be writing to them to voice opinions (I sure hope it isn't people complaining...). Effectively, the system that GR is using at the moment is basically members moderating members... I suggest that they can do this much more effectively by bringing in moderators from existing members.... and using free membership as an incentive perhaps. We'd still be moderating ourselves and each other... but it would be a lot more fair than one member complaining about a thread and said thread being deleted. Just a suggestion though... maybe a few of us here could come up with a 'game plan' that will benefit the GR team and the members here... Its worth a shot at least... anyone?


Sheleen Report 2 Jul 2005 17:51

Oops, sorry Meercat... should have read your first post properly... my only excuse is that I really have had bad news and am only here to try to take my mind off things. Please accept my sincerest apologies. I can't really say anything about GR after that now, can I?! I can only guess that even though they have a small team, different people in the GR team react differently when replying to mail and threads? .... and in varying degrees of what might seem appropriate. Deleting your thread seems a bit over the top... what on earth did you say to them? (joke)


Joy Report 2 Jul 2005 18:35

I am aware it is a small team, but considering the amount of money that must be generated by the fees, I would have thought they could afford a larger one with *sensible* moderators as one has on free sites to which I subscribe (non family history). Joy


Heather Report 2 Jul 2005 18:51

Cha Cha, I do hope you feel better soon. I know I have a distressing time of late and it does drain you. Bless you for the thread re Sussex settlements, found about 20 of my lot on there.


N Report 2 Jul 2005 22:16

Glad to still see the thread still here, LOL, as there are no look ups to do just yet, saying that, haven't been able to get on g/r for ages, :-)

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 2 Jul 2005 23:35

<this means that genuine tips have been moved onto other pages> Question: If a genuine tip moves down from page one to page two the inference is that it is ignored/lost forever. If that is the case, why are there 15 pages on this board, as 14 of them are obviously useless/unread/ and halfwits cannot find their way to them. The Old Crone.


Joy Report 2 Jul 2005 23:40

excellent question, Marjorie! :-) Joy


Unknown Report 3 Jul 2005 02:02

I really love it when threads like this appear on the Tips Board It means that well thought of BANNED members, who we all love and miss, are not forgotten But, nothing will ever become of these threads because GR Do not Care enough to Listen to some of its members Have you all noticed - threads like these are not deleted? Because GR couldnt care less They have Won - By getting rid of a few people that made GR what they are today (£££££££) It Makes Me Sick (Sorry to be so harsh - but I am really fed up of the pettiness that goes on, it defies common sense) Kim (Ever hopeful that things will go back to what they once were)


Sheleen Report 3 Jul 2005 07:49

Thanks Meercat... I'm such a twit lately, that I really should have read your post properly - thanks for being gracious :) Heather... I'm glad you found the site useful. I was researching my family in Sussex, which is partly how I came across the site. Of course, a few days after I found the database, I discovered the branch of my family I had been following had actually arrived in Sussex quite recently (the last 100 years or so) and that they actually originated from Surrey. Thats about typical of how my research has gone lately. Thank you for the kind words also. Kim... oh, Kim... :) Your post explains quite a lot of what I try to explain. You're putting the point across well - albeit with a bit of anger. But thats to be expected. The team at GR needs to be told why we're frustrated at them... keep writing until you get an answer you deserve. The influx of mail they have may at first prove to be hard to handle... but with any luck this will kick-start them into providing the service the promise when we members pay our fees. The survey on the front page is worth filling in - just make sure your ideas on how to improve the site are filled in on the last bit of the survey. Let GR know what we expect and want. I've written to them and filled in the survey - I'd be a hypocrite writing all this here if I hadn't :) But I am concerned that we still have the basis of a really good idea and site here, and yet many of the more vocal members are becoming despondent and tired of GR not running the site as expected. Fuelled by members enthusiasm and ideas it could be back to how we want it - but with the added bonus of having that bit extra that the members provided.... The GR team have said that they don't have the people available to patrol the boards... so they aren't reading this at all - so it stands to reason that they need to be told direct - hence my idea of everyone writing to them. Another good idea could be a welcome thread at the top of the tips board... (I know, I've mentioned this before)... it can be quite intimidating for a newcomer to just dive in and start posting on the boards. The tips and general boards are very different - some people use one board and never go to another because they feel intimidated by feeling like a newbie all over again. The tips board is invaluable.... (once) less formal than the records board, it has been an assett to (I would imagine) almost everybody here... and its the members hard work that makes the board a success. If new members feel like they make seem a bit stupid or dumb in posting a message here or feel that the board is unwelcoming due to its austerity and formailty, then the board may as well disappear. I'm rambling on again... sorry. I really wouldn't like to see more members disappear because they had become so disallusioned with this site.


Joy Report 3 Jul 2005 08:58

on the house? yes, right on, Rebs! :-) Joy

The Bag

The Bag Report 3 Jul 2005 08:59

GR dont 'care'- Caring doesn't come into it! Sorry, i don't think you'll move a mountain.- If GR let the tips board disolve into a general / chat or 'whatever' board the whole site will slowly go that way. I guess my question is WHY REBEL angainst the system, there is no point.Apply the same theory to another situation and you'll see it is just the same! Jess x- who isn't a party pooper at all


Heather Report 3 Jul 2005 09:04

Isn't there something about rules being made to be broken? Not that I would of course! Heather


Joy Report 3 Jul 2005 09:10

I was born a rebel. Just one thread ..........

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 3 Jul 2005 09:14

Hi Rebs, Good to hear you again. I'll certainly join you for some alcohol and a friendly chat. Friar

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 3 Jul 2005 10:14

Sorry Rebs, The mind went blank (as usual) - too much time on the computer today doing things for the local sports club. Well since its gone 5 here I may as well participate in a cider - a real one! Slainte !


Joy Report 3 Jul 2005 10:24

erm, rather early for me!! but on this occasion, why not?! :-) Joy