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Do you believe in the paranormal?

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Heather Report 5 Aug 2006 21:01

Be careful, some of these phone mediums are con artistes charging a pound a minute or more. Google for psychics in your area that are bon fide. My dad, dearest man in the world, was very honest (to distraction some times!). He had a 'thing' about telling the truth, as did his father. Yet he told me that when my Grandad was a small boy - which would have been in about 1880 - he was accompanying his mother across the churchyard of St Marys, Rotherhithe at 5 a.m. in the morning - she was a washer woman and was collecting her washing. Suddenly his mother stopped and said to my grandfather, 'George, can you see what I can see?' My Grandad replied 'I can see a soldier with a sword'. His mother grabbed his hand and ran, scattering her laundry on the way and wouldnt return until daylight to collect it. Now, my father would never tell a lie and from what I know of my grandad neither would he. The little passage that they ran down is known as Dixon's Passage - though it may no longer be there now. I believe that life transmits messages, like radio or tv waves that can be then trapped and stored in the surrounding stones or land and in the right atmospheric conditions these waves can be released and form the figures or sounds we call ghostly.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 5 Aug 2006 21:11

It's not just phone mediums that you need to be careful of. SOME Mediums (and I stress SOME) are known to not be very honest and are just out for what they can make from people. If anyone is considering going to a medium/clairvoyant/psychic only go to one that has been recommended to you by someone you know. Unfortunately not everyone in the world is nice.


Beverly Report 6 Aug 2006 23:02

Interesting reading and thought provoking! Thanks for the website.x


Lisa Report 10 Aug 2006 19:46

hi since starting my tree , my daughter whos 12 has seen her grandad who passed away on christmas day 2004 severel times. lisa


Yvette Report 11 Aug 2006 11:34

Sorry to join this thread so late, but when i came across it i felt that i had to add a post. I have had so many strange things happen that i cant explain. I feel the same that i didn't set out to believe but i just cant ignore the things that have happened. Far to many to add, but this happened not long ago, just a month or so. A cousin of my dads sent me a photo of my grandfather as a young man. Dad had never seen it before, and said 'no its not him'. I looked at the photo all day and the more i looked i could see it was him, but i kept asking, 'Grandad is this you' you know in the way that you talk to yourself (you do dont you!!) anyway the next day as i left the house, on my door step was a green rizla cigarette paper packet. This was what he always used for his tobacco, what do you think? strange isn't it yvette


Ellen Report 11 Aug 2006 12:36

Yes I believe, I have had quite a few unexplained things happen to me before and after Researching my Families. Back on New Years Day 2005 I went to a Pyshic Fair and eventually had a reading with a Clairvoyant, I had only just started my Family History and wasn't particularly knowledgable about what I was doing. The Clairvoyant said that I had a Guardian and gave the name of the person and a discription of him, she said that I was related to him although I said I didn't know of him, I am convinced this is my Gr Grandfather on my Mother's birth family side the name the Clairvoyant gave me is his and I would love to find a photo of him to verify the discription she gave. I have had dreams where I've been given information and within a day or so I have found it. Whenever I get low and frustrated with the research I think oh I'll forget it, then something will happen and I'm back into it again. Its like there is something pushing me on. When my Aunt died back in March, I was sat at my computer researching, completely alone in the house and I saw the shape of her and a rustling sound, I remember thinking how odd ! and thought nothing more about it, but I kept thinking that I should ring her as I'd not spoken to her for a few weeks but I had written her a letter and when I went to the Funeral the Lady that used to go into check on her had been reading her my letter the afternoon before my Aunt had died. The next day her Daughter in law phoned me and told me she had passed away the afternoon before, that was the time when I had the experience of her.I am more than convinced that I have been selected to do the research, that it was meant to happen. I have found some very sad and moving things about my Families and some wonderful things as well ! In the space of 5 yrs I have lost my Mother, Sister, Father and Aunt and it has seemed like knock after knock but my Family History researched has helped with my Losses, it has helped lay some ghosts to rest and I'm truly thankful that whoever or what has led me to do it ! Ellen.


Eleanor Report 11 Aug 2006 13:39

Truly great stories! I am so convinced im not a nutter anymore! I am now joining a psychic development circle to see if I can get more than I get now, maybe my great grandad will let me know where is flipping wife Isabella Savil came from!!!

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 11 Aug 2006 14:06

I've posted this on another thread a few months ago, but will add here too. I had a late miscarrige at 5 months a couple of years ago.The baby was a girl and buried in the baby section of my local cemetery. lots of the baby graves have windmills on them I have been there several times and spoke to Hannah her windmill spins while others right next to her remain still.One particular day I was walking back down the path and was upset and crying, I felt someone squeeze my shoulder as you would to reassure someone, I turned round assuming it was someone I knew but no one was there. Other odd thing I lost a close friend and she was cremated, I went back to the crematorium several months later to see if the family had put a plaque up for her,When I walked on to the path I realised the place was huge I said to myself 'Oh my god Julie how will I find you here?'. I can't explain why but I was drawn to a path which I followed and sure enough there in a little part off the main track was her plaque. Now if only my elusive ancestors would give me some help like that I would be thrilled.Have trawled local cemeteries in the vain hope of finding any of them, have taken scores of photos only to find that not one of them is yet related Linda


Kathlyn Report 11 Aug 2006 14:11

oooohhhh woooohhhhh, things that go bump in the night. How strange, but no I would not poo poo them. I have had strange, coincidental things happen like a collection wall plate that was on the wall in the kitchen, it sprang off the wall, turned 45 degrees left, then 45 degrees right and landed at the feet of my other half who was standing at the sink in the bathroom, and I was watching whilst this happened. How many time have you thought about something and when the post arrived there is a contact from that person or a letter re that subject!!!!!! Creepyyyyyy kathlyn