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Richard & Judy today - Woman related to Jesus!

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Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 16 Nov 2006 00:58

Very funny thread. I missed that programme but wish I'd seen it. There are an awful lot of Da Vinci Code type trees out there. I have come across a lot of wishful thinking. Sorry to disappoint some of you though but Lady Godiva was real! I not sure how much of the legend is true but she was actually called Godgifu and she was married to Leofric Earl of Mercia. At Leofric's death in 1057, his widow lived on until after the Norman Conquest. She appears in the Domesday survey as one of the few Anglo-Saxons, and the only woman, to remain a major landholder after the conquest. Leofric and Godiva founded religious houses and were well documented.Their granddaughter married one of the Welsh Kings. Then the link goes via the Earls of Hereford and the de Bohuns into the Clintons (no relation to Bill Clinton who was adopted!) and on via the Clinton-Fiennes to my 2x great granny. Lots of people have of course different ways of getting back to them but they are my 31 x great grandparents going by that route. The sad thing about some people like that woman in that programme is they often use well documented medieval genealogies and then add on fantasies of their own. It then makes those of us who really can go way back look ridiculous. This site might interest some of you http://www(.)genealogics(.)org/index.php It is one of the most respected collections of medieval genealogies online. Names on there are well sourced and professional medieval genealogists discuss them online. If you search for Godiva on there then look at her descendants you will see a huge number of them. I'd guess that an enormous number of us descend from her! It's interesting to search for the name of some historical figure you may have heard of and see who is descended from them. Sue


Half Report 15 Nov 2006 20:19

It must be lovely to be in the land of the fairies, oh shucks does that now mean she maybe related to tinkerbell


♥Athena Report 15 Nov 2006 16:23

This is the funniest thread in ages - especially on the tips board. I remember stumbling across someone's genealogy website who claims to be related to Lady Godiva. I didn't even realise that she was a real person haha! But, apparently, she was and this lady has traced her roots to her. By the way, Adam and Eve did not only have two sons - they had many children outside the Garden of Eden. The only reason Cain and Abel were given a mention by name was obviously to teach us a few lessons in good and bad behaviour and what greed and jealousy can lead to. But the bible says A&E went on to have other children. So siblings would have married each other and that's how the human race got going. But, seeing as they were just a few inches away from perfection at that time, their children would not have suffered from abnormalities and birth defects as they would probably do today. Erm...oops - going right off on a bible teaching class here! Anyway, back to genealogy now - my daughter thinks I'm nuts for doing all this research lark and whenever I get excited about a new find further back she dryly asks 'Have you reached Adam and Eve yet? - No? Ok, not interested then...' and refuses to join in my celebrations haha! She's a tough cookie to crack.


Ann Report 15 Nov 2006 15:15

According to Horizon last night we are all descended from Aliens! Obviously not many people know this, as I did a name search + only came up with 5 names............!! Ann


Sheila Report 2 Sep 2006 02:51

O C I agree but we will not make our millions this way but my husband thinks that the Adam and Eve bit would not stand up in to much scrutiny as------------ thay had 2 son' Cain slew Able Where would the next child come from? and have would the G R O list it Sheila


Jacqueline Report 2 Sep 2006 01:40

Hi all, But. If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, and they only had two sons ( Cain and Abel ) then that means we are all descended via incest! Makes ya think doesn't it! jackie ( oz) PS also if lines were from 3 definite countries ie Ethiopia which someone mentioned earlier..then wouldn't we all be Black? LOL! Pity Adam and Eve never thought to write down their family history!


Heather Report 1 Sep 2006 23:52

I think the Mormons have already done that one O.C.

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 1 Sep 2006 23:16

Sheila We could publish The Ultimate One World Tree, starting with Adam and Eve, and including everybody in the world. OC


Sheila Report 1 Sep 2006 23:05

More likey she wants her Andy Warhope and she's got it and making millions along the way Is there anything we can think of to get the same ,I could do with 1 million dollars or so!!!!! With all our brains we should be able to Sheila


Richard Report 1 Sep 2006 14:54

I guess ultimately we all want someone famous in our past, we all secretly hoping to find someone out of the ordinary isn't that we do this, even if we sometimes claim otherwise, I think we'd all secretly like it. They don't come much more famous then J.C. now do they.....;) Personally the most famous person I have found so far is my great grandad who was a talented opera tenor and my great great uncle one of the founding 11 of Millwall F.C. Not much, and it bores people rigid when I talk of it.. but I'm proud of them anyway, they done good, the rest of my relatives led pretty interesting lives in their own little worlds to, though they may not have been making headlines doing it'...either way I feel no need to claim descent from the son of god to spice up my tree! Still if she's made that much maybe I could reconsider...... As for common ancestry I find it comforting depite all the differences and trouble in the world if you go far enough back we all started at same point, more or less, genealogy is just the study of the routes we took and what happened on the way!


Merry Report 1 Sep 2006 14:32

lololol I am gullible for looking for it in my dictionary (after your post) and it IS there!!! Merry


Heather Report 1 Sep 2006 14:21

Old Ed will be turning in his grave.


Heather Report 1 Sep 2006 14:20

I is the correct word, Merry As in, 'he is gullible'. 'I am more gullible' Did you know the word gullible isnt in the dictionary? (I can see that our advanced ed course was of no help there, OC)


Merry Report 1 Sep 2006 14:18

Doh, OC.....I would LOVE to PAY to be related to you......I have one of Heather's 50p's here (I diverted the postie), maybe that would do??? http://www.wyattmuseum(.)com/ark-of-the-covenant-07.htm is the website for Ron Wyatt and Jesus' blood! I see now he is dead there are 100's of people slating Ron (Google), which were not there before! I personally have no particular interest in this, but hubby does (He is more gullible than I).....should that be more gulible than me?? Merry

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 1 Sep 2006 14:05

WHERE did he find it? Was it just lying around somewhere, with 'this is Jesus's blood' handily written on it? Merry dear, you have missed some exciting news whilst you were on your unofficial leave of absence. I have found vast family estates on the Islands of Turks and Caicos. Perhaps you should concentrate more on the Caribbean branch of your family if you wish to be related to me? I can of course arrange this for a very modest fee. OC


Heather Report 1 Sep 2006 14:01

I expect Ron Wyatt was Merry's fourth cousin once removed.


Merry Report 1 Sep 2006 14:00

***examines her Ethiopian branch** Merry

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 1 Sep 2006 14:00

Heather!!! You and I must be related! I have an Edward Barber in my tree, born in 1701. No wonder our Ed was a bit crochety some times, so would I be if I was 305 years old. OC


Merry Report 1 Sep 2006 13:59

There was a man named Ron Wyatt who claimed to have found a sample of Jesus' blood. It was supposed to have only 23 chromosomes....................I'm not sure if someone without the full set could become a father????! I am still working on finding a Holden for my tree.................... Merry


Heather Report 1 Sep 2006 13:55

I was thinking of doing a book about being related to Ed Barber but havent had any offers to publish it.