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printing certain family sections of your tree

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Donna Report 5 Jan 2010 18:09

Can anyone help please?
I have asked and tried several times to print my tree but as there are over 1000 names on it, it proves tricky as it just prints pages and pages of just lines. Is there a simple way of doing this?
I have already looked on the help pages and it didn't work.
Also is there any way I can just print off certain faimlies i.e my married side and maiden side for varies family members that wouldn't be interested in the other side?
Any help apreaciated, thanks Donna

Helen in Bucks

Helen in Bucks Report 5 Jan 2010 18:39

I don't think this is possible on GR.
However if you export your GR tree as a gedcom you can load it into a family tree program on your computer. There are some free ones you can download, e.g. PAF on the site.
Most of these programs allow you to choose what to print and in what format. A program like Family Tree Maker which you would have to buy would also give you a few months free Ancestry membership for census etc.


Donna Report 5 Jan 2010 19:02

Thank you Helen, thats great, I'll try it out. Whats PAF is it just the programme download name, I'm not overly technical.
Can you add photos to print off on those as well do you know as I was planning on adding photos to my genes site.
Thanks again for the tips, very much apreaciated, regards Donn.

Helen in Bucks

Helen in Bucks Report 5 Jan 2010 19:29

sorry haven't used PAF myself, think its just the name of the program, the family search website should give you more info, there are other free ones too, think one is called Legacy, not sure if all the free ones allow you to choose what to print, I use Family Tree Maker which isn't free


Elizabeth2469049 Report 5 Jan 2010 22:01

I use the family search one - PAF is their name for a Personal Ancestral File.
I have used it satisfactorily to print out individual branches of my tree for relatives. Can't tell you about photographs, haven't had to think about it.


Madmeg Report 5 Jan 2010 22:12

I have got PAF on my hard-drive. I don't use it but I have just looked and there seems to be a facility to add photos.


susiwong Report 6 Jan 2010 14:07

Thank you for this tip. I was going to ask the same question, but as usual the GR community has solved if for me :)




Donna Report 7 Jan 2010 17:36

Thank you so much, I shall try it out as soon as I can.
I'm so glad to be learning the lingo too.
Very gratefull to you all, thanks again, regards Donna


Donna Report 29 Apr 2010 20:55

I've been trying to use PAF and I'm struggling to add my sibblings on it and couldn't find where to add them so added as an individual and think I've done it wrong but can't work out how to delete the person on it, can any one help please. Regards Donna.

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 29 Apr 2010 21:27

There is a way of connecting up an individual to a family already on PAF. I think you go to the father of the child, then Add Child - it should ask you something like "Do you want to add an existing individual or a new individual?" you tick existing and can then give the name (or number) of the individual record. I've done that a couple of times and it's easy enough when you get used to it.



Donna Report 2 May 2010 19:43

Thanks Jill I will try that.
How do you delete members as I couldn't work out how to do that either?
Thanks again Donna


Donna Report 18 Jun 2010 21:23

I'm not sure if it's me but I still can't seem to get top grips with PAF.It doesn't seem to be straight forward or indeed answer any of the questions I have. Can anyone else suggest another less complicated site I can use (preferably free) so I can print off individual families from my tree as my tree on genes reunited is too big.
Can anyone please help?
Thanks Donna.


Madmeg Report 18 Jun 2010 21:40

Play around with it for a while, Donna. You can always delete the lot and start again from your Genes Tree.

I've just had a look at my PAF. I pulled up a list of all relatives, went to Edit and chose Delete Individual. Oh you can do the same in any of the views. I've just deleted my cousin!

A friend uses Legacy, but he's gone to the theatre tonight, so I will ask him tomorrow. He never uses anything he has to pay for, so will be an expert!

To add a sibling, go to one of your parents, click on Add child, then if this is a new person not already in your tree, choose Add a New Individual. Type the details in the box that comes up. If you've already got the person in your tree, but not as a sibling, choose Add an Existing Individual. It pulls up a little window asking for the RN number. You won't know that, so choose Individual List and all the people in your tree will appear. Highlight the one you want to add and click Okay.

You can do the same to add spouses and other relatives.

I'm off to eat now, but have a play and I'll come back after.

I have to say, though, it's not my favourite package.


Madmeg Report 18 Jun 2010 21:42

To add photos, go to Edit Individual, and at the right hand side there is a little camera. Click on that. Add. You are then able to browse your hard drive for the photo that you want.


Donna Report 20 Jun 2010 16:08

Thanks Madmeg I'll give it a go.
I really didn't want to have to re add all my info on to another site but Genes site just wont print mine off as there are too many names on it arghhh.
I really apreciate your help, just need a few hrs to get on it before the kids want the computer again hahaha.
I've never heard of legacy, I may look that up as well, it may be easier for my small barain to cope with.
Many thanks, Donna


Madmeg Report 20 Jun 2010 19:27

Donna, the PAF and Legacy packages are not "on line", they are held on your own computer. There is no need to have to copy all your ancestors to a new package. There is the facility on GR to create a GEDCOM file of what you have on there, and download/upload it to your new package, where you can then print off reports in a more flexible manner.

I'll ask my friend about Legacy.



Donna Report 22 Jun 2010 19:41

Hi Madmeg, I know I downloaded the paf package some time ago.
How do I go about creating a Gedcom on the Genes site? Thats sounds fab and will save me soooo much time.
Thank you, you are very helpful and as you can tell I'm not overly technical, I just get by hahaha.
Thank you for your help and advice, it's good to know that people are still willing to help others in this day and age.
Many thanks, Donna.


Madmeg Report 23 Jun 2010 01:22

I can't work it out. I know you can do it. Can somebody else help please?

Sorry Donna, I thought it would be easy, but my screeen won't let me do it.


Elizabeth2469049 Report 23 Jun 2010 11:01

I have the PAF package from Family Search as a back up.
On your Home page, click Family Trees, then click Gedcoms. This page gives instruction for importing and exporting gedcoms. Click on export, and GR will send your tree as a e-mail with the tree as an attachment. Thihs won't open of its own accord - click it to open and you will get a notice saying you need to create a new file. As you already have the Paf package I expect it is in in your file list with a name, so you can give it that name or change it to anything you like.

And going back to your original request - it does print off basic trees very well - you pick up a name and you can click "Ancestors" or "Descendants" and just get that as a package - and there are two different layouts you can choose from - I have found this useful when giving bits of trees to different branches of the family. You may have toi practice for a bit till you get the layout you want!

Good luck - I hope this helps


Donna Report 23 Jun 2010 18:33

Thank you Elizabeth, thats sounds great.
I have tried before with the family tree and also tried with other people helping too incase it was just me but it only prints out lines for some pages and it used about 40 sheets of paper and then I couldn't work out who was linked to who.Very confussing.I'll try again when I get 5 minutes.
Thanks again for your help, regards Donna