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Trying to find Herbert Peacock

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WestwardHo Report 11 Mar 2011 22:55

I'm finding it very hard to believe there's no obituary or mention of any kind of the death of Elias Herbert Peacock and his wife Odellia in 'The Great Kanto' earthquake in Japan in September of 1923.

There has to be a placard somewhere that commemorates this event.



Evgeny Report 19 Feb 2011 17:44

Hi LadyKira

We are relatives of Herbert children's nanny Polina Sklarova who left with Herbert's children from Japan in 1922. She most likely arrived to Victoria on the same ship Empress of Russia together with Nenette. Could you please find a similar arrival record for her? I would appreciate your help.


WestwardHo Report 10 Feb 2011 10:58

I won't be tracing my family tree any further back than about 5 generations.

Any further back than that and it becomes just a fairly meaningless catalogue of names that are too distant for me to really care about.

And besides, any further research beyond that limit and it becomes a matter of doing penance for one's sins. Just too exhausting.



SylviaInCanada Report 10 Feb 2011 05:28

I quite agree that there is no point in doing a tree if you are not going to be thorough, and accurate.

I was just trying to warn you that it might not be possible to find information because people just didn't do all the things that we now would have loved them to do ............... like keeping records!

or leaving a letter telling us why they skipped town!!



WestwardHo Report 10 Feb 2011 05:08

SylviaInCanada - "Jack Smith will accept no responsibility for debts incurred by Joe Bloggs"


I might try that myself sometime! Go back to my father's old name of Schmidt.

... and when the Debt Collector comes knocking at my door, I'll politely tell him that ... "Oh what a shame! He skipped out a few days ago and doesn't live here any more. Sorry I can't be of any help. Have a Nice Day - and don't take any wooden nickels will you... "

Sylvia - there's no point in my doing a Family Tree search if I'm not going to be thorough about it.

Where the real effort comes into it - (for me) - is the capturing and downloading of records and images... and then arranging these to fit onto A4 paper... and giving each page a title and their historical date... and then printing them in duplicate and storing them in files under the various family names of my family tree.

It's quite exhausting work. But it's a one-off, and so I don't mind. And I'm very keen for my niece to have a full account of her family tree before I fall off the perch.

She asked me about our family tree, and all I could give her were a few very pathetic notes - half of which have turned out to be either incorrect in their details, or with huge omissions.



LadyKira Report 9 Feb 2011 22:23

That is the amazing thing about family history Allan The more answers you find the more questions are unanswered.
You seem to be well and truly hooked but you will not find all the answers at once. I hope we have given you soon good tips to make furthur progress yourself and you can always come back if you are stuck.You have a very interesting family and most of us with generations of ag labs are jealous.Will you be putting your tree on Ancestry too?


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Feb 2011 21:44


people didn't HAVE to change their name by deed poll

I'm not sure what the regulations are these days, but .................

It was quite sufficient just to change your name, and start using the new one ..... so long as you were not doing it with "criminal intent"

Many people would put a little notice in the "Personals" column of a newspaper, saying something like "As of March 1 1910, Joe Bloggs will be known as Jack Smith. Jack Smith will accept no responsibility for debts incurred by Joe Bloggs"

I can remember seeing notices like that in my local paper in Lancashire up until 1967, which is when I left the UK

Some people would get a solicitor or lawyer to produce a legal document.

Others just began living with the new name.

But it wasn't necessary to go through deed poll.



WestwardHo Report 9 Feb 2011 21:14

Nice find, LadyKira, but two of the Peacock brothers were working in the British Consulate in Tientsin during the early 30's.

After four generations of living as Russians in Russia, they still had their British passports from Charles Peacock (born ca 1820) who arrived from Lancashire to fill a job vacancy in around 1845.

I sent off an email to a school called St Margaret's in Victoria B.C. to enquire if they have my mother listed there as a pupil during 1922/23.

There's also a mystery about the London Telephone Directory - published in 1947 - which includes the name of Henry Kartchkhal Peacock. He died from war injuries in China in 1943...

I'll also be looking to find where they keep information about names being changed by deed poll. I'd like to know the exact year my father and his parents and sister switched from being 'Schmidts' to 'Munro-Smiths'.

Sydney Australia


LadyKira Report 9 Feb 2011 14:42

not sure if this is relevant,r:0,s:0

it is an image of the former russian consule at tianjin


Quoy Report 9 Feb 2011 10:41

Peacock's in America

click read on line or download to you computer


LadyKira Report 8 Feb 2011 11:26

you could also search surname only

vary your criteria


LadyKira Report 8 Feb 2011 11:20

ok just done it again
search henry peacock

edit search

birth russia

all collections

the only criteria i used
beutiful picture od him as a little boy.


WestwardHo Report 8 Feb 2011 10:29

Thank you, Hilary - I'll chase that up. I'll have to pop down to my library and get a library card so I can access the Oxford DNB site.

LadyKira - yes, I joined the worldwide usage plan. They couldn't find anyone.

I think I must be doing something wrong. I'll have to take a closer look at how it works.

I've got some loose ends on my family tree which I'd like solve before I quit.

Best Wishes,

PS. Monthly World Heritage Package is what I'm signed up for at Ancestry.


Hilary Report 8 Feb 2011 07:00

Hi Allan, just looking quickly through your thread, reading about Dmitri Rudolf Peacock. I googled his name & clicked on the 1st one that came up, This takes you to the Oxford DNB site. If you click on the "no subscription" under the heading of FULL TEXT, it will take you to a page where you can access the site using your library card. I have just tried it with mine & got in. Shows an article on Dmitri Peacock. Your library can also do a search for you to see if anyone has the book you are after & they may be able to get it for you on the lending service. I have used this service before. You may be able to access the Times through your library as well.
Hope this helps.


LadyKira Report 8 Feb 2011 06:24

it was ancestry

have you joined the worldwide usage.?

have you changed the collection priority to all?


WestwardHo Report 8 Feb 2011 04:20

LadyKira - I entered the details of the post you put up here about the travel arrivals and departures of Henry Kartchkhal Peacock - into the search site, and they came up with 'zero'.

I'd be grateful if you'd let me know the name of the family tree search site you belong to.



I entered the man's name, the date of arrival, and even the name of the ship. Result: zero.


WestwardHo Report 5 Feb 2011 10:12

The mother-in-law was Jane Schmidt (nee Munro), but her father and grandfather were Hookways - so why did she not include honouring her own paternal ancestry by creating a Hookway-Smith, and thus satisfying the egos of both the family lines?

There was something vindictive in her deciding to rename herself and her offspring with her husband and mother-in-law's names.


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Feb 2011 03:34

you might have answered that question yourself!

Mother-in-law was Jane Munro-Smith

which means that her SON could also, quite naturally, have taken the name Munro-Smith

which means that his WIFE (your grandmother) would take her husband's name

when did this all happen?

if around WW1 or WW2 ..... the anglicising of a german name happened all the time, inlcuding by the Royal Family who adopted the name Windsor around the time of WW1



WestwardHo Report 5 Feb 2011 02:36

It's all new to me. I'll check out ancestry and findmypast.

I still have a lot of loose ends to fill.

Why did my Grandmother Ethel Sarah Taylor Schmidt (nee Hookway) and her son and daughter change their name to Munro-Smith instead of the more logical Hookway-Smith, Taylor-Smith, or Lethbridge-Smith?

Her husband was Schmidt and her mother-in-law was a Jane Munro. Munro-Smith.

I suspect there was a certain animosity in the reason my grandmother didn't opt to hyphenate her father's surname with the anglesized version of her husband's name.

Perhaps her father was appalled at the idea of his daughter marrying 'German'. But 'love will triumph' as they say...


LadyKira Report 5 Feb 2011 00:41

i am only a standard member here. this is a structure for making contacts and matches. ancestry and findmypast have different uses,