England & Wales Births 1837-2006

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Information about England & Wales Births 1837-2006

The fully indexed births make finding your English and Welsh ancestors so much simpler.

The old birth indexes were page-indexed rather than name-indexed, meaning that to find your ancestors you had to check through pages of records and see if your ancestor was somewhere on the image.

When you search the fully indexed births, your search results will be in the form of a list of individual names. This means you should be able to tell if your ancestor is in the list just by viewing their name - although we always advise you to double check the original image, especially the volume and page numbers, before you order any certificates.

Here are some of the benefits of the fully indexed births:

The ability to search for a name and get straight to your ancestor, rather than searching through index pages

Completely new, high quality images of all the index pages

A complete 1837-2006 set of records

Smart search features including name variants, and highlighting of unnamed children (very common in the Victorian period)

Clever search results to get around the quirks of the records, including the GRO's procedure of initialising second names

The ability to search by mother's and father's name at the same time to help find those elusive births

The birth, marriage and death records from 1984 onward were recorded in a computer database only so there is no original image for records post-1984.