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What Book or Kindle Book are you reading ??

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SuffolkVera Report 24 Dec 2015 17:20

Happy Christmas to all you readers <3


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 18 Dec 2015 01:40

Have now got some off the shelf reading glasses, so am able to read without a magnifying glass now!
Except for books of instructions, which seem to be printed in small, grey writing.

Have just finished. The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again! by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg.

It is a follow up book to. The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules. (which I haven't read).

An amusing story, about a group of pensioners who "turn Robin Hood". and rob the rich, to give to the poor!

A case of Power to the Pensioners. - where they outwit younger people, as well as sophisticated security systems. The five main characters have years of experience in all sorts of fields, and use this accumulated knowledge to achieve their aims.

I enjoyed the story, it was rather action packed, which made me think that it would make a good film. In fact, the author says that she has watched. The Ladykillers. and. Whisky Galore.

Not a great book, but a really good yarn. Light reading, which may have you cheering on Martha and her friends as live life to the full.
Beware! Don't read in a public place in case you laughter out loud!!


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 18 Dec 2015 01:16

MM. I am on the waiting list at the Library for The Throwaway Children. When I saw it on the Greaders list I realised that I had already heard of it. Now, while checking this thread, I know why it was familiar!

I am part way through my first audio book. "Meet me at the Pier Head" another book from the GREaders list.
I won't comment on it here at the moment, as I haven't done my review yet.
However, I have had to get used to listening to my computer to hear the story, instead of reading while snuggled up in bed. It is quite a change.

I have recently got myself a DVD player, which can be hooked up yo the t.v.
Should be able to listen to CDs too, (which I hope to do when lying down). but need help to set it up. Son will do it for me when he visits.


AnninGlos Report 13 Dec 2015 14:43

My review on the marriage certificate included the following: quite a good read, not a really great book but it passed a few hours pleasantly enough. I enjoyed it but it was a bit drawn out in places.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Dec 2015 21:17

Thought the Book's name The Marriage Certificate sounded familiar - I'd ordered it about 18 months ago. Several of us from the thread read it at the time. Its a good tale, with a twist at the end! ;-)


Stephen Report 9 Dec 2015 20:26

Oh, yeah. It didn't occur to me until you mentioned it :-D


SuffolkVera Report 9 Dec 2015 16:06

I've never read any Stephen King but having read lots of reviews etc. I don't think he is for me. I do fancy reading The Marriage Certificate and have been meaning to get it for a while.

I didn't know Steve Robinson but I googled and I like the sound of his/her? books so I'll be looking out for them. I hope this thread keeps going because it's introduced me to one or two authors that were new to me.

Stephen, how come all your chosen authors are also Stephens? Perhaps you are just a naturally creative lot :-D :-D


Stephen Report 9 Dec 2015 15:16

Thanks MM.

I've just finished Stephen King's Dark Tower book 'The Wind Through The Keyhole', a great read as always. Three more Dark Tower books to go then it's on to something different.

Just bought 'The Marriage Certificate' by Stephen Molyneux which I'm looking forward to reading and I've got four Steve Robinson books in my Amazon 'Save for Later' basket to buy with my 'hope to receive' gift certificates.


'Emma' Report 23 Nov 2015 18:28

Tess I wrote a small piece about Margaret
Pole on Feb 28th. post.

Just finishing Carstairs book and have downloaded
Famous Crimes The World Forgot by Jason Lucky Morrow
and Virginia Hill...Mafia Molls by Joe Bruno both priced £1.99 each


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 21 Nov 2015 01:44

The name 'Margaret Pole'. is ringing a bell, I know that I have read something about her, just can't remember what! The info is hidden in the depth of my brain somewhere.I hadn't heard of the John Soane Museum before I will have a quick look online soon.


Von Report 19 Nov 2015 11:32

I've just read Bryant and May -The Invisible code by Christopher Fowler.

One of the victims is found in the John Soane's museum in Holborn.
Last week we decided to visit the museum. A fascinating place adding to the enjoyment of the book.


SuffolkVera Report 18 Nov 2015 18:45

I hope your eye is much improved Tess.

I've been reading a couple of good books:

Just One Evil Act by Elizabeth George. This is an Inspector Lynley novel and is up to the standard of her previous books. I don't want to give any of the story away but it takes place in London and in Italy and is quite complex. There are moral issues at stake on the lines of 'can the end justify the means?' and the book kept me guessing. If you like the detective novel genre you will probably enjoy this.

The King's Curse by Philippa Gregory. Again if you like other Philippa Gregory historical novels you will enjoy this. It is another book in the Cousins' War series and set in the Tudor era but this one is about Margaret Pole, a Plantagenet by birth. While the period, the events at court etc are meticulously researched, the author's notes do make it clear that it is a novel and written from a particular viewpoint. A good read.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 14 Nov 2015 23:13

Ann, I have got a LARGE PRINT book from the Library. ( audio I requested last week for Greasers not in yet) Have also got a magnifying glass, just got to get used to where is the best place to hold it and at what angle.
Hoping that eye is a bit better tomorrow.
Can read an 'ordinary print". book with may. glass held close to my right rye, but it is slow going.

Good news is that I can walk around, inside and outside without wearing my prescription glasses.
Haven"t been able to do that for forty plus years. Can see t.v. without glasses too. A great improvet.

The Large Print book I got is : - Murder Will Out. By Jeffrey Ashford.

I'm just about to start it now...........


AnninGlos Report 14 Nov 2015 10:33



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 13 Nov 2015 23:15

Just finished reading the debut novel of Alex. Kava. "A Perfect Evil". which is a murder mystery story (with menaces).
If you like the genre, this is certainly worth reading.

I hope to go to the local library tomorrow to get some more books. However I had my second cataract op. today. The first has improved my distance vision no end. I am hoping that the second will improve my close vision, but it hasn't so far. In fact it is a lot worse, I now can't see to read anything with or without glasses.
As it is o my a few hours after the op. I" m hoping that things will improve a lot over the next week.
Meanwhile I will be looking for ......
Audio Books.
Large print books.
Off the shelf reading glasses.
In the hope that one or all of them will help.

Hope to be a lot more positive next time I post ??

P.S. Will also be on the look out for a magnifying glass or sheet.


Mersey Report 31 Oct 2015 09:21

Hello to all you lovely lot :-D <3

Welcome to the thread Stephen great to se a new face and seeing all different genres
of reading......

I have been reading the books we chose for Greaders, but I have just started and cannot put down.....

The Throwaway Children - Diney Costello

Gritty, heartrending and unputdownable - the story of two sisters sent first to an English, then an Australian orphanage in the aftermath of World War 2.

Rita and Rosie Stevens are only nine and five years old when their widowed mother marries a violent bully called Jimmy Randall and has a baby boy by him. Under pressure from her new husband, she is persuaded to send the girls to an orphanage - not knowing that the papers she has signed will entitle them to do what they like with the children.

And it is not long before the powers that be decide to send a consignment of orphans to their sister institution in Australia. Among them - without their family's consent or knowledge - are Rita and Rosie, the throwaway children.

Have read a few of her books now and have to sayI have never been disappointed :-D

Happy Reading as always :-D :-D <3


'Emma' Report 30 Oct 2015 14:54

Just finished reading The Secret Diary of Eleanor Cobham
by Tony Riches also Twopence to Cross the Mersey and
Philippa Gregory's latest book which I can't remember the
title (senior moment)
Am now reading Carstairs Hospital for Horrors by David Leslie,
89p kindle addition from Amazon.


Stephen Report 28 Oct 2015 10:37

I still remember the time I won a school prize at my junior school when I was 11 years old. I had actually won a prize and I was absolutely thrilled to bits.

Our class teacher took all the winners down to the local book store. I was already into SF by then and chose a book called something like 'Beyond the Stratosphere' IIRC but teacher wasn't very happy with my choice; he said I should get something 'more worthwhile' but he relented in the end after many please, please sirs :-D

That was 50 years ago. It's amazing what memories stay with you over the years.


AnninGlos Report 27 Oct 2015 22:22

Always nice when you get the money or token/voucher to spend on books. I remember way back in the 40s/50s when I used to be overjoyed to get book tokens as presents. Can still remember the excitement of going to the bookshop to choose new books.


Stephen Report 27 Oct 2015 21:38

I've finished The Dark Tower IV.

Next is a stand-alone novel 'The Wind Through The Keyhole' which was published some 7 years after volume VII but which, luckily for me, fits in between IV and V.

My niece gave me a WHS voucher for my birthday and I'm looking for any recommendations. I've had a browse on their website (don't like it, I much prefer Amazon) but they don't stock the ones I want; the Jefferson Tayte books and The Marriage Certificate. I guess I'll have to wait until Christmas for those.