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Scrap photography, quilt knit crochet, crafts

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MrDaff Report 26 Jan 2010 21:19

I love glitter, Scatty.... I have loads of different types and am a new scrapper... I can't resist it! The main thing is to try and use a tray.... not just pour it all over, lol cos it ends up everywhere.... I have got a little thingy with a stopper at the end.... it just pours the surplus back into the bottle... not of the stickles, but of the *loose* glitter.

Sorry.... that doesn't make much sense, does it? lol.... I'll try and explain better tomorrow.... am off to bed now!


Daff xxxx


Scatty Report 26 Jan 2010 23:12

*adds Stickles to ever growing next list for hobbycraft - the crystal sounds good.*
In some of the packs I brought there are a few loose glitters so will be interested Daff in whatever you type - what glue do you use?
I also have a bag that had flat buttons etc in but also some with like loops on the back have no idea if its possible to use those or how.
For babys book I have set meself some titles i.e out and about - sleep tight etc not set in concrete but just to give meself a guide


AnninGlos Report 27 Jan 2010 09:26

Jan, don't forget when making a heritage book for baby and taking photos to include objects (like a favourite toy/teddy etc) and also to include people close to her.

I am not sure which glue Daff uses with loose glitter but it would have to be one that dries clear like Anita's tacky glue. The only time I use loose glitter so far is when I uses stamps, heat the image and scatter glitter on it. I will have a go with loose though sometime to see.


MrDaff Report 27 Jan 2010 11:16

Morning all... I have some *art glitter* glue..... it came with a pack of very very fine powder like glitter... but the glue dries clear.

I have quite a lot of photos to choose from now... Littlie gets dressed up, hair all done, and then tells me... photo now gam-mee, lol... I have to wait for her to forget... I love those *not posed* photos..... and this one loves the camera, poses as soon as she sees it... I have masses of beautiful portraits, mind, just not as many spontaneous ones.

Right... off to play... I have some *me* time again today!


Daff xxxx

edit.... I have buttons with that loop underneath.... I haven't used them yet... they look a bit awkward to use.... I must get some chunky wool and thread to sew them in.. I have some with Grandma and all it's variations... and two lovely photos of Granny's first cuddle with the girls... I shall use the same page for both...... and the buttons as embellishments.


Daff xxxx


JustJean Report 27 Jan 2010 12:30

Daff, you can get small pliers to take the backs off buttons, a craft one I think,
also just shout littles name when she is doing something be ready to snap her quick, I have many unposed ones like that great fun...

Hope to get started again with the scrapping when this cold finally goes, but love reading about all your ideas....

Jean x


JustGinnie Report 27 Jan 2010 12:40

Afternoon all,
I have just done a page with a photo of my Grandparents on, well 2 photos actually. The largest one was taken around 1915 and Grandad is in uniform and my Mom is about 18mths old, I think the smaller one was taken about 1950 but again not sure.I have tried to keep it simple and have used navy/gold ribbon and just a couple of flower embellishments and a tag with some journaling on.

I have never used glitter on a scrap page, I might give it a go on some of the christmas ones.Something else to try.

Enjoy your day everyone.


AnninGlos Report 27 Jan 2010 13:25

Hi all, just back from town, had to visit Wilkinsons so got a few craft bits from there, nothing special butodd bits they sell.

With buttons with shanks on I have been known to cut the shank off then bury the remaining bit in a large glue dot. But I think you could probably fix them on with thin wire as well.

Littlies age are great for posing, ours all used to have a really silly smile when they knew you were taking a photo. Best is when they are playing. Try bubbles for photos Daff.


Scatty Report 27 Jan 2010 13:59

Now thats something else Ive not yet tried stamping - I already have the hairdryer type thingy from when I did some stamping a few years ago.
I might have a go to take the backs of the buttons.
Thanks for all the tips :-))


Scatty Report 27 Jan 2010 14:12

ohhhhh waves hand in air have just thought of another question.

As Ive only done a few pages so far and only spelled out her name I chose some sponge lettering that I loved but it was very exspensive - I did see a lot cheaper but this was the perfect colour etc so had to be got .
Now Ive seen some pages with typed titles - is this done using a computer? Ive played about on mine and yes there are some fancy fonts I could use but omg not sure if I could cut them out perfecto lol


AnninGlos Report 27 Jan 2010 14:35

Jan, I have done titles using Word Art. But I didn't cut the letters out. You could though, it will take time, but if you are going to cut them out I would suggest you mat them first on card to stiffen them. Do you mat your photos by the way (mount the photo on coloured card to 'lift' it off the page?)


Scatty Report 27 Jan 2010 15:03

Hi Ann
I havent doned any photos that way as yet, the one in the babys album I had put a frame around.
I have some lovely card for my album so def will mat some.
To mat the letters is a great idea :-)))


Scatty Report 27 Jan 2010 15:13

I have a small paper cutter I think I need a bigger one
*adds to list*


SarahSalopianScrapper Report 28 Jan 2010 11:45


Couple of tips for using type from your computer on a page.

If you intend to cut them out print them in reverse - using the mirror setting that should be an option if you go through printer settings (I think will check). This way you can print onto the plain side of patterned papers and get patterned letters. Start with quite a plain font so you don't have too many fiddly bits first time and many people recommend using a craft knife with a new blade and a glass cutting mat - I have a round glass place mat for craft purposes. Oh and move the paper not the blade, easier said than done but it does make for smoother edges.

If that all sounds too complicated then there is another way. Firstly decide on your text and on where you want it. Obviously unless you are lucky enough to have an A3 printer you need to work it so it will fit at A4 size. Prepare it on the computer in the usual way and then print a copy onto plain paper. Now using a repositionable adhesive cover the text with the paper etc that you want the title on. Put it back through your printer and the text should print exactly where you want it.
This is one of the tricks that makes layering a great idea


AnninGlos Report 28 Jan 2010 13:44

Thank you for that Sarah.


Scatty Report 28 Jan 2010 14:02

ohhhhh thank you Sarah all these tips are great :-))


SarahSalopianScrapper Report 28 Jan 2010 17:11

I might as well share some of the information I've gathered over the six years or so I've been scrapping.

Another good way to produce titles on the computer is to use transparencies you can print onto. You can then layer the title over other elements. Or one of my favourites is to print it as an outline and then either colour it in for a kind of stained glass effect or go over the outline with stickles.

Collected 183 photos this morning and have already made good progress with the holiday mini album I started back in 2008. Have also got lots of photos to make a start on a 8x8 album for my niece. She loves the 12x12 album I've done with pics of her so I thought that for her 10th birthday in July I'd make her her own album, lots of girly pages ahead and I bought a lovely pink album from TK Max for only £4


AnninGlos Report 28 Jan 2010 17:16

I love girly albums but the main 8x8 one I have to do this year is for our second grandson's 21st in December.

I also want to do an album to celebrate our 50 years of marriage but I am not sure whether or not to do a 12x12, I don't think an 8x8 would be large enough pages for me for that one. I also think I might make it 54 years together instead of 50 married, what do you think?

Again thanks for the tips. By transparency I think i know what you mean but where can you buy transparencies that you can print on? Stationers?

Have you tried buying stickles lately? They seem to be in short supply, maybe because of christmas and everyone using glitter.


SarahSalopianScrapper Report 29 Jan 2010 13:31

I think that covering the 54 years you've been together as well as the 50 years of marriage is a nice idea. After all your story didn't begin on your wedding day.

I've always bought my transparencies from a highstreet stationers, you can get 'craft' ones but as usual it adds to the price.

And I've not tried to buy Stickles recently because I've got more than I'll really ever need (most of the normal colours plus some of the Ice ones and some distress ones) but hope that there isn't going to be a shortage.


SarahSalopianScrapper Report 29 Jan 2010 13:35

And meant to say if you think 8x8 might be too small have you considered 8 1/2 x 11? Or almost A4 as that's what it is (American A4 I think)

You can get albums in both portrait and landscape depending on your preference and it has many of the advantages of 8x8 with that bit extra space


AnninGlos Report 29 Jan 2010 14:18

thanks for that Sarah, not seen that size, will have a look. I found with the stickles I used my crystal one up over Christmas.

Yes, I think I will go with the 54 years. Might condense the first 4 years though.