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Do the birds know bird watch thread

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AnninGlos Report 24 Oct 2011 17:35

Are they being fined for pollution Jane? Sounds as if they should be.


Jane Report 24 Oct 2011 17:29

Well ,what a dreadful time here for the wildlife! 2 weeks on and the fire from a recycling place is still burning.There is not 1 bird in my garden,not even on the feeders.The smoke has been so thick and acrid here today it is really not possible to even go in the garden .Only to let Chester out to do his wees .

This is the second fire at the same place.The first was Sept 25th and tis one started on the 11th of Oct.I can't see an end to it yet either.

The fire is at Blackbridge Farm .Buton latimer.I think you may find something on google.
There are 2 Mares in Foal just across the way and I know their owner is worried sick that all this acrid smoke may harm them.
I have had to seal my open fireplace with paper to stop the smeech getting down the chimney into the lounge :-S :-S


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 22 Oct 2011 04:43

We wtached the Ray Mears programme then Autumn Watch...both brilliant as usual:)
l tried downloading photo's to my blog last night but gave up.....grr it just would'nt send the photo's. Will try again asap.



Island Report 21 Oct 2011 11:26

~~~~~~to all

8.00 tonight on ITV1, Wild Britain with Ray Mears........

......on Skomer Island :-D

......with puffins :-D :-D

We had a couple of screaming jays here in the week - making their presence known, like they do! Beautiful plumage, unfortunately they don't park themselves where I can get a good shot :-(

Not much in the way of dickie birds but I have lots of lovely spiders, one of which has nested under the base of a hanging feeder so I'm reluctant to take it down to clean and replenish.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 20 Oct 2011 19:48

Awww poor things:((

jude x

ps...must add some photo's to blog asap


Jane Report 20 Oct 2011 19:38

Jude .I'm thinking they could be Sparrow Hawks.They make quite a noise too.
Lots of Pheasants trying to keep safe.'cos the guns are out now :-S


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 20 Oct 2011 19:23

Hello Jane:)

Could they be Sparrow hawks?

The other day Vic had just bought his paper and was walking back to his car when a Sparrowhawk flew past and grabbed a c/dove....it landed about 10ft infront of Vic and another chap watching with his mouth open!!...wow:)

Bloomin frost this morning....mind you that will probably help get the birds back to our feeders:)

Take care
jude x


Jane Report 20 Oct 2011 18:23

We seem to have 2 Hawks around .Not sure what they are.But they aren't Buzzards or Kites.They are smaller,but still a fair size.We also found a dead rabbit that been eaten in the garden.
It is so nice now to see so many small birds back in the garden.It's quite a busy place now :-D :-D


Wend Report 18 Oct 2011 22:17

Yes, they're fat, heavy beggars. There was about a dozen of them in the tree to-day. I shall try and take a picture tomorrow (if it's not too cold and the tree (about 30 ft tall) hasn't already been stripped of berries - it doesn't take them long!)


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 Oct 2011 22:13

Jane...are'nt they good:)

We've had a blackbird....yehhhh...oh and a few rats...lol
Plus the usual, sparrows, a few tits, c/doves, woodies,crow and jackdaws, robin and a pr of chaffinches....lucky really, but l do wish we had Goldfinches and Bullfinches etc....ooooo Vic saw a Jay the other day:)

Vic went on a ramble today at Tintern (9 miles|) and saw a snake...heres the link...


scroll down till you find the black snake with yellow head and tail!!!!!!! very interseting.l've also sent this link to another rambler, as 2 others saw it, be interesting if she thinks its the same!!!

jude x


AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2011 21:38

Now, it had not occurred to me that wood pigeons ate holly berries. I assume it is a holy tree so they can land on the branches, ungainly birds they wouldn't be able to tackle a bush, too heavy.


Wend Report 18 Oct 2011 21:28

Hmphh - well, the wood pigeons were out in force to-day devouring the berries on my holly tree. Into a pie if I could catch 'em :-|


AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2011 21:16

Yes we saw a beautiful (well he would have been ) cock pheasant ont he road squashed. (I used to work with somebody who would 'rescue' road kill for the pot!)

We have had a lot of activity on the seed feeders lately, 4/5 goldfinches at a time, blue and great tits, lots of sparrow, a few starling, collard doves, wood pigeons, a blackbird and I think I saw a greenfinch yesterday. We have filled up one of the seed feeders every day this week so far.


Jane Report 18 Oct 2011 18:26

Oh my goodness ! we are disappearing down the pages.
Big Nudge.
I have just hung some fat filled coconut shells and a peanut ball ,so am expecting a bit more activity.
I guess it must be Pheasant Shooting time,as There was a Jeep with a seated trailer at the end of the lane opposite us.I think it drops off the men with their guns.I have seen a few squished Pheasants on the road just recently :-0 :-0

Jude I love the latest pics on your blog with the bears.


AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2011 22:03

I know the feeling Jane, even more so, 60!!!


Jane Report 13 Oct 2011 21:48

Thanks Ann.You should see me now lol.'Sweet wouldn't be the word now'.It's funny how 50 odd years can change you :-| :-| :-|


AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2011 21:05

It is a sweet photo Jane


Jane Report 13 Oct 2011 18:08

It's me Ann lol I think I was about 5 then.Yes this smoke is nasty when it comes low.I just had to close everything again.I just had a look and the smoke is billowing up again.


AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2011 18:02

that is nasty Jane.

who is your avitar of Jane, lovely photo. Is it you?


Jane Report 13 Oct 2011 17:53

Hello all.
The Magpies seem to be back :-| :-| they are such bullies.But is so nice t see a lot of the smaller birds around now.
We have another big fire again at a recycling place just about a mile from here.There was a massive one 3 weeks ago,and it has started up again.I hope the birds are alright as I have had to have everything shut up today.The smoke was right over us and came right down to ground level.The smell was choking.
Poor Chester was sneezing ,and me also .I just let him out for a wee ,but got him back in quickly.I spoke to a fireman this morning and he said it could burn for a fortnight :-S :-S :-S