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Do the birds know bird watch thread

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~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 11 Nov 2011 18:07

Is'nt it amazing....my daughter put it on Facebook, its from UK somewhere. The girls that did it have other videos too but not like that!!
Cheers one up does'nt it:)
jude :-D


Jane Report 11 Nov 2011 17:53

OMG .That was amazing.It was like a piece of Art.Made me quite tearful with that music playing.Thanks Jude.


AnninGlos Report 11 Nov 2011 17:14

Wow that is wonderful Jude, never seen such a large number as that. Wonder where theyw ere? Or did it say?


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 11 Nov 2011 01:14

Yep Madoc is the same with the camera...lol

You must watch this, brilliant:)



Jane Report 10 Nov 2011 10:28

Jude,if Chester see's me suddenly grab the camera and rush to the window he is there too :-S.Problem is he often makes such a racket(like yours),and frightens whatever it is away. :-| :-|
I must look up a Nuthatch and see it these could be in the garden as there are a few birds that I am not sure of.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 10 Nov 2011 10:04

Ooo err things seem to be moving now....l've just seen a Nuthatch, not seen one in ages and ages....and Vic is sure he saw a Jay the other day, so we have the bino's permanently perched on the arm of chair....thing is the dog knows when we are excitied and barks.....grrrr...love him!!!



AnninGlos Report 9 Nov 2011 22:23

No Jane it hasn't died, we are all guilty of not adding. Not a lot of bird activity at the moment, I guess because it has been mild here so they have various bugs to eat. goldfinches still feeding though.

OH saw a spotted woodpecker on the golf course today.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 9 Nov 2011 20:38

Hellooooo.......no course its not died, l must admit l forget to look though....sorry:(
Poor Ann and her blogs too,l forget them aswell:(

HELLO Linda, good to see you, pm me and let me know how things are...ok:)

Jane...we had a blackbird here yesterday and today, so nice to see them back.
Sat 5th Nov we had horrendous fireworks all around....grrrr...poor Madoc did'nt know what to do with himself....we just tried to ignore him, which is'nt easy, he settled more though when l sat on the floor and he sat across my lap:)
Sunday...we had 3 dogs in here, neighbours had to work so we had Rosco (Lab 2yrs) and Wolfie (Wolfie looking mut 3-4yrs). Rosco is mad and wanted to play with Madoc, which was great as it took their attention away, but everytime they heard a loud one, they stopped....bless em!!
Wolfie is such a quiet placid little chap, so gentle....did'nt like the noise the boys made so cried & howled at them, or tried to hide under the stairs.

Take care all:)

Send photo of stoat to my blog or Ann's:)

jude x


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 9 Nov 2011 19:11

Hi Everyone
Sorry I haven't added for a long time. I have been reading though.
We are filling the seed feedres again and still have our golfinches. Many others visit to feed too.
I have noticed a lot of birdsong too, more like spring than autumn !! The blackbirds were beautiful this morning.

Keep this going and I will try to add more often

Linda X <3


Jane Report 9 Nov 2011 18:56

Has the thread died? I do hope it hasn't.
My son got a pic of a Stoat in the garden with a mouse (or something) in it's mouth.
Yesterday when the dog went for walkies with my son they almost came face to face with a Deer,before it took off across the field.


Jane Report 5 Nov 2011 17:20

Nudge for the thread.
Fire still burning here :-S.It will be 4 weeks on Tuesday.Two horses opposite have been seen by the vet for breathing problems related to all the smoke.
But touch wood it won't be causing the horrendous problems for much longer.It is strange though that if the wind blows it this way in the garden all the birds go quiet and disappear.
The blooming Squirrels have found the Peanut ball :-| :-|.It is incredible the positions they can get themselves into to get at the nuts lol
Hope all is well with you all.I hope all the pets won't be too scared tonight with fireworks.My dog freaks out !!!!


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 25 Oct 2011 22:34

Hello Jane

Good luck to you all, surely something else can be done.
Take care

jude x


Jane Report 25 Oct 2011 21:41

I just spoke to my friend 5 doors down.She is a local Parish Councilor.She has had the 'LOOK EAST' TV to interview her this evening on the fire and smoke.Tomorrow morning at 8amshe has Northampton Radio coming.She want's me there,with other neighbours to put our side of things to do with the smoke.
I have a list of 8 things I have had to deal with.But one of the big things is ....I will mention the lack of wildlife in my garden when the smoke is bad.
It is very stinky again tonight.
It says in the local paper tonight ,the fire will burn for at least another 2 weeks :-S :-S :-S


Jane Report 24 Oct 2011 21:42

Yes Ann ,it is not council owned.It did say in the paper the other week that they had been fined £20.000last year for burying some rubbish (that they shouldn't have).We still don't know how the 2 separate fires started.Although I think they may know the reason for the first one .But it hasn't been made public knowledge yet.
I am off to bed now ,but won't be able to open my window.I normally have it open every night. :-( :-(


AnninGlos Report 24 Oct 2011 21:32

I assume it is a private recycling plant Jane and not under the 'umbrella' of the council? I imagine it will have plastic bottles which will be what the awful smell will be.


Jane Report 24 Oct 2011 21:27

I felt a bit like a terrorist this morning ,with a scarf wrapped around my nose and mouth lol..........it smells a little better outside now.......not a lot but a slight improvement .I just hope it is better for the birds tomorrow.I have missed them today.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 24 Oct 2011 19:44

Take care Jane!!

jude x


Jane Report 24 Oct 2011 18:24

I just hope we get a change in the wind tonight Jude to take it away.I feel like a moaning Minny (sorry) but it has been and still is horrible.
Fingers crossed we get some rain tonight too .That might help.I will send you a pic or two of the smoke.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 24 Oct 2011 17:46

Hello Jane......just read an article about this. l remember you saying back in September and since about the fires. l am sorry, it must be awful for you all and of course the wild life!!

Take care

jude x


Jane Report 24 Oct 2011 17:43

I don't know Ann,but they damn well should be.I think the fire brigade have had huge problems in working out how to actually deal with it.The area of the the second fire is the size of a Football pitch.It just seems to be going on for so long.I had to get a puffer for my son ,and eye drops for me today.Plus taking an antihistamine each day.
'tis not a lot of fun living here right now :-| :-|