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Do the birds know bird watch thread

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~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 Nov 2011 21:17

Yes Ann...l know!!...lol

Jane...so sorry l have'nt asked about the fires recently. So pleased they are out now, what a relief for you and the wildlife!!
What a lovely sight that must have been:)

SHAUN.......your bird & feeder photo's are on my blog now:)

We had 2 baby rats this morning trying to get up the wooden posts to the small bird table....one fell off, not yet as agile as parents!!



Jane Report 18 Nov 2011 18:04

Evening Everyone.
I was a happy bunny this morning as I saw a Red Kite.The first time since that dreadful fire(which is now out)after a whole month :-S.Looks like wild life is getting back to normal at last.


AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2011 21:41

You know me Jude, every time a meet is organised we are already away somewhere else!!


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 17 Nov 2011 20:41

Lamb and Flag...is that the one on the left very oldie woldy, good old coal fire and loverly grub. It would be on the left to us as we come into ..... a litle bit further same side is a car park, with big iron gates at the entrance??

Island...gawd knows..lol

Sounds like a nice idea, will have to work on OH now, hows about you Ann and anyone else??

Shaun..have you worked it out yet...lol



Island Report 17 Nov 2011 19:43

Hi Shaun
I'm sure we could find the Lamb and Flag next time we're in Rhayadar, do they do good food? We could have a meet there, get Jude to bring Ann along. Lunch at the pub and red kites in the afternoon - or vicky verkie.

There is a Lamb and Flag in Covent Garden, London. No idea of origins of the name, mind, I've never thought about it. Lambs in Wales yes, but central London? it is an old pub though and maybe they did livestock trading before the fruit and veg market? Got my curious hat on now.

Never mind spelling Rhayadar, what's the correct pronunciation???? I've no idea how to spell the Welsh version and probably wouldn't remember it if I did-0


AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2011 15:00

Shaun, obviously I don't know the pub but what a strange name Lamb and flag. Any idea where the name comes from?


AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2011 14:59

Hello Shaun good to see you on here. There you see, didn't hurt a bit did it? Lol!!!

Thank you for the bird feeder tip sounds a good one for the winter when we get a lot more birds around. stay with us!!! :-D :-D


MagicWales Report 17 Nov 2011 14:46

Island, do you know the Lamb and Flag in Rhayadar , great place.
Jude, sent you a PM.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 17 Nov 2011 14:19


You can also send it to me blog and /or AnnGlos blog, if you want my email address for the blog l can send it to Anns too:)

Sounds very clever but simple, will try that:)

Island...l thought l spelt Rhayadar wrong...lol, my spelling is getting worser and worser.lol

jude ;-)


Island Report 17 Nov 2011 13:52

Shaun, are you able to post a photo of it on here? Link via 'videos' on home page.

ummm.....I'm not very good with written instructions :-)


Island Report 17 Nov 2011 13:48

Lucky you Shaun! We have a couple of stays every year at Gigrin Farm Rhayadar so know what a beautiful part of the world it is. We camp and take our own feeders with us to attract a few birdies - and boy are they popular! You must starve them! ;-) :-D

You ought to venture into other threads and get to know a few more of us, we're all fun and friendly :-D and definitely not cliquey!


MagicWales Report 17 Nov 2011 12:44

Hello Everybody.
I have taken the plunge Annin-Glos hope you will all be gentle with me.
I only know Von and Jude on here as they post on my Welsh thread.
I live on the borders of Radnorshire and the wildlife is wonderful.
Loads of feeders doted about, had to make my own because the size of feeders you buy once filled up don't last 5 minutes.
This is how you make a large bird feeder, it's very easy to make. Buy yourself a 5 litre container of water, remove water and with a stanley knife cut along 3 sides of the container only, (please be careful with the knife). The side you have not cut will act as a hinge, place your hand into the cut opposite the hinge and try to bend it back towards the hinge , once you have done that you can fill the container and bend the top of container back into place and secure with waterproof duck-tape. My ingredients to fill the feeder is 1 kg of porridge outs, 1 kg of wild-bird seed and 2 large packs of cheep lard.
I have a large jam kettle which I use to melt the lard down and once done I add the rest of the feed and mix well, then fill the container, let it set then cut a window on 3 sides of the container about 1 and a half inches wide by 2 inches long, hang up and enjoy the entertainment you will have.
You can use this feeder time after time , when it wants filling wrap duck-tape round the container covering the windows and you will have no problems filling it back up. the containers I have are several years old.
Well there you have it.
Hello to you all, take care.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 16 Nov 2011 22:48

Evening all:)

Thanks Island, its abit far me thinks, Vic says its further on than Rhayda(sp), but you never know!!!!

Have just added Dolly's Hens on my blog....:)) they are lovely, all Reds, some lighter than others.

Night night

jude x


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2011 12:38

Afternoon all, a real November day here today, quite raw and misty/damp and grey, not nice at all but I think we will now have to get used to it. We have been spoiled by the milder weather. Just been grocery shopping for food for us, yesterday was buy food for the birds day. Getting quite a few blue tits and sparrows feeding, plus starlings and a robin so the numbers are picking up. Just had a text from daughter to say theya re up Loughrigg in the Lake District so hope they are well wrapped up.


Island Report 16 Nov 2011 11:34

Hi all,
The weather is more autumnal in the SE now, with mists and chilly air coming from the east.
I wonder if that is driving the smaller birds back into town?

Yesterday we had quite a show going on in our trees with variety of tits (sorry, that sounds a bit Moulin Rouge :-0 ;-)) blue, great, long tailed and coal plus chaffinches. A few flew very close to the feeder on my balcony, doing a quick U turn at the last minute. I'm going to have to rehome the spider and her nest from the underside of the feeder so I can clean and replenish in case I have little visitors.
A couple of Jays have been in evidence for a few weeks now. They don't seem to have a set time, they turn up at any time of year for a while then go off elsewhere. Noisy but very pretty,never near enough for a decent photo though.

I hope everyones well, wrap up - winter drawers on ;-)

PS... Jude, the starlings were filmed on the Shannon. Is Aberystwyth too far for you? Because they have starlings swarming there ( haven't been myself, just read about it)


Jane Report 15 Nov 2011 20:32

Von, we have lots of little furry creatures around here.As long as they stay outdoors I'm happy.Saying that our recycling bins are in the garage and I found lots of little deposits of poo in a sandwich pack my son had chucked in the cardboard box (the garage is integral and just off the kitchen) :-| :-|
We haven't seen the little vole that plays around in the flower pots on the patio for some days now .So I fear it has been dinner for the Stoat. :-S :-S


Von Report 15 Nov 2011 19:58

Give it a medal. I'm afraid I hate small furry creatures so I think the little stoat is doing a great job.
I once had a very cheeky vole in my greenhouse that ate my geraniums!!!
Take care


Jane Report 15 Nov 2011 19:35

Evening all.
We have seen the Stoat again today.It seems to be around an awful lot in the garden recently.I think it is snaffling up all our little voles . :-S


AnninGlos Report 11 Nov 2011 22:40

Thanks Von.


Von Report 11 Nov 2011 18:13

It was filmed in Ireland. Amazing footage.
Take care