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Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 09:49

i am busy today helping santa out


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 18 Nov 2007 14:18

Looks like we have neglected Roger, good job you have been on Santa's Little Helper and a hearty welcome to you too.

Not doing much today, caught up with everything yesterday just gonna chill apart from doing my prize crossword and sorting out some paperwork for school.

Enjoying a cuppa with OH who is very pleased with himself that he has managed to download and problem solve some stuff off the internet. Is there no end now to his talents!

Speak later,

Lyn x x x x


Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 14:19

Have i frightened you all away


Rose Report 18 Nov 2007 14:35

hi all
well i think i have finished all my xmas pressies
knowing me i will see something else .

hiya santas little helper , nice to see you kept rog company last night .i had a lazy night just lying around watching telly .

hope your all having a peaceful sunday
catch you later


Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 14:38

Santa's Little Helper went to town today, bought all kinds and had to come home as i was laden down and now my hands are down by my feet..........LOL

Jacky xx..............PMSL


Rose Report 18 Nov 2007 14:41

mine were like that yesterday
but i think most of the heavy stuff is in now

only 5 weeks left ,


Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 16:47

I have just turned the heating up, it is perishing cold here, i have just got out of the bath and put my BIG housecoat on........Brrrrrrrrr

See you all later folks !!

Jacky xx

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 18 Nov 2007 17:00

Hello everyone,
Hope you are all okay, very wet and windy and very cold here today, got the log fire blazing and does waem the whole house very quickly.
I like the new name Nanna Lyn, soon have to start buying lots of pressies and bibs etc, and be resident babysitter, hohoho
See you later


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 18 Nov 2007 19:05

Jacky the sneaky little Santa's Little Helper - wondreed where you got to, doh!!!! I quite like my new name too Rog but still feel I am far far too young to be a Nanna. Much prefer to be Nanna than grandma or nanny or nan! Think eldest will be quite delighted to be Aunty Jo. I think if we have a baby boy that it would be nice for him to have my dad's middle name, what do you think?

Later peeps :)

.•:*:•.Scouser*Nanna to be*Lyn.•:*:•.
x x x x x


JoyBoroAngel Report 18 Nov 2007 19:20

adds my suport


Rose Report 18 Nov 2007 19:32

hi all
yesi like your new names
i get called nana too lyn i prefer it
i was 35 when i became a nana .

its cold here too got my heating on
only keep it off in my bedroom cos i get to hot and cant sleep .
cant think of any xmas names for me
catch you all later


Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 19:45


Whats your Dads middle name Lyn? My sons middle name is after both his Grandfathers - James, it would be nice for the baby to carry some part of the family name.......

Lol, i would like any grandchildren i may have to call me Jacky.....not to give my age away.......only kidding.......Lol

Rose, it must be our age, i keep my room door shut with the window open a little, i to dont like being to hot in bed either !!...........ooops....Lol

Rog, hope you are not sitting to close to the fire, you will get my Mam used to say !!

See you later


Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 18 Nov 2007 19:52

Lyn, depends on what your dads middle name is dos`nt it?
I dont know what your on Lyn but first your not old enough to join the Saga site and now to young to be a nanna, hohohoho dreaming i think...
I must be going daft cos i only just realized who santa`s little helper is, cor got me there, i even went and checked the directory and sure enough there is Lady Jack Johnson santas little helper,, well done,
How about you Rose, we will have to think of one,
I could be Rudolph the rog nosed reindeer!!!
what do you think
see you anon


Rose Report 18 Nov 2007 19:54

my son middle name is after my hubbys mothers maiden name it was really a surname its logan
nathan is called that too

been reading that its been snowing
better not come here i hate it

scatch you all later

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 18 Nov 2007 20:05

Its snowing here in oxfordshire Rose,
a mixture of sleet and snow, got covered earlier when i took the dog (brownie) out, hope it goes away quickly


Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 20:24

Ooooh, i like the snow when it it is white and fluffy but when it ices over or goes slushy, it scares me in case i fall, take it easy Rog, no sign of any here as yet !!

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 18 Nov 2007 20:45

Goodnight All - Sleep snuggly

I want to watch the jungle programme.

Jacky xx

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 18 Nov 2007 21:11

Nite Santa Jack
Rog xx


Rose Report 18 Nov 2007 22:03

its been pouring down of rain here
snow rog hope it doesnt lie for you
been watching the jungle
came on to say

goodnight all
sleep well


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 18 Nov 2007 22:04


I am NOT old enough to be joining the SAGA site and I am most definitely not old enough (in my estimation) to be a Nanna though I am older than when Rose became a Nanna. so let's end the mystery here and now ok! I am only 29 going on 47! NOT old enough to join Saga as you can see Rog and as I said, too young in my estimation to be a Nanna just yet. Goodness me, I'm going to see Take That in December and will hopefully find myself queueing for tickets to see Boyzone with my daughter especially as they are appearing in the new stadium arena in Liverpool. Age as they say is just a number and I don't agree with my number! lol Remember I said that my parents only celebrated their golden wedding anniversary this year and I was the second oldest in the family = less than fifty!

Right that cleared up, off to sort out the rest of my ironing and promised to help daughter dry and straighten her hair.

Sleep tight all,
Lyn x x x x x