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June Report 1 Mar 2005 17:48

Hi Jim, We must have been on at the same time, I have just sent mail to GT with the hope that they will be able to help. Fingers crossed. Catch you later. Tat Tar June.


June Report 1 Mar 2005 15:45

Good afternoon All, Now then where have you all gone ? Faith, Margaret, Brenda & Pam. all from over the water, Hope you are all ok. Jan & Rick now what have you two been up to. ? Hope Jan you have not left Percy in the garden. putting all your plants in. Now come back mom is a bit worried. To that man again our John. I will give up now and stop trying to get you to buy a new tool box. Trouble is only having your Brummie Screwdriver You might not be able to do all the jobs on the lists of Faith & Margaret. I cant remember that song that Matt Monroe sang. But as I said I loved his song Born Free. Going back to the birds in the garden, the other day I had a lovely bird on the path. I have not got a clue to what it was. It was the size of a sparrow but a fawn colour it had a very bright red face with a black cap on the top I looked in my bird book and its not there. It may have been a visitor from over seas. Hi our Jim, Hope you are not having trouble again as you are late today. Will pop back to see if you have managed to get back on the site. Not had any thing from Dee for ages now. I wonder where she has gone. Must be away now so be good. Tat Tar All a lone June.


Unknown Report 1 Mar 2005 15:30



John Report 1 Mar 2005 00:20

Hiya June and Jim - It's that man again! 'They tried to tell us we're too young' I was 15 she was 16 and 'they' didn't know what they were talking about ;-)))))} June, my and my late's favourite song was (and for me it still is), Matt Monroe singing 'If I never sing another song'. We went to the theatre in Wolverhampton to see him on stage and he sang it, unfortunately he was dying of cancer but didn't show it, and died about 6 months afterwards, sad, very sad! Jim, there's no point in mailing GC, they never answered any of mine. I don't think they bother to read anything from us o'de codgers, cos we write in English, they only believe in anything from the 'Septic Tanks'. 8-))))} June, I will not be bullied into buying anything as useless as a Tool Box. I can hang my Brummagem Screwdriver from my belt, so there!!!!!!!!!! What did you say those blue things were hanging about in your garden???????? Tarrarabit - John xxxxxxxxxxx


June Report 28 Feb 2005 17:47

Hi All, Jim Well done dear you got on this time. Never give up you just keep trying. We would all miss you very much if you did not come on the site. Say hello to Mary for me. Its still very brrrrrrrrrrrr cold, but looking out of the window some of my daffs are now in flower. Also noticed this morning a pair of blue tits having a look into one of the nest box that I have in the tree. Stay well all. byeeeee for now June.


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2005 15:31

IS IT WORTH TRYING!!?? Well that worked so I will try once more. It only seems to happen when the thread is busy but I don't see why it should' still no reply from the Admin People. If at first you don't Succeed Try Again. Well I keep trying but I still have trouble, must be getting old or I'm out of practice?? You are old Father William, The young man said. And your hair has become very white, And yet you insisantlyStand on your head, Do you think at your age it is right? In my youth Father William replied to his son, I feared it might injure the brain, But now I am perfectly sure I have none I do it again and again. That's ME folks Old and decrepid, they do say you are as old as you feel but I have forgotten how to!!! In mind as you know you never pass into senoir citizen status but remain in the full glow of youth, but just you try running up stairs 2 steps at a time when you get to my age. OH BLIMEY Look at the time. Her indoors will be calling for a CUPPA in a second or two so I will be prepared and get the kettle on. So from Boy Scout Jim and his Guide Mary C. It's TTFN, see if that works!! Press ADD MESSAGE and see.


June Report 27 Feb 2005 21:39

Hi All, I am back again. Poor Jim still having trouble with your add button. Hope you get it sorted very soon. Jan & Rick, Did you manage to get out in the garden ? wont be long before it starts to warm up then the frogs will be at it............ John, How you doing? have you got your new tool box yet ? they sell them in B&Q I think a 1/- down and 6 pence a week laughter. I bet you were a right goer in your young days WOW. Do you remember the song by Jimmy Young. The tried to tell us were too young & Born Free. These songs had nice words Better than this days rubbish. Brenda hope you received my mail that I sent to day Came on MSN this morning but you were not there. Pam have you got sorted with your computer ? Nice talking to you the other day. Faith and Margaret hope you girls over the pond are both well Must be away now and sort out my clean jim jams I think I will put them to warm on the radiator. Byeeeeeee June.


Unknown Report 27 Feb 2005 16:14



Rick Report 27 Feb 2005 11:34

Morning all !!!! A lovely but chilly morning here too June. Might spend a little time in the garden after lunch. Jan has some winter pansies to put in. Had another breakthrough in the tree this week on the main Marshall line and have now gone back two more generations and added another 30 people in. I'm very pleased and it's all down to contact through Genes. Hope you're all keeping well, Rick.xx


June Report 27 Feb 2005 10:25

Good Morning to you lovely Brummies. Nice day here, but very cold it was white over when I got up with frost brrrrrrrrrrr. Will be back later. Tat Tar June. xx


John Report 27 Feb 2005 00:29

Hi all - It's that man again! 'Kneesup muvver brahn, kneesup muvver brahn, under the table I saw youuuuuuuu etc. etc. Margaret, when I first wrote those imortal words about looking for an angel - I did say all your names and agreed to 'string along with you' ;-)))))} Notice I've had my beard trimmed????????? June, with all those night clothes on, just think, if you don't put your arms in the sleeves you can turn over without disturbing the bedclothes - did I tell you the one about the bloke who stayed overnight in a hotel room next to the bridal suite. He got up next morning and asked reception 'if the man in the bridal suite was a plumber', when the receptionist asked why the man said, 'because all night he kept hearing the other bloke saying. Over flo, over flo! 8-)))))} Poor Snoopy, fancy being born somewhere else! lol Jim and Brenda must have swopped puters during the night. There you are Brenda, I told you if you stopped kicking it it would come good ;-))))))} Tarrabit - John xxxxxxx


Margaret Report 26 Feb 2005 16:29

Morning all, A lovely Sunny Saturday morning,and alls right with the world, June is back and is right back on form, guess Snoopy must lead a very boring life if this is all he can think of. John no wonder you havent found an angle if you dont know what a tool box is, and any road up how about all us Angels on this thread,dont we count ?????and as for Simon Cowel that LOVELY!!! man from American Idol. Jan really sorry you dont have snow, strange how the world is, I am hoping we dont have any more and you are still wishing for it. Guess we always want what we cant have.maybe thats Snoopys problem. John Roberts welcome, how is Plymouth I was down around there in 2003 . and Jim hope you find your message and hope Mary's eye problem gets fixed in a hurry. Well all for now off to an Estate sale,and then out for coffee later. Bye have a great day. Margaret.

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 26 Feb 2005 15:22

hiya all just a quick hello - hope your all ok today - we are fine would be better with snow love Jan xx


Unknown Report 26 Feb 2005 15:06

Sorry Message lost yet again!!! *^'((())) and *{}:@ST Jim


June Report 26 Feb 2005 11:35

SNOOPY, People from other areas have not done any thing. If you care to look at the other messages on the list, you will see other parts of the UK that have their own sites. Have you had a go at them ?????? Tat Tar June.


June Report 26 Feb 2005 10:34

Good Morning All, Welcome to our site John Roberts. Come back any time you like and perhaps tell us all of your memories of good old Brum. Most of us on this site dont live there any more, but we all have a soft spot for our home town. Bye for now June.


John Report 26 Feb 2005 01:28

Hi all you brummies, I live in Plymouth now, I really miss the brum I was brung up in but it has changed so much, I have a lot of memories though. John


June Report 26 Feb 2005 00:14

Hi John. What is a tool box, now dont tell me you are that old and you can not remember. LOL Its not only to put all your tools in but you can put your flask of tea and eats that Faith & Margaret will supply for you when you do any work out side their homes. (giggle) Noap I did not get frost bite in my knees, as Keith made me come in from sitting in my deck chair in the garden. He said the snow would not give me a good tan. The songs in our time always had nice words not like to day all you hear is the drums, bang bang bang and some one sounding like they have a tight rope round their necks. Well I must be away to my bed now, I have my thick jim jams, my wool bed socks and a wool hat to keep my head warm. I wonder if I should treat my self to a long VEST what a sight I would look in all that. So you be a good lad and I would never hit a man who wears SPECKS. well not you. Tat Tar June. xx


Brenda Report 26 Feb 2005 00:04

Hi all. loved all your messages..some made me laugh. June..I think it was the server or MSN last night comp is working great today and we shall see if everything goes well tonight. I hope you are feeling a lot better today. Brenda.


John Report 25 Feb 2005 22:43

Hi - It's that man again! 'I'm (still) looking for an angel, but angels are so few. So until the day that one comes along, I'll string along with you' ;-))))))} I agree with you Jim, they don't write them like they used to lol. June, what's a 'Tool Box'? Boy am I glad you're back, I hope you didn't get your poor old knees frostbitten! 8-((} You wouldn't --------------would you? I don't think Jan is ever going to get a snowman, especially if the cat's damaging the flakes ;-))))} Brenda, stop kicking your 'puter, give it a chance to come good - or do you think it might be rebelling at showing picies of our 'Royal' leader? lol. I got to go now to watch Jasper Carrott on telly! Tarrarabit - John xxxx