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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 15:32

'ere Jack lass - you think you are confused!!!!! lol I are totally befuddled! eeh - could you get a tub ov mucky fat and an oven bottom fer me old boy dolores

Jack (Sahara)

Jack (Sahara) Report 2 Feb 2005 15:30

Mabe, am a yorkshire lass mesen, dunt really understand all this foreign stuff. Will nip darn t'local market and see if I can find me mam a new pinnie. see ya Jack x


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 15:17

BREAKIN NEWS - BREAKIN NEWS Just got back from the shops and you'll never believe what they've thought of now. Yu can get plastic hoods to prutect yur air if it's rainin. Some av even got coloured edges. Thought one or two of yu might like one fur the meet. I ave tu go now tu prepare the tripe fur tea but if any of yur wants one, put yur orders in and I'll send em over with the pigin, when I send the pinnie. Lots u Luv - Clara xx p.s. not sure abat gettin one fur that Mabel though - not naw she cussed me u sellin stolen goods!!


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 15:11

:-))))) - wot a larf. Just fawt I'd av 5 mins on the boards and Paul has just rung - will be 'ere in 10 mins - time to get me rollers out. Catch yer all later - byeeeeeeeeeeeee Effy xxxx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 15:06

Doll Just got back from the market, got 2 pairs of drawers, hardly worn they wernt, gusset all intact, 2 for 50p , that should last me 'til bloomin Christmas 2007, off to bingo now, just got time, see ya. Mabe x x


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 14:27

ere - just saw ol Mildred move as if she was jet propelled!!!! dolores

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 2 Feb 2005 14:19

Oh me good Gawd ! Get outa me way....blooming prunes..... Mildred x


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 14:15

I'll ave you know Mabel that the telly did NOT fall off the back of no lorry. It were in exelent nick - well it will be if ya stick them couple a nobs back on that fell off when Fred and me axidently fell on it. Clara

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 14:10

On me way to the market, if i'm quick i can get there and to Bingo ta Doll. Beattie, always said yer passage needs cleaning! Bring the 'airnets on the 12 tho luv, I might even take me curlers out, well going out, and getting all dressed up aint done that fer years. Mabe

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 14:06

Clara luv get orf yer 'igh horse eh? If yer givin the pinnie away I'll ave it orf ya, but that telly you sold me the other week, orf the back of the lorry, was 20 quid cheaper in the bloomin CO-OP luv. Got any prunes left over Mild? Freds gotta problem and he ain't going at all, bin a chemist, but they want 3 quid for some jollop, I seys to Fred, Fred darlin, 3 quid, thats a couple of books at bingo. Mabe


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 14:04

'ere gels QUICK, that fellar 'as got some new stock in , well I says new - but thems only slightly worn, new knicks an all that - from them posh houses - I jest got meself so loveerly shiny drawers, wiv sparkles on 'em! bargain they was - only 30p a pair dolores

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 2 Feb 2005 14:03

I just been dahn the mahket fer sum new fermals fer the 12th. Nice lot 'e 'ad. Got a job lot o' kerlers too an' 'airnets fer yer barnets. Bort sum takeaway pie n mash home - luvvly wiv the likker, but no slimy eels. Gotta go an clean up me passage now, can't stay ere jawing all day Beattie XX

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 14:01

'er Glad, yer liberty bodice has it got rubber buttons, mine as love it, keep it on all the winter, never get more than 7 colds, so it must be working. You seen this young slip of girls now, bet they don't wear 'em, some of 'em don't even wear any you know wots, do they? My Fred seys they are disgustin' 'e only looks so much cos he can't Adam & Eve it , well thats what he told the police. Gonna catch the bus now luv aftrernoon bingo's startin. you comim, if so i'll save yera seat. Mabe

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 2 Feb 2005 13:59

Liburty bodice? Nah. I ave me vest, tuck it in me drawers I do. Cast not a clout 'till May is owt an all that. Never 'ad me roly poly fer pud terday, said it ad run art. Had to 'ave prunes instead, still...keeps me regular an all that Mildred x


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 13:56

Well - pardon me!! Am I tu tek it that my VERY generous offer of the loan of a HEIRLOOM pinnie is bein rejectud for a cheap imitation from a man on the market who also sells bloomers!!:(((( A disgruntled Clara

The Bag

The Bag Report 2 Feb 2005 13:48

Mabel, you'll be sayin' nothin about me drawers! Best chiprufe they are, so you be mindin' yer tongue. I got m'self a new liberty bodice last week...and it'll be washed come easter needin it or not. S'our Tommys turn for a barf this week, so you 'old yer tongue... with wot saw yer boy Archie doin the over nite you ain't got no room to talk of cleanliness gladys

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 13:37

Glady's I was gonna say summit about you and yer drawers girl. I get a new pair once a year, need 'em or not I say, cleanliness is next to godliness an all that, go get a pair a bit sharpish, I was down wind of you at the bus stop the uvver day, It ain't pleasant girl, and a barf now an again would be in order, tellin you as a mate you understand. Us Londoners are known for our honesty aint we, so take heed eh? 'er young Jack, thats a funny sort of a name for a girl ain't it? Bet yer muvver never chose it, but tell ya the truth I quite like it, being young an trendy you undersatnd I knows about these things. Be a good girl for yer Mum eh go and get er a pinne from the bloke down the market, tell 'im Mabel sent ya, 'e owes me a favour.............don't ask. Mabe

The Bag

The Bag Report 2 Feb 2005 13:06

You'll not see my Alf down the dance hall for love n'money. 'spect he'll be darn the Bull 'aving a pint O'stout an a game o' dominoes. Praps i'll send our Jimmy down wiv the jug for a carry out for his muvver,dont fink our Alf knows ow hard it is being 'ere with 14 kids. Dont know that bloke down the market wot sells the draws, s'long since I 'ad a new pair for m'self. Gladys

Jack (Sahara)

Jack (Sahara) Report 2 Feb 2005 12:55

OMG! Just what have I started with this 'Ethel' thing??? LOL Jack (Gaynors daughter) xx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 12:41

Oh Gawd blimey, ain't there a lot of us 'ol gals on 'ere then? Seen ya all at Bingo an down the ol' OAP's dance nights, ('er aint that bloke who sits in the corner a bit of alright, wouldn't mind 'im for a bit of 'ows yer farfer eh Eff?) I know of a good place to get yer pinnies gals, you know that little stall at the market, next to the place we get out drawers and stuff? Well if you ask the bloke he keeps the pinnies under the counter, 'e says there ain't no call for them much now, I ses to him, not much call for em, eh, you ain't met my mates, anyhow, what woluld 'e know he's only in 'is early 60's, just a lad really, but he aint 'alf got a nice pair of eyes, don't ya fink? have a nice afternoon all you gals wont ya? Mabe x x x