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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 08:31

eeeeee Ethel - them old gels are gertin a bit out er 'and aint they! I 'opes you 'ave remembered ter change yer draws? - ya nevers knows yer luck gel! love ter yer me duck Dolores and me old man Albert (bless 'is socks)


JackyJ1593 Report 3 Feb 2005 08:26

Now Ethel, You mind ow ya go taday. Just don't go takin that rabble wiv ya cos they'll only cause avoc in the tea room playing wiv the sugar lumps. Take care girl and best take the rollers out cos they might urt when ya lie down in that thingy. Gladys from down the street. (I got the lovely white nets at me windder.) xxx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 3 Feb 2005 08:17

gurn...splutter ! Me denture fixth 'as run 'art. I've 'ad ta use some of that new fangled stuff ta stick 'em back in...wathit called ? Oh Yeth Blue tack..... Got a bith stuck ta me whiskers, never mind....Itta be like 'avin a booty spot. Might not make it ter the twelf gal, all depends haar me knees are.....and me piles... Finkin of yer terday Eff. Mildred Honkinbottom


Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 05:48

Oooo ‘eck, I ave the a’ternnon off to av a natter wiv me posh guest (Paul) – he stayed longa than wot he shud av. He leaves and 20 mins later – hubby got home – so we started dinner. Now as you all know, I don’t bovver to come on ere in the evenings. Had anuvver crap night – but got more sleep last night than any uvver since I been on them steroid pills (they do elp the pain but they do knacker me booty sleep). So, got up and found I ad a bit o catch up to do on here :-))))) Saved this thread to last – that Jack Is All Woman don’t know wot she’s started – and her a norvern lass an all !!!! Bless her though – has offered to buy her mam a new pinnie for 12th . Jack – does market sell them plastic oods too? I can’t av Mabe outdoin me can I? You wouldn’t want er to outdo yer ol mam would yer now? Can’t fank yoo all enuff for all yer kind offers o pinnies, oods and gawd knows what else might be turning up. Btw Mabe – fink you’d better trade your pigin in for an eagle – poor pigin will never manage all that lot – better still get yerself an old nag or ass. Mildred – you going to the meet? Ope you are :-)))))) To all of yer that I ain’t mentioned by name – fanx – av really enjoyed this thread me mate Mabe started. And finally ….. if that bloody Donna finks she’s poash wiv a name like Strump – well it says is all dunnit !!! So, better sign off in me poash name Love ter yer all – Ethel in Stoke Poges xxxxxxx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 00:01

Quck message for you Eff I know you are going to the 'ospital today, and I might not have time to wish you well in the mornin, got to go to to the market first fing to get some wet fish, so I would just like to say I 'ope all goes well, and you can get me some of them gloves you nicked for me last time, they are brill for cleaning the lav. You take care me darlin' I will be rootin for ya. (Get me gloves and I'll buy you a stout on the 12th) Love Mabe, Oh and that Lynda woman sends her love an all, she's alright she is, bit posh, but I don't mind that, she scrubs up well she does, bringing her on the 12th an all, well she'll buy us all drinks, she good like that. :)) x x x x x


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 22:58

Mabe, ere yer are lovey, a naice cup o' rosie and a dollop of drippin on yer toast, just ignore them green furry bits. Dolores

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 2 Feb 2005 22:49

well doll, the old mans out of me barnet for a week - 'e's gorn abrawd and left me on me jacks wi' the saucepans. Taken 'is best whistle n daisies 'e 'as too. lookin forward to a good neesup on the 12th - got me gin all ready 'idden in me titfer. tell me if you need a translator me ol china!! Beattie XX


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 22:39

Beattie - how are ya me old china! I will bring me own cup - its bone china dont yer know! This is good fish paste , will scrape the top of the jar and it should be awright dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 22:38

Doll you make a mean sarnie you do em eh. Beattie you got any drippin over? could murder a bit of drippin on toast, got any bread an all? Ta luvvie

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 2 Feb 2005 22:31

Yore a bit posh! we woz gonner ave drippin..... Beattie XX


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 22:25

see this funcion wot youse are 'avin' - 'ooose makin' the sarnies? I got a nice pot o' fish paste here dolores


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 20:38

eee Mabe dearie, Clara fahnd a ten bob note in the leg of her drawers lovey. and I 'ad free 'alf crowns secreted in me stays Dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 20:10

Clara, always knew you were well orf, but how come you can afford to buy a dozen oods then, they are 1/6d each, so times that by 12, thats a lotta money, you had a win on the old bingo then? Mabe x


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 19:00

I'll see what I can find Dolores:))


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 18:59

oooh Clara me duck, carn I 'ave a puce one to go wiv me pacamac? Doloress


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 18:51

Hi Mabel and Effy Got yur message. I shull be goin out in the mornin to get the plastic oods. I am goin tu bring a dozen as I know when the others see them they'll be jelous and want one. I leave it to you two to decide which of tothers are elegant enough to wear em. So next time yu see a piggin fly over and drop somat, don't bother tu duck. It'll just be the pinnie and plastic oods. Lots u Luv - Clara xx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 17:10

Hi Effie You had yer posh guest yet? I polished all the silver on me hanky last night didn't I, and you said how nice it looked, but I'm sure those spoons aint real silver gal, cos as I polished they all went black, I did tell ya tho you dont get real silver for a tanner a spoon, do ya luv Mabe x x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 15:42

Hi Clara, get us a couple will yer Luv, always make a good present them platic hats an wiv coloured edgin, well I never, what the bloomin eck will they think of next, what is the world coming to, coloured plastic hats tut tut, They'll have fones you can carry bout wiv ya next, I always use the phone box, if ever I have to fone our Jim, lives in bloomin essex now e does, in arlow, bit bloomin posh for me there it is. Nellie Luv, pass us a glass of that will ya, don't care its the cooking sort i've got a bit of an 'eadache, so that'll elp when i take me asprin. Jack we dont mind you foreigners comin on 'ear wiv us cockneys, we are salt of the earth we are, we'll elp you out if you dont undersatnd us, wont we girls? Doll what you on about love? you've ad too much of nellies sherry aint ya, talk proper gal. Mabe xx


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 15:34

Forgot to mention Nellie - I'll need tu know if yu want a colored edge or just clear. p.s. I REALLY got ta go now - leave requests for hoods below

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 2 Feb 2005 15:33

Me old wireless broke terday, was gonna go and but a commutor fer meself, but fought better not, once them mouses breed, theres no gettin rid. Will aff ta umm instead Mildred