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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Unknown Report 4 Feb 2005 22:46

Clara dearie, its that Mildred one along the road that seems to be able to get 'er 'ands on 'em. Mind you my Albie can get us some dyes so we can 'ave right posh draws - what colour d'ya fancy? dolores

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 22:45

Clara Doan worry luv, like ah sed ah need buildin up so ah'll only need the trimmins. Ere, jest a fort but it would go furver if we all made those fings young gels wear these days. Fongs or summat ah fink they're called. Wot d'yer reckon? Elsie


Christine2 Report 4 Feb 2005 22:32

Dolores Owe many parachutes did yur find luv? Surely one wont be enough fur all on us? I'll need best part u one fur me!! Clara x


Unknown Report 4 Feb 2005 22:21

Elsie - ooooooooh yer - its luvvery cloff. pure sympathetic silk it is. dolores

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 22:16

Ooo Dolores 'ow luvverly. Is it one o' them proper silk ones? Ain't never had silk smalls. We could show 'em to everyone next week. What d'yer fink Effie? Elsie


Unknown Report 4 Feb 2005 22:12

ere gels - didja hear that Mildred 'as got an 'old of a lovverly parachute and I 'ave some yards 'o 'lastic , Eth duck - d'ya still 'ave that pattern for them French knickers - cos we could all 'ave matching bloomers. now wouldn't that be grand?? Dolores

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 21:54

Well Mabe, ah jest ope the ole bill give yer a good price for that vodka after Fred went ter all that trouble. The stout'll do me ducks. Ah cud do wiv a bit a building up. Ah'll send the winder cleaner rarnd. Ee's good but ain't arf nosey and ee's told the ole village that ah've got a fancy man. Ah'm a good gel I am! Bert's bin in 'is shed all day. E works ever so ard in there and never complains that 'e doesn't 'ave much time indoors wiv me. Bless 'im. 'is plants are coming on a treat and 'ees put special lights in there for them an everyfing. Mind you if 'ee took darn the curtains he wouldn't need the bleedin lights! Sez the plants are special and doan like bein stared at. 'es really sensitive like that. 'ah must go, time to do me corns and 'ave a nice bit o' fruit cake. Don't that sarnd nice? Elsie


Christine2 Report 4 Feb 2005 21:17

Hi Mabel Fanks fur lookin after our Alf fur us lass nite. I still aint seen im yet though. Did that fella get yur oven going ok this mornin? Bin worryin abowt yer in case yur couldn't make a cup o char. Clara x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 4 Feb 2005 21:06

Elsie Send that winda cleaner round 'er love, I'll give 'im what for, it is the one wiv is own teef ain't it, I like 'im. the 'ol bill's took the vodka, but Fred has got a bottle o stout in the shed, he still ain't ome ya know, oh well nemind. Come round 'ome and I'll let ya 'ave it, been there since the coronation, but it'll be fine I can't understand the way they talk on Corrie eiver, I always 'ave the subtitle fing on, couldn't understand a word that was said uvverwise, and of course I am a bit mut & jeff ain't I, pardon. Mabel x x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 16:40

That Corrie Mabe. Doan understan a blooming word of it. Wot sorta accents that then? Fink they're all a bit common! Bit worrid bart Mildred's 'air. She'll be using that Sun In stuff next. Very classy! Sound like yer've gone all posh an all wiv yer bouffant. Mebbe ah will take me curlers art then. Bin hiding from that winder cleaner. Bin casting nasturtiums abart me he 'as. Na, where's me gin? Luvverly. Want some Effie? Wouldn't mind some a that vodka Mabe. Getting a bit low on gin fer some reason. Elsie.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 4 Feb 2005 16:30

Bloomin 'eck Gals, sorry i've bin owt all day, never gues wot, my Fred's only still 'elpin them boys in blue owt, had the ol bill cum rownd our ouse this mornin, saying they wanted to search 'is shed, whys at I arsk 'em, lookin fer evidence they seys, evidence I say, fer what, we're looking for some vodka, 2 cases, well i seys why didnt cha say so, it's up in the airing cupboard love I say, underneath 'is vests, I told em I said to our Fred, now Fred where d'ya get them from and 'e says off Harry the hat, from down the Cafe, we don't bleedin like vodka I seys, so e seys, I know we dont gal, but I knows a bloke who does, silly ol sausage aint he. I seys to the copper, so is he comin ome then, and he says he is 'elpin us wiv our enquires, so i says well love theres bloomin 'elpin ya and theres bloomin doing yer job for ya, but he was a nice young fing, so I seys here ya go luv, ave a bit of cake, only bought it last week, on offer it was at corner shop, only 4 days out of date, he wouldn't stay tho, funny that i said you married darlin, and he was gawn. Gladys the nets are flippin filthy, stop kiddin yerself. er your Alf Clara, he fell asleep e did on the couch last night fought it best if i left 'im there, he ain't very bright now is he, didn't want him going ome in the dark now did I. Elsie luv, lay of the drink, its no good putting that stuff in yer tea, it aint a subsitute fer sugar only kiddin yerself there. hiya Pearl, go and take the jollop the quack gave ya, you'll feel better after it. Mildred yer air looks silly, them young uns have pink stripes in there air not a bloomin woman of your age, and mine dont look like cotton wool luv it's called boufont style, so there. Now then wheres my Effie, ope she's lookin in, as I wanna tell ya, we're all goin up West next week, avin a bloody good day out we are gal, I gotcha some of them mints ya like, ya no like what we had durin the war. I aint alf lookin forward to it I am know the first fing i'm gonna do? I'm gonna give ya a big smacker I am, just ave to keep them blokes away, you know what there like round me dont ya, cor we used to get up to sum stuff in our youf didn't we?, well Fred might not be wiv me, so why the cats away.......... See ya later me darlin, got pie and mash tonight, fetch some round, 'ere we'll watch Corrie togevver eh? Mabe yer mate x x x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 4 Feb 2005 15:52

Ello Eff Me mate Erminturude came over & did me a perm. All fag papers, grips and loadsa twink. Sat under me 'edscarf for an hour. Bleedin stank like our Johnnys old wet terry nappies. Looks rather nice narh, bit like barbed wire. Bet that Mabel wil be jealous, her 'air looks like cotten wool Mildred x

Devon Dweller

Devon Dweller Report 4 Feb 2005 11:31

I was bombed during the war ya know and it played avvok wiv me nets Pearl

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 11:13

D'ya hear that Ethel? Gotta change me pinny now! Mabe, me uvver pinny's in the wash duck so ahl ave to do em bofe on Monday it bein wash day an all an 'ope ah doan spill nuffin down me dress. Right pain it is dragging the old machine into the middle of the floor, filling it wiv water from the 'ose then putting it all fru the mangle like. Plays 'avoc wiv me joints. an the arning. Takin it off the fire, spittin on it....bout time someone came up wiv an easier way o doin the washin. Gotta lay the fire and beat the rugs now duck so see you later. Praps just a nip o gin first! Elsie


Christine2 Report 4 Feb 2005 09:57

Mornin Effy Luv, Mabe Gladys an all. Ope you all ad a good nights sleep. Fanks fur the grand cup o tea and natter Mabe. Ope that gas mans got yur oven up an runnin again - I mean, owe else you gunna make a brew? I'm a bit worried about our Alf. I avnt seen im since last night wen e were round at yours. You aint idin im under yur pinnie are yur. Piggin is on it's way wiv pinnie and oods. Yur will let me know when they arrive wont yur. Gotta go now, got a lotta ponchin to do. Catch yur all later. Byeeeee - Clara x


JackyJ1593 Report 4 Feb 2005 09:20

ooooooo. Me 'ead dunnuf urts this morning. Went round to our Sid's last night and he sisted I had a drink wiv him. I only ad 2 bottles of stout. Ya know Sid - he's the one who's floossie missus took off with that red eaded rent man. Nearly as bad as 'er at number 4! Ere Mabel, I wash me nets evry munf and I use one of them little bag thingies thats got blue in it. So don't ya go casting spertions on my clenlines. Just gonna put the kettle on if anyof yous wans a cuppa. Gladys (with the white nets)

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 4 Feb 2005 08:38

Hiya Effie Bit late this mornin I am, got the gas man comin in a minute and just avin a bit of a tidy up, and cleanin the oven, don't want 'im thinking I don't bovver, the ovens got a bit of troule, 'ad it 43 years ya know, so thought I'd have it serviced, I know, I know I can 'ear ya sayin, why waste yer money on a service on such a new oven, well Effie thats me ain't it gal, always wasting me money on fings that don't matter, truf is gal, the gas mans a bit of a looker e is, and Fred still ain't bleedin 'ome. Oh gotta go darlin, ring at the bell, yep its the gas man, I can see 'is van, see ya darlin'. You ave a good day won't ya Mabe, yer mate x x x P.S Elsie, before you come round mine, change that pinnie will ya it looks a bloomin mess it does, and thats last weeks gravy down the front aint it 'gal? Get a grip luv, wash it. Mabe x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 3 Feb 2005 22:55

Got some luvverly spam sarnies Mabe and just sent the kid out for a bottle o gin cos someone's had the uvver one. Hic! 'ave I gotta put me teef back in if ah come rarnd, only they play 'avoc wiv me gums? 'ave put a luvverly 'ead scarf over me curlers. Very classy I must say! Kid's back wiv the gin in a nice brarn paper bag. Passed the cop shop but no sign of yer Fred. Very 'elpful he is, you must be so prard of 'im. Anyhow I'll just rub the gravy off me pinny and come rarnd to yours duck. Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 22:36

Your a good un Clara sure you are, all forgotten luvvie, rosey lea is ready. What sarnie's you got Doll? Any salmon and que, fetch 'em round darlin, got some news you won't believe, you know that fella on the main Road, the one with the wooden leg, well you'll never guess......... Mabe x x x


Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 22:21

is it open 'ouse then Mabe? cos I gots some lovely sarnies here, just a teeny bit curly , but nice nevertheless. dolores