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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 5 Feb 2005 18:24

Ello Effy OOOh me flamin bunions, Waited almost ten whole minutes for the bus, bleedin freezin it was. Of course I pushed me way on in front, its called bleedin respect aint it? 'Add 'ter show me buss pass tho, after all, I dont look me age.... do I ? Saw that Nellie Mangle on the bus. Went on about 'er mangy cat. Flea bitten moggy it is. Bought a nice bit a cod for it. Shes 'avin a nice bit a scrag end 'erself. Fink shes got airs an graces that one.... I told 'er I bought a new 'andbag from jumble sale.....see I can be posh too... Mildred xx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 5 Feb 2005 18:10

Clara luv, do us a favour, come and get your Alf will ya. His starting to go all soppy, and saying that how lovely I am and all that, think he's getting a bit serious on me, and the 'ol bill have just called round, and Fred's comin 'ome about 8, so he will be none too pleased with Alf 'ere wiv his slippers and that on, so get round 'ere a bit sharpish will ya and take 'im 'ome wiv ya. Ta Clara, you're a diamond. Mabel x x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 5 Feb 2005 15:33

That's 'im Doll. Jest a boy really. Doan the police look young these days? Elsie


Christine2 Report 5 Feb 2005 15:31

Ere Dolores - owe du you know as owe e as warm ands if you don,t mind me arskin?


Unknown Report 5 Feb 2005 15:28

Elsie - were it that one with the warm 'ands and a turn in 'is eye??? 'E can take down me particlers ANYTIME Dolores

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 5 Feb 2005 15:24

Mabe - why does it make yer eyes roll? Sarnds a bit painful that does. Those nice policemen came to ave a butchers at my Bert's plants this mornin. Kept saying somefink about weeds but ah cud see they woz dead impressed wiv em and they've even taken some away. So friendly don't yer fink? Elsie


Christine2 Report 5 Feb 2005 14:55

Well Gals - I just ave ter tell yer. Fred was so appy wiv me elpin im this mornin that he bought me a vase. I wus sick of avin the odd flower I pick stuck in a jam jar. Well, I thought to mesen I'll see if I can get some of them new fangled plastic flowers tu put in it and you'll never guess what. The lass in the shop sold me some dead twigs an said they was all the rage now. I thought to mesen, I'm bein sold a purler ere but do you know, they actually look a picture. He said I'd been so good e'd tek me to a cafe for lunch an all. We went in this place called sumfin like Piza Ut and we ate sumfin called Pizas. They was flat, a bit like pancakes an covered in cheese an tomata an all sorts of uver stuff. Tasted alright tho. Don't know what t worlds cumin too - I must get out more. Fred says it cost im more than e made on t job but it were werf it tu see me face. Oh, one uther thing. I saw sum of that organiccy stuff in the shop but it were carrots. Fred wants tu know owe carrots makes yer eyes roll. Ooh an effy luv - I ope yuv put you order in for what colour bloomers and stockins yere want. Luv as alus - Clara xx p.s. Fanks fer lookin out for our Alf Mabe - yur a good un

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 5 Feb 2005 11:50

Doll darlin' You ain't arf lead a sheltered life ain't ya. I'll tell you all about it when we go ta bingo tomorra night. Mabe x x x


Unknown Report 5 Feb 2005 11:39

Yer can buy that organism stuff down at chemist lovey, an' its a buy one get 'un free just now - don' 'alf mak' yer 'air shine - 'ere Mabe , silly mare , ya musta got the shampoo in yer eyes then ;-) dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 5 Feb 2005 11:21

Clara Darlin, Alfs safe he is, and just to tell ya Elsie, I know what one of them organisms, is makes yer blinkin eyes roll it does. o{o Mabel x x x


Christine2 Report 5 Feb 2005 10:25

Just a quick mornin gals. I ave tu go an elp Fred wiv a bit o liftin on an eavy job this mornin. Ope yu all slept well. Ello Sophia, ave yu just moved intu that posh detachid ouse up the road? We'll after get yur a crotcheting ook, we cud all do wiv a new pair o stockings, cudn't we gals. Tek care all-catch yu later. Luv as alas - Clara xx p.s. I still aint seen our Alf


Unknown Report 5 Feb 2005 10:05

pssssst did yer 'ere about that Gladys one?????? dolores


JackyJ1593 Report 5 Feb 2005 08:20

Well! ood beleeve that posh lady Sophia would do er own crutchering!! Mabe... eels in yur andbag!!! Fink of all that dust yu'll get on em. Ark at you! Whistles cos your stunners!! That's the whistles calling the boys in blue to take yur away!! Ha ha ha ha. Na. Only jokes Mabe and Duchess. Ya bofe scrub up a treat. No luck at the bingo last night. I only needed 6 numbers. Im indoors wants to watch that football teday that they play with the funny shape ball. Gonna go down the pub. Keeps on about us getting one of them funny box things for the ouse that shows the pictures moving. Reckons it'll save us money cos he wont ave to keep buyin booze at same time. off naw to do me jobs. Ave a good day gals and no gossipin without me. Gladys (with the clean nets)


Mommylonglegs Report 5 Feb 2005 00:16

Dolores, 'elo, havin just got on ter yer all, somatt has gon skadaddle with the munications. Just wanted ter tell yer i ave some old stockins but need a crutchering hook. Old hannah had mine an not too sure what she was doing wiv it.

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 23:43

Dolores We cud try that new fangled tie dye. Wot yer do is tie up the cloff wiv string and dip it in the colours. Would we need the string tho on account of them being stringy fings already? Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 4 Feb 2005 23:40

Hiya gals just got orf the bus, just taken Fred a new pair of pants down the cop shop, they said unless i took em, they'd ave to move station so the 'ealth bloke could get in to fumigate it, so fought I'll do that fer the nice sergent, he's got such lovely hands he as. I'll have some of them drawers, get us a green pair will ya doll, reminds me of school that colour. Now then who's this Sophia on 'ear? bit of a posh name for these parts aint it, and as doll seys, cat got yer tongue, come on gal spit it out. If you're lookin in Effie, just to let ya know, I'm finkin about getting some eels to take up west next week, I'll put in in me 'anbag, just for me and you, don't tell the others though there jealous they are of me and you, just cos we get all the whistles, when we go down the market, we cant elp be in stunners can we gal :)))) Mabe x x x


Unknown Report 4 Feb 2005 23:26

ere thats a brilliant idear gels - we could all 'ave technicoloured ones 'elo there sophie - cat got yer tongue??? Dolores


Mommylonglegs Report 4 Feb 2005 23:14

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 4 Feb 2005 23:04

Clara Ah fink red 'd suit yer a treat ducks! Good idea that Dolores. Fancy a bit a pink or orange or a nice lime green meself. Praps all free? Wot colour you 'aving then? Wot abart you Effie. Wot colour d'yer want and wot d'yer fink Mabel and Mildred would like? Mind you that Mabel's so posh she'll want pearls on 'er stringy bit! I've 'eard fings about that yer know!! Gives yer an organism, wotever that is! Elsie


Christine2 Report 4 Feb 2005 22:52

Elsie That's a great idea dearie, it'll cut out the really big bits (if yur know what I mean):)) Dolores Ooh owe exitin - coloured draws. I think red ud most likely suit me personality. Wat du you think dear? Clara x