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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Unknown Report 8 Feb 2005 00:05

yer will all 'ave ter taake pot luck wiv your knickers gals! dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 8 Feb 2005 00:00

Else & Clara, your just jealous arn't ya? Her Maj has loaned me the Coronation coach, with 8 white horses pulling it. But so as not to show of, cos I ain't like that, I'll get the nice men who drive it, to park in the forecourt of the station, so as not to make an entrance, cos I ates to fink ovvers would fink I was rubbin there noses in it cos that ain't got such a nice way of getting there, and you two ain't got two 'appenies to rub togevver. Mabel x x x


Christine2 Report 7 Feb 2005 23:45

Sorry tu butt in ere Mabe and Dolores but could I just remind Dolores that I want my drawers red. Could I ave some of them pearls on as well like Mabe, cos I ere as owe we all need to go organic. Fanks ducks - Clara x p.s. I ere as owe mabe is goin on a special orse to try and outdo Effy - she says it's a shankses pony - whatever that is

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 7 Feb 2005 23:45

Doll those parachute drawers sarnd a treat luv. Carnt wait ter try em on! Yer aint forgotten ahm a bit on the skinny side ave yer and Mabe's aving the ones wiv pearls. A stretch limo for Effie eh? Wot's Mabe comin in then a bleedin golden carriage? Ah'll be on shanks pony as per usual. Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 7 Feb 2005 23:44

I'm up fer doin a bit a shoppin before the knees up Doll. Effi's no toff, she finks she is but as I seys to 'er the uvver day, I remember ya wiv a snotty nose. She' just think cos she's got a stretched car that means she is posh, well silly moo don't know its only stretched cos it was in a bit of a bump, and it went down the breakers yard and when they pulled the bump out, it stretched it, still if it makes 'er 'appy finkin she's posh let 'er fink it eh? Mabel


Unknown Report 7 Feb 2005 23:29

Mabe me old gal - I got yer new curlers today - theys really nice and yer scarf will fit nice over 'em. are yer goin' up town on Saturday? we could 'ave a quick shufti rahnd the shops afore we sees wur Ethel. wot says you lovey? Dolores


Unknown Report 7 Feb 2005 20:32

well gals - I 'eard that our Ethel - finks shes a toff she do - sez that she is gurna show up ter meet yer all on Satday in a stretch limo! All my eye and Betty Martin - more like a no 73 circular bus cos she 'as 'er travel pass! Just 'opes she puts 'er teef in and a clean pair ov knicks on! Mind you , I 'ave still ter reinforce the gussets in all ov 'em loverly parachute silk drawers. bin stickin' on some bee-yoo-tee-fool diamonds Dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 7 Feb 2005 19:21

Hiya Mild, you must keep those bloomin' charity shops open you must, and all the fings you buy you don't even need, very charitable of ya that is, you're a diamond. Clara what d'ya mean love? 1500, thats 3 in the afternoon aint it? and whats the priest got quaker oats, you've lost the plot clara darlin' you really 'ave, and I ain't bovvered about that lotto win ya know, I'd 'ave only gorn and spent the money on me mates wouldn't I? That Sophia's a funny un ain't she, comes on 'ere whaen she wants, then swans off agin, back to her crotchetting, she finks she's one above us, snooty cow.


Christine2 Report 7 Feb 2005 12:36

Afternoon Effy,Mabe and the gals. Sorry I wuz out when yur called yestaday but I wuz visitin some cousins what I didn't know I ad. Very nice they woz too. Do you know - it turns out as owe one of um as sumfink called a web site (whatever that is). An e says as owe our relative in 1500 was a priest (owe the ell can e know that!!). I said "E must ave been a very naughty priest, else owe did we get ere". But apparently, in them days, e says priests was allowed to ave their oats. Good job todays priests don't know about that aye. As anybody seen that Sophia lately? I found er a crotcheting ook but aven't seen ide or air of er since. Aven't seen our Alf either since you gals put it into is ead as owe e's a young stud. Sorry about that lotto fingy Mabe - but money aint everything is it. It's friends what counts. Off now to feed Fred - catcha all later. Luv as alus - Clara xx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 7 Feb 2005 12:19

'ere Mabe Guess wot I got dahn the charity shop 'terday!! 'ay yer never guess..... Only a pair of them FMB boot fings...yeah ! Yer dont get many For Mending Bunions Boots anymore. Mind you, was a bit av a lark gettin em on. Will ave ter use me zimmer frame ter walk wiv, before I go ar*e over tip. Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 7 Feb 2005 09:39

Morning gals how are ya all. I 'ave bin busy meself doin all sorts and got a real busy day ta day, don't know where the bloomin time goes i don't. My June's takin me to the quacks this morning, got a see 'im about me boil on me bum, and then I'm orf out to the market, will try and catch all later. Behave yerselfs Mabel x x x


Bev Report 6 Feb 2005 20:01

ear just cos you lot dont talk propeer like what i do it was ruddy true bout mabel an my alf, e said it bin a long time since e'd bin that satisfied and as fer me cat, needed a treat sfter i ad its bits cut off all cos of that posh tart up the privat ouses complaining that her pedigree was in the club eear that andbag you got from jumble, twas one me sister peggy threw out hahahahaha never laufed sumuch

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 6 Feb 2005 19:44

'ello gals yer never guess what that bloomin Fred never put me lotto on, I'll bloomin kill 'im when I get me 'ands on him, sick I am, I was gonna treat ya all next week on out knees up, still nemind, money ain't evryfink is it gals, we'll still 'ave a great time won't we. See ya at the bus stop fer our bingo. Mabe x x x


JackyJ1593 Report 6 Feb 2005 09:59

Your Anne takes after her mum then Dolores I remember you when you was in yer teens! No lad was safe wiv you around. Well done Mabe! You gonna get yerself one of those fancy washers now and get rid of the old mangle. I didn't mean the old man - the sort for doing yer clofes. Anyone goin to this do at the community centa next week? Is gonnoa be posh or wot? Gladys (not Arris)

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 6 Feb 2005 09:30

Blimey Mabe, Yer know im yer bestest mate ever dont yer? Nah yer can get yerself some new drawers from marksies. Me Auntie Jean always swore by em. Gusset lasts fer years. Maybe yer can get sum new teef? arfter all yer old ones are only any good if yer want ta use a straw wivout opening yer mouth. 'Ere....yer did remember ta put the lotto on last night....diddnt yer?...... Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 6 Feb 2005 00:19

Gels, Gels gather rownd, 'ave a listen I've only gone and 'ad a win on that lottery I have, got these numbers 19 22 33 36 43 44 Won £1.8m I have. Well what dya fink about that then gals, we can 'ave a right knees up next week up west now, I'll tell ya wot, I'll buy ya all a drink, and a double at that, bloomin eck can't believe it, but couldn't ave appened to a nicer woman, I know thats what yer all gonna say.well yer right darlins it couldn't, won't change me tho, I'm still commin a bingo tomorra, I'll just be gettin a taxi, so I'll see yer there then, knees up muvver brown, knees up muvver brown.... Mabel, with the money x x x


Unknown Report 5 Feb 2005 23:39

awhhhhhhhhhhh Lord luv a duck - oh the shame ov it all. Our Anne is gurna be in the News of the World abahrt her shenanigans wiv that actors relly and an un-named peer ov the rellum. I am so ashamed curnt fink Ah can ever 'old me #ead up in the chippy again! Dolores


JackyJ1593 Report 5 Feb 2005 22:36

Well, you wud never beleeve it! I went to a confrance today that had summink to do with littluns. Or so I fought. Da ya now what it turned out to be!! It was all about ow to expand something and sustain it. I fink I walked in on the veeagra meeting!! I was well embarussd I can tell ya. Been an ard day. Night. Gladys ( with curtains)

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 5 Feb 2005 20:41

Mildred, I'll give her bloomin Nellie bloomin Mangle, I will she's not only a dirty mare, she only gawn and collected my Fred from the down the nick, took 'im 'ome with 'er, and told 'im I've been messin about with that Clara's brother, Alf on the side whilst 'es been at the cop shop, nasty bint she is, wouldn't mind, but Alf only came 'ere for a bit 'o dinner and a bit of how can I put it....comfort, he ain't very bright yer know. Well she can 'ave 'im, see if I care, that bloke who delivers the coal ain't a bad looker, got a delivery Friday! Yeah Clara my sons kiddie's gonna be one of them kids yer see in the films and that and in the paper, mind you I said to my son, is she gonna be in Corrie then and he said whats that mother (he talks posh 'e does, He's a tycoon in the City ya know) Bloomin 'eck don't know what we did wrong wiv bringin 'im up, e lives in Mayfair, snotty sod! Come on gals the bingo bus is 'ere Mabel


Christine2 Report 5 Feb 2005 18:55

Hiya Mabe Just been to rescue (sorry collect) our Alf from yours before your Fred comes ome. I take it e's helped the polic as much as he can then? I just realised what a coincidence it is that my husband appens to ave the same name as yours:)) Thanks agin fur takin im under yur wing - young scally. Ooh yes, an I ere one o your grandkiddies is goin to be in magazines an fings. You won't be able tu get yur ead round door soon, it'll be that big. Only jokin duck - I think it's brill. Obviously teks after granny Mabe. Clara x