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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 17 Feb 2005 22:03

Hiya Mild Freds boards gone bloomin beserk it 'as, fings is missing first there there, then gorn, what is the world coming to. Bit like my Fred really, first he was 'ere then 'e ain't. I'll 'ave a cuppa wiv ya gal, get kettle on eh? Mabel x x x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 17 Feb 2005 15:49

'Ere !........... SCANDAL !! Rumer 'as it that people on a Fred board 'ave disappeared !! Some went missin' earlier 'terday. I fink the've bin abdacated yer know............. .......... 'erd a wailing noise 'erlier.....must 'ave been the flyin' saucer... Talkin' of saucer....Where's me TEA ! Mildred xx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 17 Feb 2005 12:58

'Ere 'ave you 'eard about that Effie? She's got some 'guests' going to 'er 'ouse terday, bloomin' guests I seys, they ain't guest, there just 'ol girls same as we are, since she got that tiara, she finks she's a bit better than us, only guest we ever 'ad was when we were kids and 'ad nits, and we used to say, yer can't share me comb, cos we 'ave guests. It's a bit parky terday ain't it, got me long drawers on an all and still nippy. Going round to 'er at number 6 in a mo, she's gettin on me nerves now, keeps tellin me about 'er problems, as if I ain't got enuff meself, what with my Fred on the missing, an all, tell ya the truth I fink i'm better wivout 'im 'ave wot telly I want on, when 'es 'ere he's always got some soppy telly on like documentoraries and fings. Well gotta go luvs, 'ow about you gals coming round mine at 3, 'ave a natter and stuff, you bring the cakes Mild, an no gettin yesterdays ones on the cheap. Mabel x x x


Christine2 Report 17 Feb 2005 12:27

Hiya Mildred Know what yer mean ducks. Grotty Lottie that well known tottie wastes er time on sumfink called boards and freds. Don't know what shes talkin about but no wonder she as so much dust around the place. Yur friend Clara x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 17 Feb 2005 12:19

Mornin' all Me old mate, Dirty Gertie from number 30 popped in this morning. Kept on about some general board and budgies, and breads. Seems some people 'ave nuffink better to do....oh the young of 'terday.... ...'an some of the old 'uns who should know better. 'Can't all be like us'...I told Gert We wouldn't 'ave done nuffink like that in our day.... Mildred xx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 16 Feb 2005 15:44

afternoon Mabe & Effy Bit parky out there aint it? Put me fur lined drawers on today. If I give 'em a shake every morning i'll be able to wear 'em for a week. 'Erd about them french letters which play a tune? Well I fink the're great. A real godsend if yer blind an all. Bleedin 'ell ! now I keep on ummin a tune.... mmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 16 Feb 2005 14:49

Afternoon you lovely girls, how are ya today? I am fine ta 'avin a right laugh I am, the woman at number 6 'as given me some of er old clothes, I say old some ain't been outta the bag they ain't, cor she's a good un she is, fink she's a bit lonely so I call round there a couple of times a day, thats why I ain't been about much, well you gotta help these people ain't ya, she's moved 'ere from 5 miles away, can't imagine can ya all that way, so she is missing her mates, good job I'm so friendly eh? Gotta go I'm off for a cuppa, catch ya later. Mabel x x x


Christine2 Report 16 Feb 2005 11:02

Mornin Effy Luv,Mabe and all you gals I notice as owe youv'e bin a bit quiet these last few days - all sufferin wiv angovers no doubt after yur flighty party!! I ave to say I wus a bit peeved not to be there. Specially when I saw those new fangled coloured photos of yur all. I ave to say Effie Luv as owe you looked a picture wiv that loverly air do and crown. Did yer notice though owe that Mabe wus tryin to upstage yur in a very posh 'ood wiv white spots on. I'm a bit busy meself at the moment. I decided to start me spring cleanin a bit early this year and Fred says because I've been so good (dont arsk!!), he's goin to do some paintin fur me. I thought e meant sumfink like the Mona Lisa, but it turns out e meant the walls. Do yu know that yu can get coloured paint nowadays, not just brown any longer. Well, I'd better go an get on - try to catch yu all later. Luv as alas - Clara xx


JackyJ1593 Report 16 Feb 2005 09:39

Mornin gals. Wot d'ya go an tell em bout the book for Effy? Didnt want em to no till they saw it cerealed in the News o the world. Good do on Saterday. Me an the littun had a good time. nice Tiara Effy, bet that needed a bit o polish after. How do ya sleep with that hair? Old Mabe and the uvvers scrub up ok don't they, almost good like. Me and littun went up west after the do and saw that thingy that was on tele - the DAFTAS I fink it is. Bit like the OSCARS fingy I went to for our gal's Skool cuple o weeks ago. Lots of well nown peeps. There was Richard Gear (cor he was all rite). Leonardi DiVinci wot was in that big boat film Titania. Keano Reeves - hes got older, he had a littel beard! Her that did That's life - Ester Ransom. Clive Owen (who?), JimBroadbean wot was her dad in Brijit Jones Dairy. Hermarny from Arry Potter - gorges littel thing. Kate wotsername. Lots of uvvers too but cant rememba names. I got chatted up by a copper. Made out like he was intrested in me camra but me an the littlun new wot he was reelly after. We cudnt get in the posh otel cos all the stars had booked the best rooms. We had to go back to where the do was eld and stay in one neer ther. Bit rubbish it was. Need lessons on cleanin and stuff they do. Bit like er at no 25. Skools closed for oliday or summink this week so I dont ave to go in to work and clean. Me sis is comin for a few days so ave ta go and get a bed redy for er. See ya later gals. Gladys xxxx


Unknown Report 16 Feb 2005 03:51

Psssst – oi – gals – got summat to say. Yer knows that Gladys – yer know – er that allus goin on about er bloomin clean nets well ……….. you ain’t gonnna beleeeeeeve this. Er is a bit clever you know – and poash – did she go to one of them polly tekniks or summat. Cos you know that knees up on Sat – er gimmee some books yer know. Gawd blimey – I got round to readin em – and now they all know about Effy’s little gang and our goings on. Mind blowin stuff it is. Am trying to get me brain in order to do summink real good here – but it may take a while – fink Mabel’s tiara – she did gimme it yer know – went to me ed a bit – or Mabe dahlin – fanks so much – me a queen? Tiara and earrings still sitting on me table – I keeps trying em on – Queen Effy – aint I poash. Even my Rob calls me milady – gotta larf – I luv it. C’mon gals – keep it rollin – cos I know some folk who are gonna keep printing our gang story to add to what big brain Gladys did. Hope Daisy likes Rome and is being good wiv them hunks out there – god forbid Nuff for now – don’t want fowk finking I’m getting too big for me Tiara eh Mabe? Loads of luv and cuddles – Effy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 14 Feb 2005 12:41

Ere Effy I 'erd yer went ta the do in one of them stretch linos. Me old man used ta make em out of two old bangers....cut and shut i fink. Sorry I wernt there, me corns were playin' me up. And me pussy did a woopsie in me new shoes..... ....ere why am I finkin of mabel just then?? Mildred xx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 13 Feb 2005 22:15

'Ello Effie and the gang, been out today, down town to Woolworths, went there with that woman at number 6, don't like her, but she's got a car, so gave me a lift, and bought me a cake and a cuppa, so I fort, can't be rude so I sat wiv 'er, cor blimey she is so boring, d'ya know what, never been a bloomin bingo she ain't, I know you carnt believe that can ya? I'm goin out wiv 'er tomorra she's going to the market, so I won't be on the bus loves, so if ya see me wiv 'er an I look bored, say 'ello and tell me I 'ave gotta come wiv ya. 'ope you've all 'ad a lovely day gals Love Mabel x x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 13 Feb 2005 11:35

Kettle's on Mabe. Bring summa them posh biccies wiv yer ma Bert's scoffed all ahs! Effie - yer looked a treat ducks! Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 13 Feb 2005 11:30

Mornin' gals Cor Blimey didn't we 'ave a knees up yestudey, bloomin legs are up agen this mornin' but who cares. That Gaynor woman don't arf look like that Effie don't she, only bit better scrubbed up, but por cow didn't do er air tho, got outta bed and left it, so it was all sticking up, unless thats the new fashion, don't know with these yung uns do ya? There was a dishy bloke beind the bar tho wern't there, but that H.R.H Lynda posh bird got 'im, mind you she is some looker tho, didn't ave a chance wiv 'im we didn't, not once sh'ed got her 'ands on 'im, bit of a trollop I fink she is, heard loads of stories about 'er I have. Next time we 'ave our cuppa togevver I'll tell you all about 'er. 'Ear why don't one of ya get the kettle on, ad I'll tell ya all about her. Mabel x x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 12 Feb 2005 21:04

aint got red, but iv'e a nice sludge colour wool from the charity shop for 20p. Make a nice vest it will. Might knit meself a hat ter match... Mildred x


Christine2 Report 12 Feb 2005 15:57

Ere Mildred, now the weathers turned colder I cud do wiv a new vest meself. Owe yu fixed duck fur knittin me one too? Any colour will do but red ud be nice to go wiv me new silk bloomers. Clara xx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 12 Feb 2005 15:48

Flamin' 'ell ! Bleedin cat piddled in me shoes this mornin'. Smells a bit like Mabels 'ouse on a warm day. Never mind, a quick wipe wiv me tea towel and an hour in the 'airing cuboard will turn em out fine. Will 'ave ter wear me slippers 'till they dry. Saw old Nellie Smickers from darn the road in the post office this morning. Her Herbert 'ad a win on the 'orses he did. Bought er bone china from poundland...the real fing yer know.. Going ta listen to me wireless nah & do me knitting. Need a new vest so will ave ta get clickin'. Mildred xx


Christine2 Report 12 Feb 2005 10:02

Well Gals, I ope you all ave a lovely time. Cause, I'm real jelous you know. Wish I cud be there wiv yer but I shall be raisin me glass to yer at 2.00 oclock wiv all the others. Don't any of yer furget yer pinnies and oods will yer? Luv as alas - Clara xx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 12 Feb 2005 09:47

'ope all you gals 'ave got yer rollers out and 'ave made an effort wiv yerselves, as I 'ave, got me nice two piece on. Don't ferget the tubes are up the spout so if you need to get the bus instead, leave in plenty of time won't ya? All put yer clean drawers on an all. See yer there. Oh by the way Effie, no turnin up finkin they are all waiting for you in that stretch fing, they'll be lookin for me in me coach :))))))))))))))))))))) Mabel x x x x x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 11 Feb 2005 18:32

Hiya Gals, are ya all ready for temorra? I am got me best sandals out ready and me nice two piece, you know the one I wore at our Charlies wedding in '63, still fits it does, bet you can't say that Mildred, about your two piece you 'ad then. I'm still goin a bingo tonight, but will leave before laast game so's I can get me rollers in, Our Millie's comin 'ear in the morning to do a comb out for me. See ya all at the bus stop. Mabel x x x