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Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 22:29

Morning folk! Thanks Gwenda, Yeah, the dress is different. The last few have all been traditional knotwork, so I thought I'd try something else. Most of them are leaning towards the geometric designs these days. I guess because the skirts aren't nearly as full and the simpler designs fit the skirt better. I'm heading back towards the knotwork for the next one though. We still have pollywaffles around if you look hard enough. We have a Coles express servo on the corner, so maybe coles is the place to look. I was very impressed with that potatoe diet, so I'm gonna give it a go. maybe I can lose the mountains of flab of the belly. Any excuse to pig out on tatties. lol!! *shrugs off sceptisim* catch up later, cheers folk love Rebs x


Judy Report 8 Mar 2006 22:32

Oooooh Reb ................. Our scarves are on the way - Im SOOO excited!!!! Jood


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 22:35

ooh!!!! ETA is........???? Haven't caught up with the threads yet this morn. Must go and read.


Lewella Report 8 Mar 2006 23:28

Morning All. You lot have been very chatty. Takes me half an hour just to catch up. Lara, our builders are local guys who have actually won some awards. They're very good, but need a shove every now and then, like must builders. Went up to the site last night and 'lo and behold the kitchen's in!!! Looks fantastic. Also the pavers around the pool have been done and look great. I'm very happy. Pictures to follow shortly. Hi Rebs. Love the sound of the 'tatoe diet. What will they come up with next? What we need to head towards is convincing men that cellulite and tummy blubber are both attractive attributes (yeah right!) Wonder what's happened to our Laurie? You don't think they're holding her in custody for impersonating a German do you? Sprecken Zee Doich? Loved the photos, WT. Always good to put a face to the name. Your boy isn't the ugliest one on the block either, is he! And hubby looks like a real character. Yum, Wagon Wheels, have they really got smaller, or have we just got bigger? Ever been back to your old primary school? I remember going back to my first class room when I had to vote. Boy, those steps have shrunk! Off to choose towel rails and vanity handles today. Way too many to choose from. Going to be 33C, although it's been getting down to about 10C at night which is great. Hope you all have a great day. *Waves to all, blows kisses and hopes she doesn't miss anyone* Lew Lew :-) xxx


Judy Report 9 Mar 2006 01:35

~~~~~~~ FROM LAURIE (TEXT MSG) ~~~~~~~~~ Call off search party all great ... Show, finished last night - off to Brussels later today. Trubs with online access but should improve - technology melt-down! 2.30am ... found msge on way to Lon Luv Lol There ya go Love Jood


Lewella Report 9 Mar 2006 04:27

Thanks Jood. Nice to know the germans have released her!!!! Lew Lew xxx

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 9 Mar 2006 04:38

Afternoon Wattlers, Another perfect day, this has to be my most favorite time of the year. Mmmmmm..... pollywaffles.... wagon wheels.....making me want chocolate,lol.....I LOVE chocolate....when do we hear about the chocolate diet, i could go on that one he he. I have been putting in an extra big effort to find a couple of tricky dead peeps, have not really found much, but have covered some ground that i won't have to go over again...thank goodness. I had a few things to do up the street this morning, so made the effort to get ready, drove to town, FOUND a PARKING space, went into the shopping centre and remembered I had left purse next to computer where i was updating virus scan. Can i have a senior moment before i am senior?, or was it a CRAFT moment.... I did not have one thing that i could do up the street without my purse. Now it can wait until tomorrow. Take care everyone. Wilson


Trifley Report 9 Mar 2006 05:39

Afternoon all waffle wattlers I agree....a little body fat never hurt anyone. In fact in my next life I am coming back as a bear because........... When you're a bear you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you hibernate you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you are sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that. If you're a mother bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that. If you're a bear your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat. Yep.....I'm coming back as a bear!


TonyOz Report 9 Mar 2006 05:47

Afternoon Polly Wafflers. Glorious day in ol Melb. Sun shining during the day and cooler nights. Bit of condensation on the cars this morning, but turned out a sunny day. Still expecting 36c on Saturday. ( so they tell us )...Now who said Melb. has rotten weather!! Well, its our 13 year Anniversary to-day. Barb and i have stomached each other for 13 years, and we still wake up in the morning.......look at each other....and say........what's your name?.......and do you live nearby? I sent her some Flouwers..........One said Self raising.......and the other said Plain......... I wrapped a little poem up inside the package, just to tell her how much i appreciate her......hoping to score points.? Of course I love ya darling You're a bloody top notch bird And when I say you're gorgeous I mean every single word So ya bum is on the big side I don't mind a bit of flab It means that when I'm ready There's somethin' there to grab So your belly isn't flat no more I tell ya, I don't care So long as when I cuddle ya I can get my arms round there No sheila who is your age Has nice round perky br****s They just gave in to gravity But I know ya did ya best I'm tellin ya the truth now I never tell ya lies I think its very sexy That you've got dimples on ya thighs I swear on me nanna's grave now The moment that we met I thought u was as good as I Was ever gonna get No matter wot u look like I'll always love ya dear Now shut up while the footy's on And fetch another beer! Hope everyone had a great day. Tony Oz..:>))

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 9 Mar 2006 05:49

Arvo Wattlers, just to let you know I'm back in one piece. Tassie is a beautiful place, just a tad cool for moi. Only took one pair of socks thinking it might get cool at night but ended up having to buy some more. For all those interested in chocolate, sorry didnt get to the cadbury factory. Or I should say we did but we didnt have a booking so they wanted us to come back the next day, but the Hobart Archive office was calling me so we opted to forgo the choccies. Spent ages looking up my convicts and found lots of little bits I didn't have. Did buy a giant home-made wagon wheel in a bakery along the way that was really yummy. Well Im off to Port Fairy tomorrow for the Folk Festival so this is it til next week. Hi to everyone and a special 'GO CATS' for sat night Jude2


Unknown Report 9 Mar 2006 05:57

Hi again folks. need a break from entering all this family data I keep stumbling on, so I'M BACK!!!! Rudes, who said romance was dead??? pmsl!! Happy anniversary btw. Hugs for Barb. Jude, no flakes? Last time we send you on an important mission. lol!! Trifley, I was thinking of coming back as a pig in my next life. No one cares what they eat or if they roll in the mud, and more importantly they have orgasms that last for 30 min. It would be a very short life because the excitement would probably kill me, but what a way to go!! yes! Yes! YES!!! *reports herself to abuse and heads off to naughty corner*


Judy Report 9 Mar 2006 06:15

Wotta loada bull Tony I betcha you are a lot more romantic than that!!! If I was Barb, I'd kick you in the shins lol <happy anniversary tho> Hey - you girls - quit talking about chockies - not fairrrrrrrrrrr You can talk about taties, but not chocks So - I've decided you can all go to the naughty room, cept me *preens herself* Jood


Trifley Report 9 Mar 2006 06:16

Back again....... Joodles I don't know about the convention this year. Hubby & I are going to Norfolk Island in Sept. and I want to spend up big on the duty free. I'll have to see how things pan out. My sister hasn't mentioned yet if she is going. She belongs to Cooma Day & evening clubs. She is a glutton for punishment ha ha ha:) Did you like my mask? I think I might wear it into the 'corner' sometimes so they don't know who I am :))) Hi Lara we have a jacaranda tree which refused to flower at all. So last winter I bashed the living daylights out of it with a rubber mallet. Also put loads of potash around the drip line. Lo and behold....this last burst into bloom! It probably had more to do with the fact we didn't put nitrogen on the lawn around the tree and the potash helped it flower. That's hubby's idea anyway. I still prefer to think it was the fact that I threatened to cut it down if it didn't flower. The spud diet sounds good but don't think I'll need it next week. I'm going for the dreaded....... 'look up your future with a rubber hose with a camera attached!'. The preparation for that is enough to make anyone lose weight! Thanks for the tip about Polly waffles. Couldn't find them at Woolies so will try Coles. We have one at Robina and one at Worongary. Surely I will get them somewhere. I will need a special treat after next Tuesday. Dancing with the stars............Simone Warne? Poor woman, dill of a husband and her private life spread all over the media but does this make her a star? It certainly doesn't make her a good dancer. Kate Langbrook? TV and radio personality so I guess she is a 'star' but once again.....not a dancer! Her argument with Tod McKenny, I'm sure is only to beat up interest in the show. Am I being cynical?? Oh b****r looks as if it is going to rain and I have a line full of washing. See y'all later. Trifley.


Lewella Report 9 Mar 2006 06:38

Afternoon Friends. Hey WT, can I be a bear too? I bloody sick of shaving my legs!!! Aaawww, Tony, you old smoothly. Now we know what Barbs sees in you. Happy Anniversary. Jude, what do you mean you didn't make it to through the Factory. Girl, you were on a mission, an important mission from NC. Now we're gonna hear it from the Poms!!!!!!! Off to the NC for you and don't come out until you're called. *gives Jude a smack on the way through* Wilson, you're a disappointment to the female race! lol. Imagine going shopping without your purse. It should be permanently attached!!!! S'pose, it could have been a trial run for heavy duty shopping. Lew Lew xxx

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 9 Mar 2006 06:52

G'day all, and Happy Anniversary To Tony and Barb and congratulations I bet you bought Barb something nice Tony or have promised something duty free when she takes you to Scotland (or Barb could change her travelling companion you know, 13th Anniversary that's Diamonds isn't it? big one's hehhe. Laurie glad to hear you are not up to the armpits in snow how's the cold weather going is it bad or are you aclimatised now ? Reb you are a worry soon as I read that poem about being a bear, I had an awful feeling someone was going to refer to that pig and I should have known who it would be you are IncorrigiRebel for sure lol pmslwrotf P.S. please what scarf's are we talking about??? says she the sticky nose You should have called in to the female factory Judy2 the fudge is to die for from there, have a nice time at Port Fairy and I hope Geelong wins too, makes my life so much happier if they do as far as two happy fellars in the house. Wilson join the club mate yes it can happen gradually over the years and peaks at my age I think lol Lew thank heaven for you it wasn't EZY HOMES( NOT )you got as they are criminals and I'm glad you havn't had anything to do with them. I am anxious to see your hse and pool too the pavers around the pool big job done too mike is still struggling along finished all the brick walls and done half the bullnose coping ones around the pool because the pool is sort of kidney shaped each one has to be cut first glued and then very carefully grouted oh hell more patience than me, I have the people husband and wife team today putting up pool fences and gates looking good every little bits is toward the finish is what I keep saying as I try and get the red dust out of the house its no good should just leave it till it's finished get rid of one lot and Mike opens door and it all blows in again arrgh,. What is the eta of you moving in and the house warming please LOL Also Reb have my sewing machine ready and just a few projects lined uo for you when you get here very convient the machine is in the guest room. you made a mistake putting dress on photos girl you have shown all how very clever you are I do know that it is appreciated, and gives you much pleasure. ok all I'm off again into the pool while sun still out bye for now love Lara


Trifley Report 9 Mar 2006 07:05

OK.....where is that cat?? I've just walked past the fish tank and done a head count. The clown loach is missing! We only got it 2 days ago 'n now it's gone!


Unknown Report 9 Mar 2006 07:15

I'm relieved I lived up to expectations Lara babe. I'd hate to disappoint you. lol!! Miss Nosey, Jood and I both ordered a scarf from the manless one. Pink fluffy eyelash wool. Bet the girl will steal mine. lol!! Trifley, no idea where the cat is, haven't seen her all day. Guilty conscience?


Lewella Report 9 Mar 2006 07:31

Too much catnip in the NC, me thinks!!! Lew Lew


Judy Report 9 Mar 2006 07:54

My scarf is going to be a pretty pale blue and lemon mixed. Its done in the eyelash wool, I'm told. I gotta get Reb's down to her at Y/wonga, hoping Laurie will come to my aid - or Shazz. Jood


Anna Report 9 Mar 2006 08:01

Hello everyone Happy anniversary to you Happy anniversary to you Happy anniversary dear Tony and Barb Happy anniversary to you. Oh Tony - what a martyr Barb must be to put with you!! If I were Barb, I'd have your guts for garters!! Methinks you are all talk and would never be so ungentlemanly to your fair lady!! Glad to hear Laurie is alive and well amidst the snow in Germany. Our daughter used to kill herself laughing along the autobahn in Germany - there were signs everywhere saying 'Ausfahrt'. She wouldn't accept it meant 'Exit.' Jude - wot?? you didn't go to the chocolate factory?? That's enough to get you banished to the naughty corner for life - and don't think anyone will give you any chocolate there! You'll be on house keeping duties only. Trifley - a bear sounds good to me. A bear with attitude sounds even better! Loved your photos! Lew - looking forward to the photos of your house - sounds great. ARe you on water restrictions down there or do you have tanks or what? I'd hate to be trying to establish new gardens up here at the moment. Our dam is down to 25 per cent and they are warning us we will be getting dirty water through our taps soon. Oh joyous thought! Went on our Thursday bush walk this morning - it was soooo hot! Had to have a coffee and cake to recover!! Lara - sounds as if your pool is almost finished - should look great. Hi to everyone else - have a good evening. Hubby and daughter watch Lost tonight which I'm not into so I may look for some more long lost rellies!' Cheers Anna