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ADD YOUR LINE TO OUR RHYME from A to Z you'll do j

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Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 2 Sep 2006 17:00

My little dog is just the same when she gets wet She hates the towel, shakes so much we all get wet Now, cats, I’ve never had, but guess they must be fun In this house I fear, our little bitch is number one On my bed she sleeps at night, snug as can be And when its morning we share a cup of tea


Joy Report 2 Sep 2006 17:45

Keep those colleagues in their place, Dee, time and again I've ranted it's conscientious ones like us that get taken so for granted! Life's too short, as Barbara says, to let things make us frown, Ron's thread's the place to chill us out as we wolf his choccies down ( -:


TheBlackKnight Report 2 Sep 2006 17:51

Please don't mind me i'm not here to stay I'm off out soon for time to play Quick Look (Ron grabs some beer from in here) I'm off out but i promise i'll have a great time there. lol


Joy Report 2 Sep 2006 18:01

Pushing on with the letter P sorry for the double wammee! Quite don't know how we managed to reverse alpha sequence of our verse - lol! xx

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 2 Sep 2006 18:07

Ron's wine and chocs have gone to my head (or maybe it was the smell of his socks instead) So Joy we now seem back on line I'm sure things will now be fine ;-)))


Joy Report 2 Sep 2006 22:59

Ta for that, Dee, just popped in to see if Barbara managed to sell her moggy. U can be sure that girl is joking - who'd wanna buy a cat that's soaking?


**chrispy** Report 2 Sep 2006 23:31

Very pleased to see Dee is better (even though I am approaching THAT letter!) What would we do if you couldn't let off steam And have a moan to your rhyming team Xtremely tired and I am late on this thread And by the way Dee, my dog sleeps on my bed. You only understand if you are a dog lover and don't mind odd muddy paw marks on the cover. ZZZZZzzzzzzz usually means someone is asleep. so off to my bed I will creep.


TheBlackKnight Report 3 Sep 2006 09:05

A splitting hangover i have got did i have fun? oh yes a lot But don't ask how i got home first thing i saw was my telephone Clearly it's a brand new day so i think i best be on my way


**chrispy** Report 3 Sep 2006 23:29

Deary me Ron, what a to do. You really must have had a few!!

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 4 Sep 2006 06:43

Each day I pop in here to have a peep I usually smile, but sometimes weep ‘Fraid that Ron had too much to drink is he sober yet do you think? Good grief Joy, Barbara sell her cat? I do so hope it won’t come to that Hope Chrispy that all’s well with you Us dog lovers have such a lot to do In all weathers we walk our pets Feed them, bath them, take them to the vets Just so’s we can have good company A little head resting on our knee Kitted out in our waterproofs Eagerly waiting for excited ‘woofs’ Life is so much happier when you have a dog (but we musn’t forget Barbara’s poor old mog!!) ;-))))


**chrispy** Report 4 Sep 2006 22:01

Must tell you about our lovely day Walking round a sunlit bay. Next to the beach our lunch we ate A happier day you couldn't get. On to the sand my dog ran with glee Racing along the edge of the sea. Photographed the dunes, the shells, the sea A good day away with my family.


Barbara Report 4 Sep 2006 22:26

Queing up tomorrow to send a child to school I dont think she is happy but going is the rule Rushing to set the alarm clock not her that is, but me this education business wrecks her social life you see......

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 6 Sep 2006 10:27

Sad to see this thread had sunk so low we really don't want to see it go


Barbara Report 6 Sep 2006 10:31

Trying to avoid the housework I think I'll turn my back I think the cat is laughing alack alack alack See, no one else will do it but do they really care? I'll tell 'em its this years fashion look loads of dust everwhere


**chrispy** Report 8 Sep 2006 19:56

Upset that I could not add a rhyme or two last night Something had happened on GR and blocked me from this site. Very pleased to return and read the lines from Barbara and Dee Where has everyone else gone like Joy and Dorothy G?

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 8 Sep 2006 20:10

Well Chrispy I am here not going far , don't you fear

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 8 Sep 2006 20:15

Xpletives I hear coming from you XYZ, you will not do Yes well, I'm not keen either but I will, if it will please yer Zipping off now, really must go but pleased, dear Chrispy, that you did show ;-))


TheBlackKnight Report 8 Sep 2006 20:55

Amazed at what i do see only been away a little whila me Back am i the site has now fallen apart now thats not an ideal start. lol Crispy and all good to see your still here come on then lets have a beer

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 8 Sep 2006 21:09

Delighted to see you Ron, the drinks are on me Please have a wine or beer, all are free


Joy Report 8 Sep 2006 22:39

Especially pleased to see you all the site last night was a sheer brick wall. Fear not my friends for Joy is back I thought we'd all been given the sack - lol.