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Marrying oneself

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Florence61 Report 20 Oct 2023 14:04

I have heard some interesting stories over the years but not a story about "marrying ones self".

A lady on the radio was explaining that she always wanted a big white wedding with all the trimmings etc and after failed relationships, she decided to marry herself! She had hours of hair and makeup, booked a private venue with a celebrant. Organised the evening reception.

She put her own wedding ring on her finger and then an engagement ring.
She didn't want any gifts just cards with congratulations inside.

As much as she saved and paid for this special day herself, I am finding it a little surreal and have never heard of anyone else doing this.

Has anyone on here come across this before?
What happens if you meet your dream partner afterwards? Would you legally have to divorce yourself???

Florence in the hebrides

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 20 Oct 2023 14:15

I saw mention of this online and found it rather sad.

Did the past relationships break down because she was over eager to mention the big wedding?
Was it obvious to the partners that the 'big day' was the aim rather than building a lasting relationship.?

No idea re. legal implications, but then there would be no relationship to break up would there, if she later met a suitable partner.

Was this America ?

No...I see it was UK !!


Rambling Report 20 Oct 2023 14:21

It does seem to be a 'thing' that's becoming more common,

Being single myself I have sometimes looked at dresses on brides and thought that would be nice, but I wouldn't marry me just for the dress, I annoy myself too much as it is ;-)

I don't feel the need to be "validated" by being married ( as per article) or by calling myself Mrs, ( though often people do call me Mrs regardless) .

But each to their own. i wouldn't ever have been one to spend a fortune on a wedding anyway, that's not the point of it to me. <3


Florence61 Report 20 Oct 2023 14:23

It was on Radio 2 this lunchtime with Jeremy Vine Gwyn. The lady was telling her story. She did say, she never wanted children so maybe that contributed as after a few months in a new relationship, maybe that conversation came up and the partner did not want kids?

I thought it was sad as well but I just couldn't see the point of it really and would have actually spent all the money on maybe a world cruise or something.

I'm sure it isn't actually recognized as a legal wedding because if it was, both parties have to sign the register? It will be recognized as a "civil ceremony" perhaps?


Florence61 Report 20 Oct 2023 14:27

Rambling, I think if it was just all about the day then really she didn't actually want to be married because there is more to marriage than the day itself.

I wouldn't mind meeting another partner and if it worked out, I would marry again but if I don't meet the right person, then so be it. I def wouldn't marry me :-D :-D


JustGinnie Report 20 Oct 2023 22:06

They did a storyline in the BBC show Doctors some time ago where the receptionist Valerie married herself and did similar things like the lady you are speaking of.

Personally I don't understand what it means and why do it but then I have been married for 54years so have never thought about it.
Each to their own as they say :-)


maggiewinchester Report 21 Oct 2023 22:09

It seems a bit sad to me, but then, I had a very small wedding, in a registry office, didn't wear white, and the 'guests' (workmates) turned up in their lunchtime! :-D

Why is the 'event' bigger than the reason?


Florence61 Report 21 Oct 2023 23:46

Oh Maggie, glad you posted. I was thinking hadnt seen you posting for awhile so hope all ok with you?
Yes exactly, i think the wedding day was the most important thing to her and not actually being married if that makes sense?

It doesnt matter how small your wedding is as long as the couple is happy and want to be together.