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Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da 2023

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LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Nov 2023 18:51

Well, here we are at Blackpool.I must say Angela Rippon hadn’t got a clue what she was supposed to be doing in that opening number


LindainHerriotCountry Report 13 Nov 2023 15:13

I am predicting that Angela will go next week without even knowing what she is dancing


JustGinnie Report 13 Nov 2023 14:51

Ann I thought the same about Angela R's Paso in the dance off. There isn't much time really between the main show and the results so I think that she may well be tired. I wonder what her next dance is .

Krishnan was really lovely.


MotownGal Report 13 Nov 2023 08:55

I thought Krishnan really upped his game in the dance off. Shirley said she would have saved him

He has such a lovely smile, and was very gracious indeed in losing. He is the true spirit of Strictly, someone who has had no experience and really had a good go. Lauren deserves praise too.

Off to the wild and cold coast of Blackpool. I just hope Storm Debi does not interfere with training. :-0


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2023 08:22

I don't know if it was me but I didn't think Angela's Paso was very good at all in the dance off. I really think she is tiring now and may well be the one to leave from Blackpool.


LondonBelle Report 13 Nov 2023 06:36

Well, I think we were all right about the dance had to be Krishnan :-(. I was sorry to see him go but so gracious....I will miss his lovely smile :-)

So onto Blackpool :-0 :-D


JustGinnie Report 12 Nov 2023 14:54

Loved Ellie, Annabelle, Angela S, and Nigel. Thought they all up their game.

Didn't like Angela R's Paso .

Layton was excellent but was expected and I do like him.

Think it will be Krishnan and Angela R in dance off and I would keep Krishnan :-D but don't think the judges will :-D


MotownGal Report 12 Nov 2023 11:19

I think we are mostly of the same opinion with the dances. but I am putting my twopennyworth in just the same. :-D

Although not technically correct, Krishnan always puts on a good show and is joyful in his dancing.

I think Bobby is in the running for winning along with Ellie. Both have very little experience but they are improving every week. Ellie especially. I too read something about her and Vito are growing close to each other. Hardly surprising when you are hour upon hour wrapped around each other.

Angela R did a lot of foot stamping, and skirt swishing, but I thought she looked a bit tired at the end of it.

Good on Annabelle to let herself go, she is very much supported by Johannes and it shows.

I agree, that eventually Layton will miss out. He has been in shows since he was young, and is a very accomplished dancer already.

Krishnan in the dance off but I dont know who with.


LondonBelle Report 12 Nov 2023 10:05

I agree with you both AnnG and Linda about Layton :-0. I too think that when it gets down to the nitty gritty Layton's dancing experience will go against him :-0

For me, Ellie is the front runner to hold up the Glitterball at the mo but there is still a long way to go:-D

I think even if Angela R is in the dance off with Krishnan she will be safe because, as someone mentioned last week, of her connection to the Blackpool Ballroom :-)

I do hope it is not two of the better dancers in the dance off :-0. I suspect Krishnan might have a large fan base, I hope not :-0 :-0. As Linda says he is now dancing at a lower level than the others :-(


LindainHerriotCountry Report 12 Nov 2023 09:30

I don’t think that Layton will win. I think the fact that he is a professional dancer is going to count against him. I think that Ellie stands a good chance of winning . She is improving every week and there are lots of stories about her blossoming relationship with Vito which the public always like.
I think that Krishnan will go if he ends up in the dance off as there is a noticeable difference between his level and the others.


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2023 08:50

I noticed that too Belle, I thought Craig was a bit aggressive with some remarks last night and even when he gave a good remark he has still held off with giving a 10. Sometimes I think he enjoys playing to the audience too much.

I agree with your very thorough remarks on the dances as well.
I loved Ellie's Rumba (No I don't normally like the dance either), And Nigel's couples choice.
Yes Layton's Argentine tango was excellent, but it had no surprises as, to me, he is a professional dancer. I am almost sure he will win the competition, but it will be the person who comes second that, to me will be the worthy winner. I suppose the voters may surprise us.
I liked Bobby's dance a lot and I thought Craig's remarks about his hands were petty.
Krishnan will probably be in the dance off which will be sad as he is so nice and sadly it will probably be Angela R as well. Two nice people but time to make way for the better dancers. It could be Angela S though as the second person.


LondonBelle Report 12 Nov 2023 06:40

Well they have all raised their game :-0.

I noticed that Craig didn't end on a positive note for both Bobbie and Angela S :-0

I loved Bobbie's dance and its story telling and I thought Angela S's waltz was both elegant and delightful, a great improvement on previous weeks:-)

I thought Ellie's dance was exceptional once again. I don't normally like the Rumba but on this occasion really enjoyed it :-D

I liked Nigel's Couples Choice, once again the storytelling was very good and it seemed to flow nicely and he looked very much the part :-D

It was good to see Annabel let her hair down with her Samba and I thought she had grown in confidence after last week :-). Johannes was his normal caring self couldn't be a better partner for her<3

Layton's Argentine Tango was very good but I wouldn't have expected anything less with his background of ballet and jazz :-0

There were parts of Angela R's Paso that I didn't care for, it did appear on occasions that Kai was having to lead her too much, it didn't flow :-(

So that leaves Krishnan :-). He has done very well but might have just reached his limit :-0

So my two for the dance off will be Krishnan and Angela R, with Krishnan to go :-(


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2023 11:45

Linda oh yes I wonder how the marks will go next week then. Her legs might save her if it is the salsa.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 6 Nov 2023 11:02

I think it was the right result as Adam didn’t really do much dancing in that routine. It wasn’t Angela R’s best routine though. It will be interesting to see how she copes with a faster dance next week as she has been protected from them so far, I think it is the salsa, but I may have heard it incorrectly. I bet they are really keen to keep her in next week so she can go to Blackpool and they can make a big thing about her commentating there in the past.


JustGinnie Report 6 Nov 2023 09:48

Well not as expected and I would have liked Adam to stay in but as said before he did seem tired .

I would like to see Angela S do a slow dance , has she done the Waltz yet I can't remember ?.

I think Angela R may well struggle with the Jive if she does it but she may surprise us .again.


MotownGal Report 6 Nov 2023 08:49

As usual, we do not know the actual voting figures do we? They are not published.

It has happened in the past that a better dancer has been pitched against a not so good dance. Maybe it is easier to make a decision.


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2023 08:18

I suspect Adam knew the result as soon as he knew who he was dancing against. But he did very well to get that far and he seems a nice person. I liked the way he knew his children would be upset and spoke to them through the camera /it is alright, Daddy is ok'.
Angela was no as good this week and obviously her fan base abandoned her. I thought the dress she wore was a bit odd somehow, it didn't help her usual portrayal of grace and 'floating' through the dance. Technically it was fine but it lacked something. I wonder if she is really getting tired now. I think a jive when she has to do it will be too much for her.


MotownGal Report 6 Nov 2023 08:09

Well we said Angela and Adam, but we got the wrong Angela! :-S

It was the right decision again, but I fear that Angela S will be going shortly too.

Nearing Blackpool so it will be more tough to stay in the game.


LondonBelle Report 6 Nov 2023 07:04

Well I was surprised to see Angela R in the dance off but in saying that if wasn't her best dance :-0

Out of the two Adam was the right choice as we had all said :-(. I think being in the dance off, like he was the previous week, does knock their confidence. Either they get stuck in a rut or it makes them do better, sadly for Adam it was the first :-(

So onto Week 8, the slate is wiped clean again :-D


JustGinnie Report 5 Nov 2023 17:24

Yes I read somewhere that Adam had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis .

I hadn't heard that Craig was retiring. Will miss him if he does.