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"Spring has sprung, the grass is ris ..."

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Rambling Report 3 Apr 2023 16:55

Hello, it's just over 2 years since I was last on the board, though I have looked in from time to time, sadly to see that some of the familiar names are no longer with us. Lovely to see those I know still posting and hope to chat with some of you about, well anything really.

Time slips away doesn't it and perhaps those of a certain age ( mine!) are even more aware of their own mortality, very sad and sobering to hear about Paul O' Grady. I've lost one family friend, one cousin and a very dear friend in the last few months so feeling a little less than optimistic. That's probably why the old chap who passed me hobbling up the very small hill today said "cheer up it may never happen", I replied "I think it already has!" and in a short chat on frailties found that his health was worse than mine so I was suitably chastened lol.

I hope the last years have been kind to you all, and that some of you found interesting family stories in the meantime? Looking back on a post I made 10 or so years ago on FA board, this week I completed the circle and solved who was who and why they were where they were. It's tinkering round the edges somewhat but still satisfying.

So Spring does seem to be here? Plants are all growing in the garden, sun is out today, though it is not warm in the shade. The long list of 'things to get done' just gets longer, so much so that son has a spreadsheet for them . :-)

Please say hello. :-)


ZZzzz Report 3 Apr 2023 17:25

We find with our limited abilitys we have to have help, gardener, ironer etc.

signs of age, but we are older, not old lol.


Rambling Report 3 Apr 2023 17:33

Hello ZZzzz, it's sensible when you can't do it yourself. I might get one of son's friends to do some decorating as though I always did it myself I just can't now. I don't iron any more unless absolutely essential, never did like it!


SuffolkVera Report 3 Apr 2023 18:15

Hello Rose,

Welcome back; it's lovely to see you on the boards again. I never liked ironing either and do less and less of it. I've just bought in a big load of washing from the line and I have put one thing in the ironing basket. That'll be it for this week.

Last year we had a decorator in for the first time ever, so yes we are definitely feeling our age (just celebrated our Diamond wedding anniversary), but we're still enjoying life so that's all that matters really.


ZZzzz Report 3 Apr 2023 18:27

Diamond wedding anniversary, well done to both of you x.


Rambling Report 3 Apr 2023 18:30

Nice to see you Vera, congratulations on your Diamond anniversary , that's splendid. :-)


SuffolkVera Report 3 Apr 2023 18:44

Thank you ZZzzz and Rose


Florence61 Report 3 Apr 2023 18:58

Hello Rambling, lovely to see you on here. Gosh, when I joined over10 years ago, you were on here often then along with many others who are sadly no longer with us.

I started a thread called the" chit chat "thread awhile ago where various people pop in and out and natter about anything and everything lol.

I'm still beavering away with 7 family trees and have made much progress in 10 years but still many loose ends to tie up as always.

In the last 3 years, I've had heart surgery, 2 strokes and now am paralyzed in me left leg!! We never know what's around the corner do we?

Anyway me brain is still working, so that's my saviour.

Hope you will be popping in regular to chat. So lovely to see you back on here.

Florence in the hebrides


Rambling Report 3 Apr 2023 19:18

Thankyou Florence, I will certainly pop in as often as I can.

I'm sorry that you have been so poorly.

At the very least working on trees does keep the brain ticking over and takes the mind off what one can't physically do. The more you find when searching it always leads to more questions I think, I'm not really any further back but I have gone sideways quite a bit lol.

The cat is sleeping half on the keyboard so I will have to go and do tea in the hope he will move when he hears plates.


nameslessone Report 3 Apr 2023 20:18

Good to see the Rose coming into bud again ;-)


AnninGlos Report 3 Apr 2023 20:38

Rose, hallo, so good to see a post from you on here., I have seen you of course on face book but it is good to see you here.
Yes today was very spring like, beautiful sunshine here but still a bit nippy. The garden suffered with the very low temps in March so quite a few plants lost but the daffs looked good and the tulips are in bud. Nature has a way of catching up. I just have to put on a spurt to get my side of the gardening in order, a lot of tidying and chopping back to do. :-)


LindainHerriotCountry Report 3 Apr 2023 21:35

Welcome back Rose, it is good to see you posting again.

The years have been kind to me, I am fit as a fiddle with glowing youthful skin….. Well in my head anyway :-( :-( When I look in the mirror, I just look like my mother did, old and wrinkled


JustGinnie Report 3 Apr 2023 21:46

Lovely to see you posting Rose.


Rambling Report 3 Apr 2023 22:11

Hello namelessone, Ann, Linda and Just Ginnie ~~~~~

Linda when I look in the mirror I see my mum also, but she looked younger than I do when she was older than I am!

Ann we had several days of snow in March so I was surprised that the daffs recovered, the only things that really suffered were a couple of broken down conifer branches from the weight of snow, and the fuchsia which I have cut back and it does seem to be getting leaf buds now.


LaGooner Report 3 Apr 2023 23:19

Welcome back Rose, I have an aged body but the mind of a 7 year old ;-) :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2023 00:30

Welcome back, Rose. It's lovely to see you posting again.

We're all getting older aren't we?? I'm still wondering where all the years went. We celebrated our 55th last year, my daughter has been married for 24 years this year, and will turn 50 next year. Her son turned 13 and is almost taller than I am (just has about half-an-inch to go). How did all that happen????

We managed to make the Christmas trip over to our daughter's in Nova Scotia last December, had not seen any of them since the end of December 2019. No need to explain!!

There was a lot of snow here over Christmas while we were away, but then we had more in February. But the snowdrops arrived on time, and the Forsythia was early. The Magnolias are opening, as are the street Cherry trees.

So spring is definitely springing!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 4 Apr 2023 06:28

Hello Rose

Nice to see you posting :-D


Rambling Report 4 Apr 2023 10:44

Hello LaGooner, Sylvia and Shirley, good to see you. ~~~~


MotownGal Report 4 Apr 2023 11:56

Morning RR.

Nice to see you again. :-D


Von Report 4 Apr 2023 13:30

Good to see you Rose. :-)